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Woodland Alarm Clock Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Woodland Alarm Clock, updated 4-22-2018

We Don’t Collect Personal Information!

Woodland Alarm Clock collects some diagnostic user data for the purposes of bugfixing and product development, which is aggregated to create metrics for measuring business goals.  WE CANNOT IDENTIFY YOU FROM THIS INFORMATION.  We do not collect any Personally Identifiable Information, or any information not related to this app!

Why do we collect diagnostic data?

We always want to improve our app to make sure you have the best possible experience!  If the app breaks, we need to know about it!  Also, it’s important for us to know how much each feature is used to help us decide what to work on next.

What we DO collect:

Each user is assigned a random alphanumeric codes to identify their app.  Certain other data is collected as well.  Here is a list, which is intended to be as exhaustive as possible, of the things we collect about each user:

We do not share this data with anyone!

How do we Identify You?

In short, WE CAN’T!  You can choose to identify yourself by sharing information with us via email!  When you submit a support request, the email will have device information automatically generated at the email footer.  We can then attempt to use this device information to match our diagnostic data, which will help us meet your support request!

We treat any email correspondence as confidential, and do not share it with any third parties.  We only use any email correspondence for business purposes (i.e. to address the customer’s questions and concerns that they bring to our attention in the email message).

Because we use a standard gmail account, we do not physically control the data.  The data is stored remotely on Google servers, which we request to access and update as needed (similar to anyone else using a remote email service).

How does the Data Collection work?

Woodland Alarm Clock collects and accesses user data via the Google Adsense API, Google Analytics API, and Google Firebase Analytics API.  

This means that we request Google to store the user data described above, and the data is stored on Google’s servers.  We then request to access the data for our internal business purposes (i.e. bugfixing and product improvement).

This data is stored by default for 26 months, then automatically deleted.

Your data belongs to YOU!  (Right to be Forgotten/Right to Erasure)

Simply request by email that you wish to be forgotten, and we will delete all email correspondence, which is the only way we have of identifying you (with the exception of a deletion “receipt”, or the existence of any legal or pay disputes, which would only apply in unusual circumstances).  

Personalized Ads

We also use the Google ad network to serve ads.  By default, these ads are personalized to give you the most relevant ad experience.  This involves storing a cookie on your device.  We have no direct control over what ads are shown.  We do not collect, monitor, process, or in any way control what ads are shown.

However, the personalized ads which we display reflect ad preferences and potentially personal information which Google has collected previously, and your use of our app will also update your ad history.

Furthermore, some of the ad data, including age, gender, and interests, is automatically recorded by Firebase Analytics, if the user previously supplied this information to Google.  However, this information can only be accessed in an anonymous, aggregated manner, and cannot possibly be extracted in such a way that can identify an individual.

Some people may have concerns about personalized ads.  If you choose to, you may opt out of personalized ads.

Here are a couple of links for adjusting ad personalization settings:

Your Rights under GDPR

We are committed to meeting the standards of privacy according to the new GDPR laws coming into force in the EU.

Each user has a right to privacy codified in the EU GDPR including:

By using this app, you agree to share any information that you email to us.  You also agree to provide anonymous information about your use of this specific app.  However, if you request, we can supply, or delete, any and all email correspondence, and thus any connection to the usage data, unless there is a grievance or legitimate reason for us to maintain the data.  

Anonymous analytics data is aggregated to break users into different groups for business purposes, such as country, device language, device models, software versions, and frequency of use.  This information is used to make business decisions in a semi-automated way.  This anonymous usage information cannot be traced to an individual.

Any analytics data is completely, totally anonymous, and is not connected to the individual in any way whatsoever.  There are, however, a randomly generated Device IDs that exists in the application data and cache.  Simply clearing the app’s data from the device settings will remove this Device ID.

You may also withdraw from this Privacy Policy at any time by simply uninstalling the app, at which point we can not and will not continue to collect data.

If you believes that we are unfairly handing your information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities.


Thank you for using your app!

We collect basic diagnostic data in order to eliminate bugs, maintain our product, and give you the best customer support and user experience possible!  (But we can’t EVER identify you without you first identifying yourself!)

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!


Mark Frick


Change Log:

4-30-2018: "Each user is assigned a random alphanumeric codes to identify their app.”  (“code” updated to “codes”, since we use two codes for each user, one in the app’s Shared Preferences, and one in the Analytics cookie.)

"Each user is assigned a random alphanumeric codes to identify their app.”  (“device” updated to “app”, since we don’t identify the actual device, just an instance of the app’s installation.)

Replaced “However, Google will be able to access your ad preferences and may be able to access demographic and possibly other information about you” with “However, the personalized ads which we display reflect ad preferences and potentially personal information which Google has collected previously, and your use of our app will also update your ad history.”  (This more accurately and completely explains our involvement in the ad process)

“There are, however, a randomly generated Device IDs that exists in the application data and cache.” (These are the two codes mentioned above, one in Shared Preferences, and one in the Analytics Cookie).

Added an additional information resource:

5-1-2018: “Furthermore, some of the ad data, including age, gender, and interests, is automatically recorded by Firebase Analytics, if the user previously supplied this information to Google.  However, this information can only be accessed in an anonymous, aggregated manner, and cannot possibly be extracted in such a way that can identify an individual.”