Choices And Consequences Worksheet

Scenario Reflections

1. The Friend's Dilemma

  • Imagine a friend has offered you a chance to make quick money through a risky investment.

Reflective Question: What choice would you make and why? List the potential consequences of this decision.

2. The Late Night Project

  • You have an important project due tomorrow, but you're feeling tired, and there's a movie you want to watch tonight.

Reflective Question: How do you decide what to do? What are the consequences of prioritizing the movie over the project?

3. The Truth or Lie Situation

  • You've accidentally broken a coworker's item. You can confess, apologize, or say nothing and possibly never be found out.

Reflective Question: What choice seems more appealing to you? What might happen as a result of each choice?

Personal Choice Reflections

1. Reflect on a Past Decision

  • Think of a significant choice you made in the past year.

Reflective Question: Analyze the consequences of this choice. How did it impact your life and the lives of others?

2. Daily Decisions

  • Consider the small choices you make daily, like what to eat, which route to take to work, or how to spend your free time.

Reflective Question: Pick one and discuss what factors influence these decisions. Are the consequences significant?

Future Planning

1. Anticipating Consequences

  • Think of a big decision you'll need to make soon.

Reflective Question: List the potential outcomes. How will each choice impact your future?

2. Setting Goals

  • Choose a personal or professional goal you have.

Reflective Question: What choices must you make to achieve this goal? What obstacles or consequences might you face?


  1. Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders. New York: International Universities Press.
  2. Scott, J. (2000). Rational Choice Theory. Understanding Contemporary Society: Theories of the Present.

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.

Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counselor.

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