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0:32 Welcome to the castle super fite gaem cast~! Whats the deal with fighting games? You know, like airplane food.

 - 1:10 The worst thing that’s happened with “whats the deal with…?” jokes. Food in the sky tastes different.

 - 2:07 have fighting games gotten better since the days of the Seinfeld jokes? Theres even animes about girls getting gud at fite games. There’s a live action one now! Young ladies dont play fighting games.



4:15 woolie played a bit of street fighter VI this week. Went to capcom HQ this week and got to play the build. He did quite a lot in san francisco. A lot of people being aggressively friendly.

 - 6:21 human poop map

 - 7:30 had a great time checking out the game. Enjoying his one day in san francisco. Meeting people by them coming up and saying hi.

 - 9:33 the time period where he could play with the game

 - 11:27 already put out 3 videos. Putting out some more soon.

 - 12:00 weather is nice. The west coast is just nice in terms of weather.

 - 14:30 checking out the golden gate bridge. It was super foggy that day so the nice lady they talked to took them to a different spot.

 - 16:02 tasted a california street dog. Still not meat on a stick from brooklyn

 - 17:46 someone walks up and has a chat. Got a flying for a library over in oakland. On MLK boulevard.

 - 19:44 alcatraz is just right there. And face/off. Perhaps it should have been in space.

 - 22:19 the documentary about the golden gate bridge as a suicide spot. On thoughts after surviving an attempt.  

 - 25:47 San Francisco's park that’s comparable to central park.

 - 26:58 checking out japantown. And more on people being aggressively pleasant

29:10 street fighter VI. checking out characters. Checking out the full movelist for the characters. Going through the tutorials and checking out JP. all those bison backups for nothing, huh?

 - 32:00 JP looks like he’ll be a problem. You will be fighting a lot of JPs. he has a lot of tools. Feels like a boss character.

 - - 34:52 the reversal is insane. And his level 3.  

 - - 36:35 the other levels. An anime character dropped into street fighter.

 - - 37:45 SNK boss syndrome

 - 38:32 just going to do a stream discussing what he saw.

 - 39:20 pat checking out the footage. Seeing blanka now and how he’s changed over time. Blanka cant go through fireballs anymore with the blanka ball.

 - 42:25 screen pollution.

 - 43:47 blanka is far from the most annoying you’ll fight. Lots of other types of oppression here. Have you seen cammy?

 - 45:00 everyone seeming to have everything they’ve ever had. New characters having a bunch of BS, and new characters abusing new systems. Marisa and punishing drive impacts. Being a bully

 - 48:10 lily hawk. Her wind charges buffing her moves.

 - 50:05 Zangief has no green hand, but he doesn't need it. He can move now.

 - 53:10 this is the best launch street fighter has ever had. No more mash inputs.

 - 54:40 Dee jay winning every fireball war. Going through fireballs and being able to dodge shoryus.  

 - 56:17 manon’s command grab and you are getting grabbed.

 - 57:17 the music is great and the style of the game is real nice.

 - 58:30 pat watching marisa ignore the drive system

 - 59:21 scaling on parry damage. Everything being mostly minus. Parrying something large vs. parrying a jab.

 - 1:03:15 you take more damage if you get thrown while in parry state.


1:05:14 cassette beasts. It's really good. Its not pokemon. Definitely not pokemon.

 - 1:06:46 cooler than temtem. Remixing things in interesting ways. 2 v 2, and interesting type interactions that are unique. Buffing and debuffing types based on interactions

 - 1:10:03 pokeballs are cassette tapes, and shinies are bootlegs. Bootlegs are variations. And how moves work. Moving around moves.

 - 1:13:19 any hybrid types? How typing works. Dual types are fusions.  

 - 1:15:50 evolutions. Ascend or return to the earth? Some have multiple evolution paths.

 - 1:18:30 the gyms here and the team rocket equivalent. Dynamic roaming bosses.

 - 1:20:06 how to catch them, getting a percentage on catching. You can not kill while recording.

 - 1:21:25 running into wild monsters that are teams at times.

 - 1:22:00 its got a great soundtrack. Times and places where the lyrics kick in

 - 1:23:28 the difficulty slider

 - 1:24:50 drop-in co-op, woolie asks if trading is a thing, the price point, and who it was made by. Made primarily by two guys. Total staff of 4.  

 - 1:25:55 temtem following pokemon, cassette beasts improving on it. Remember palworld?

1:27:30 strayed lights. Described as sekiro and the blind forest. Pat describes it as Peanut butter and eggs. The mashup doesnt work.

 - 1:29:04 the feeling of parrying is not good enough. The music is too chill for what is happening  

 - 1:31:00 the attacking is just an attack button, pat finding himself very bored.

 - 1:32:13 woolie recalls mortal shell

1:34:20 Jedi survivor- wait, woolie played king of the castle! The nature of your audience. Woolie losing to the worst faction, the barons.

 - 1:36:17 confusing on the first go around

 - 1:37:33 woolie feeling the game favors the streamer’s loss. Updating the game to make the game a bit more even. Woolie wanting a bit more control.

 - 1:39:24 pat on the one time he won. Getting people to sabotage each other.

 - 1:41:33 rigging polls

 - 1:42:40 the biggest thing pat learned: you can only decrease a stat by one. Gotta delay. Wanting it to be percentage based

 - 1:44:16 some things just to make stuff harder. Reverse voting.

 - 1:45:32 the one big problem: the application doesnt work on mobile. And personal gold and memory logged through games.  

 - 1:47:25 the name will be forgotten since its super generic. Storm gate

1:49:08 jedi survivor. Got a code for playstation and PC. the game is wildly fucked up. The worst triple A pc port. Pat has a new scale: how hot the room gets. His PC was running at 100% the whole time.

 - 1:52:13 the PS5 version to compare. Its 155 gigs btw.

 - 1:53:24 streamed it for 2 days. There’s probably a good game in there. Hard to separate it from how screwed it is optimization wise. People could hear his computer whirring trying to run it.

 - 1:54:41 another talk on the console version. Has screen tearing and no real framerate.

 - 1:55:26 the animations are terrible. Doing naruto runs with lightsabers

 - 1:56:05 how’s fallen order on PC? The apology letter. “You seem to have bypassed certain story elements.”

 - - 1:58:18 how woolie would have handled seeing such a message in QA

 - - 2:00:15 pat wants to see the cross section on ‘building a system to try and fix it after the bug happened’ and ‘not being able to fix it at all.’ And the clean save from the backup of the system was also broken

 - - 2:03:21 if the game ran well pat would probably enjoy it. A reminder it costs 10 dollars more.

 - 2:05:05 its hilarious in its predictability

 - 2:07:52 finding beards and hairstyles in chests. Pat feeling he cant give the game a fair shake.

 - 2:09:25 there was a patch recently. The first of many patches. If this is the case, why not just delay it for a few months…?

 - 2:11:36 FFXVI has been content done for a year. Its having a year of polish, as comparison. This is the worst PC port of the year, but then you have to remember redfalls pc port.

 - - 2:12:51 going a bit further into redfall’s PC port. Even if it was cleaned up the game itself isnt great. Jedi survivor at least seems to have a good game under it.

 - - 2:16:08 redfall also got a patch. Still needs more patches.  

 - 2:17:10 the quality you can expect from EA and bethesda for charging you 10 dollars more. And games that cost 70 dollars. Comparing the big money 1st party games to the 3rd party ones.  

 - - 2:19:02 on this genre and everything needing to be compared to L4D2. whats the real successor to it? Deep rock galactic?

 - - 2:19:55 theres a study that says the 10 dollars extra does hurt sales.


 - - 2:22:50 pair price creep up with quality.

 - - 2:24:20 a world of great indies

 - - - 2:26:31 go buy 15 copies of vampire survivors, the soon to be hit TV series.

2:28:30 last epoch. Its just diablo but not diablo. It starts out with one cool button to push tho, but you level pretty fast and get the fancy stuff soon enough.

 - 2:30:50 its early access. You can FEEL it. A bug where you cant pick up stuff off the floor

2:31:41 grim dawn. Going into the config file and scaling up the UI. an alt universe diablo 3.

2:33:39 honkai star rail. Space and persona battles. The tutorial and the free roll it gives you.

 - 2:35:20 mihoyo’s various games.

 - 2:36:54 its actually excellent. The only complaint is its gacha

 - 2:37:55 how much of these games are enjoyable if you pay only a little or dont pay at all? Explaining pity systems

 - - 2:41:54 the star rating being generally the strength

2:43:33 go check out pat over at patstaresat! And why pat picked up star rail: he doesnt play marvel snap anymore  

 - 2:44:31 woolie and teppen: getting vergil made him not want to keep grinding since he got what he want.



2:50:13 vampire survivors animated TV series. “The most important part is the story.” Theres still no vampire in vampire survivors yet btw.

 - 2:52:15 what its one of those flash sprite stories? But what about if they just animate it badly but they just keep adding more effects to it? How about shitty bayo showing up?

 - 2:54:21 its the 5th best reviewed game on steam. Better than hades.

2:54:59 microsoft acquisition of bethesda is halted. The UK is halting it because of cloud gaming monopoly.

 - 2:57:27 they dont believe them on still supporting nintendo in the future. Entering into the agreement while they were being investigated.

 - 2:59:43 cant they just withdraw from that market? And Kotick throwing a tantrum over this.

 3:01:48 king of the hill comes back. Moving forward in time, KotH shippuden

 - 3:03:44 there’s more Dales now. Striking while the show is propane hot. The show still having staying power.

 - 3:05:52 peggy interacting with jonesy when? Peggy sucks so bad.

 - 3:07:11 if bill’s still alive pat will shit

3:09:10 gran turismo, the movie. Going from playing games to real drivers as a film. Neill Blomkamp is directing.

 - 3:11:31 remember when they had the whole ‘no damage on cars’ thing? Need the name brands

3:13:06 pat’s playing tape to tape this week

3:13:28 a fluff video for mortal kombat. Another universal reset by fire god liu kang. Remember the 90s and how great they made it then?

 - 3:16:37 pats opinion: they should just give up on making a story.

 - 3:18:19 ed boon constantly trolling. Remember all the jobbers?


3:20:52 emails! Send your emails to! And woolie forgot to look at the armored core footage. Pat describes what he saw.

 - 3:23:20 woolie decides to look at it.

 - 3:26:00 armored core sekiro

3:27:34 have you ever played a game and regretted not playing a game a certain way on the first playthrough?

3:34:45 have you heard of not tetris 2?

3:37:56 an update on uwe boll

3:41:45 have a good week

3:41:48 END OF PODCAST: end of theme of slayer; korean