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Safeguarding & Health and Safety Information
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Welcome to Ashburnham Community School

Safeguarding and Health and Safety Information for visitors and volunteers

All staff and visitors have a responsibility for safeguarding our pupils. To ensure this, we ask the following:  

Safe working at Ashburnham


Senior Leadership Team at Ashburnham

Kate Webster

(Head of School & DSL)

Jonny East

 (Deputy Head & DDSL)

Cordelia Chu (Assistant Head)

Vicky Smith

 (Assistant Head)

Amy Formosa

(EYFS Lead)

Alvaro Garcia

(PE Lead)

Alyssa Flegg

(Pastoral Lead)

Mon, Tues, Weds & Fri

Monday - Friday

Mon, Tues, Weds & Fri

Monday - Weds

Tuesday - Friday

Monday - Friday

Wednesday - Friday

Health and safety guidelines


The school office is located at the front of the school at the entrance just off King’s Road. On arrival, you will be asked to sign in and given a visitor’s badge which you must wear at all times. If you do not have a valid DBS, you must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.


Contractors or external visitors attending to carry out maintenance and other works must liaise with our Site Manager to go through the scope of the work and any fire precautions, risks and control measures required.


Please remember to close all access key doors and gates behind you to ensure the security of all children, staff and visitors.

First Aid

If a child you are working with becomes unwell, please alert a member of staff, who will follow our first aid procedures.

If you have an accident or feel unwell, please alert a member of staff  who will direct  you to one of our first aiders. All accidents or ‘near misses’ must be reported to the school office where details will be recorded.

To call for first aid help if you are alone, call  0207 352 5740 and the school office will send a first aider to you as soon as possible.

Fire Safety

On discovering  a fire:

On hearing the fire alarm:

Our Safeguarding Policy can be found here: CP and safeguarding Policy