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Office Work Part I
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“I can’t do this anymore!” Your wife huffs, exasperated as she falls into the couch next to you after a long day of work.

“In a couple of years I’ll be partner, and you won’t have to-”

“But it’s torture!” Your wife cuts you off, “And he won’t even let me quit- I don’t know what to do!!”

“If it’s really so bad, just let me take over your body for tomorrow and I’ll take care of this asshole.” You plead lovingly as you stroke her brown hair, hoping to take care of Melanie’s issue so she could stop stressing about work.

“Fine.” Your wife agrees, kissing you on the cheek as you turn on the tv.

The next morning your wife wakes you up early, right at the time she has to get up to prepare for work. Being a man has some excellent perks, and you never take the extra sleep you’re privileged for granted.

“May as well start the day for me, right?” She smiles cheerfully, excited to put you through the litany of getting ready in the morning as a woman.

It takes little more than a second to focus and swap souls, a smirk on your now pouting lips as you access your wife’s talents, skills, and knowledge. It shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes to get showered and freshened up, then another twenty for makeup and-

Oh god, you have nothing to wear!

“Don’t worry…” Your partner chuckles as if they’re reading your mind, “I didn’t even get into the office with my dress on yesterday, you can just wear it again.”

You don’t know whether to be furious or thankful, emotions still a bit different than you’re used to as your mind acclimates to a female body.

The morning rushes by, and two hours pass before you can actually leave for the office. The drive over is uneventful, and even getting to your desk seems less exciting than your wife makes it sound like. Then her boss, Mr Cooper approaches, and you feel the aura shift.

Everything seems to speed up a bit as he comes closer, a knowing grin on his handsome face as he saddles up onto your desk. Your clothes start to feel a bit tighter, and you feel your dress start to separate at your hips; hips that push into the arms of your chair as your ass presses deeper into its seat.

“How’s it going, sir?” You ask meekly, voice a lot more raspy than you expect it to be.

It’s fine. I know what you did with your wife this morning, and I don’t appreciate it, dude.

I’m not changing a thing about what I do today, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now I’ll show you a little taste of what today will be like, and if I feel like it I might even make you both forget about swapping souls!” Mr Cooper laughs, striking you with fear as you realize he’s a One Percenter- Wizards with powers most only encounter once in a lifetime, all of which have zero morals from the inebriation of power…

How could this possibility not have occurred to you??

“Wha- what did you do to me??” You demand, skin stretching as the fabric stretched across your chest begins to tear.

“Don't worry about it. Just make sure to take off that shirt, quick! It’s gonna be way too small soon, you old hag!!” Mr Cooper chuckles, eyes glowing gold as your hardening nipples begin to show through.

With seemingly no other choices, you resort to taking off the new top that’s tight enough to hurt your torso.

The feeling of B cup breasts bouncing around freely in the morning was jarring, but the heavy globes that drop as you pick up your shirt are enough to immediately strain your back.

“You really don’t look as excited as I thought someone flashing at work might be, this doesn’t turn you on at all?” Mr Cooper asks with a grin, eyes glowing again as your nipples tingle.

“This is embarrassing enough already!” You protest, trying to ignore the increasingly pleasurable sensations trickling down to your core.

“I’m not gonna stop, and I think you know this is gonna go pretty far.” Mr Cooper warns, “I won’t let you prevent me from having my fun, so get ready for a long day ahead…”

You keep your moans nearly silent as your aged fingers manipulate your screaming nipples, not wanting to give your tormentor satisfaction by actively fighting his powers. You can feel the wrinkles on your face twist shamefully as the crotch of Mr Cooper’s pants bulges with an erection, but you can’t give him even an inch.

“I am.” You finally reply, answering almost a full minute after the question was asked.

“Aging you a couple of decades really took you out of it, huh?” Mr Cooper opines, “Does time seem to go faster now? Is it harder to keep track of?

Every living second is just a fraction of our total lifespan, and you’re clearly not used to those fractions shrinking. If I keep you like this, the day will pass without a second thought- maybe I should make you younger to stretch this out?”

You remain silent, arousal building in your loins as you continue to play with your grateful breasts. Mr Cooper never stopped increasing the sensations, and it’s getting hard to focus on anything else as your breathing picks up. You writhe in your chair, thighs rubbing together restlessly as your womanhood moistens and begins to feel empty.

“Yeah, let’s get some boredom into you, and make that arousal a bit less… direct.” Mr Cooper trails off, eyes golden as you see the blonde in your periphery turn back to dark brown.  

Time slows down again, but crawls at a pace you want to explode out of. Mr Cooper’s movements seem a lot less graceful to you now, but he’s still just as handsome…

You feel the fabric of your pants rub together as you bite your lip, the desire to see your own face growing as a draft hits your tummy.

You never wanted to take a selfie so bad, and the handsome man standing over you just muddies your judgment even further. Your senses fog as your lacy panties dampen, and you rush to the bathroom in an attempt to save face.

You can’t even remember where you are as you take out your phone, camera open and pointed at the bathroom mirror before you even look at the screen. You then spend the next ten minutes posing and angling your camera, not satisfied till you find the perfect angle to capture your cuteness.

‘Feeling kinda cute! ❤️’ You type out, sending out the video and a couple of pictures before leaving the bathroom.

It only takes a few seconds to get a response, and you check it immediately. It’s from ‘Hubby’, and you have a little trouble understanding ‘What is he doing to u??? Please don’t tell me it’s over already!!’ means…  

You check the time, hoping to be at lunch already- but you only got to the office twenty minutes ago…

Part 2 coming soon!

Sorry for the long delay and short story update!

I’ve just been exhausted after my move but I’m gonna try to pump out a few stories over the next few days! 🥰