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Box Partner Guidelines 



Brand Partner Requirements        3

Brand Partner Account Setup        3

Supplier Code of Conduct        3

Product Liability Insurance Requirements        7

Ethical Production Requirements        7

Non-Compliance Penalties        9

Materials Requirements        10

Sustainable Materials        10

Beauty & Fragrance        10

Materials Regulations        13

Product Safety Regulations        15

Consumer Product Safety Act        15

California Appliance Efficiency        16

Textile Flammability        16

Stuffed Articles Registration        16

Voluntary Industry Safety Standards        17

Children’s Products        17

Trade Compliance        19

Entry Requirements        19

Country of Origin        19

Product Integrity        21

Product Information Sheet        21

Product Category Guidelines        21

Product Testing Requirements        21

Product Artwork & Labeling        22

Quality Assurance        22

Product Lifecycle        24

Transportation        26

International Shipments        26

Receiving Guidelines        26

Carton Guidelines        27

Pallet Guidelines        27

Packing List Requirements        28

Supplier Acknowledgment        29

 Brand Partner Requirements

Alltrue’s mission is to lead and inspire a sustainable way to offer better products for a better world. Since 2014, we have had the opportunity to work with incredible partners to make

a real impact in the industry and continue to get closer to realizing that mission.

Alltrue is committed to achieving fair, safe and healthy working conditions throughout our

supply chain, and minimizing environmental impact. This guide outlines our standards and

expectations for partners to do just that. We seek to partner with suppliers who share a common vision of sustainability, accountability and transparency.

Brand Partner Account Setup

To initiate a business relationship with Alltrue, new suppliers will be asked to provide the following:

  1. Executed Vendor Agreement, including Code of Conduct
  2. Company information via Supplier Profile, including all production locations
  3. Supplier Questionnaire
  4. Certificate of Product Liability Insurance coverage
  5. For suppliers in the United States, W-9 Form
  6. For suppliers outside the United States, Ethical Audit reports for each production location

Suppliers may submit updates to company information, including contacts, payments, and production locations to Alltrue at  

Supplier Code of Conduct

Alltrue is committed to conducting business in an ethical and legal manner that protects workers and the environment. With respect for cultural differences worldwide, Alltrue expects its business partners to share and support a positive social, ecological, and economic model for trade. Our Code of Conduct references the Global Social Compliance Program’s (GSCP) Code of Conduct which represents international standards for fair labor conditions and fundamental labor rights.

All our suppliers must commit to adhering to our Code of Conduct. Requirements in our Code of Conduct apply to the whole supply chain, including sub-suppliers and subcontractors. Standards in our Code of Conduct equally apply to permanent, temporary, and agency workers, as well as piece-rate, salaried, hourly, part time, night workers, homeworkers, young workers and migrant workers.

  1. Forced, bonded, indentured and prison labor:
  1. All work must be conducted on a voluntary basis, and not under threat of any penalty or sanctions.
  2. The use of forced or compulsory labor in all its forms, including prison labor is prohibited.
  3. Our Suppliers shall not require workers to make deposits/ financial guarantees and shall not retain identity documents (such as passports, identity cards, etc.) nor withhold wages outside a legal contractual agreement.
  4. Bonded labor is prohibited. Our suppliers shall not use any form of bonded labor nor permit or encourage workers to incur debt through recruitment fees, fines, or other means.
  5. Indentured labor is prohibited. Our suppliers shall respect the right of workers to terminate their employment after reasonable notice. Our suppliers shall respect the right of workers to leave the workplace after their shift.
  1. Child labor:
  1. Our suppliers shall comply with:
  1. the national minimum age for employment;
  2. or the age of completion of compulsory education;
  3. or any otherwise specified exceptions; and shall not employ any person under the age of 15, whichever of these is higher. If, however, local minimum age law is set at 14 years of age in accordance with developing country exceptions under ILO Convention 138, this lower age may apply.
  1. Our suppliers shall not recruit child labor nor exploit children in any way. If children are found to be working directly or indirectly for the supplier, the latter shall seek a sensitive and satisfactory solution that puts the best interests of the child first.
  2. Our suppliers shall not employ young workers under 18 years of age at night, or in conditions which compromise their health, their safety or their moral integrity, and/or which harm their physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
  1. Discrimination, harassment and abuse:
  1. Our suppliers shall respect equal opportunities in terms of recruitment, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement.
  2. Our Suppliers shall not engage in, support or tolerate discrimination in employment including recruitment, hiring, training, working conditions, job assignments, pay, benefits, promotions, discipline, termination or retirement on the basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, caste, social background, diseases, disability, pregnancy, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in worker organizations including unions, political affiliation, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics.
  3. Our suppliers shall treat all workers with respect and dignity.
  4. Our suppliers shall base all terms and conditions of employment on an individual’s ability to do the job, not on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs.
  5. Our suppliers shall not engage in or tolerate bullying, harassment or abuse of any kind.
  6. Our suppliers shall establish written disciplinary procedures and shall explain them in clear and understandable terms to their workers. All disciplinary actions shall be recorded.
  1. Health and safety:

Provisions under Health and Safety shall be further defined to cater for specific conditions and related hazards pertaining to different industries, in accordance with the relevant applicable Health & Safety principles:

  1. Our suppliers shall provide safe and clean conditions in all work and residential facilities and shall establish and follow a clear set of procedures regulating occupational health and safety.
  2. Our suppliers must take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment. Appropriate and effective personal protective equipment shall be provided as needed.
  3. Our suppliers shall provide access to adequate medical assistance and facilities.
  4. Our suppliers shall provide all workers with access to clean toilet facilities and to drinkable water and, if applicable, sanitary facilities for food preparation and storage.
  5. Our suppliers shall ensure that residential facilities for workers, where provided, are clean and safe.
  6. Our suppliers shall assign the responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative.
  7. Our suppliers shall provide regular and recorded health and safety training to workers and management, and such training shall be repeated for all new or reassigned workers and management.
  8. Our suppliers shall provide adequate safeguards against fire, and shall ensure the strength, stability and safety of buildings and equipment, including residential facilities where provided.
  9. Our suppliers shall undertake sufficient training of workers and management in waste management, handling and disposal of chemicals and other dangerous materials.
  1. Wages, benefits and terms of employment:
  1. Work performed must be on the basis of a recognized employment relationship established in compliance with national legislation and practice and international labor standards, whichever affords the greater protection.
  2. Labor-only contracting, sub-contracting or home-working arrangements, apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment, excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment, or any comparable arrangements shall not be used to avoid obligations to workers under labor or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship.
  3. Our suppliers must compensate their workers by providing wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave which respectively meet legal minimum and/or industry benchmark standards and/or working hours shall meet basic needs and provide some discretionary income for workers and their families collective agreements, whichever is higher.
  4. Our suppliers shall provide all workers with written and understandable information about their employment conditions, including wages, before they enter into employment; and about details of their wages for the pay period concerned each time that they are paid.
  5. Our suppliers shall not make any deductions from wages which are unauthorized or not provided for by national law. Our suppliers shall not make any deduction from wages as a disciplinary measure.
  6. Our suppliers shall provide all legally required benefits, including paid leave, to all workers.
  7. Our suppliers shall always compensate all workers for all overtime at a premium rate, as required by national law and, where applicable, by contractual agreement.
  1. Working Hours:
  1. Our suppliers shall set working hours that comply with national laws or benchmark industry standards or relevant international standards, whichever affords greater protection to ensure the health, safety and welfare of workers.
  2. Our suppliers shall respect that the standard allowable working hours in a week are 48, excluding overtime. Workers shall not on a regular basis be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week.
  3. Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed twelve hours per week and shall not be requested on a regular basis.
  4. Our suppliers shall respect all workers’ right to breaks during work shifts and to at least one free day following six consecutive days worked as well as public and annual holidays.
  1. Environment:
  1. Our suppliers shall comply with all applicable law regarding protection and preservation of the environment in their country.
  2. Our suppliers shall validate that all input materials and components were obtained from permissible harvests consistent with international treaties and protocols.
  1. Anti-Corruption:
  1. Our suppliers shall not tolerate, permit, or engage in bribery, corruption, undue influence, or unethical practices whether in dealings with public officials or individuals in the private sector, including testing laboratories.
  1. Financial Integrity:
  1. Our suppliers shall keep accurate records of all matters related to their business with Alltrue in accordance with standard accounting practices such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  1. Monitoring, Documentation and Compliance:
  1. Our suppliers shall permit Alltrue and its agents (including third parties) to engage in assessment activities to confirm compliance with this Code of Vendor Conduct, including unannounced onsite inspections of production facilities; reviews of books and records relating to employment matters; and private interviews with employees.
  2. Our supplies shall maintain on site all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Vendor Conduct.
  1. Communication of Standards:
  1. Our suppliers shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the provisions of this Code of Vendor Conduct are communicated to employees, and any subcontractor employees, including the prominent posting of a copy of this Code of Vendor Conduct, in the local language and in a place readily accessible to employees, at all times.

Product Liability Insurance Requirements

Alltrue requires all Vendors based in the United States to maintain in full force Commercial General Liability Insurance, including contractual and products liability, written on an occurrence basis, with minimum limits of:

Insurer must have an A.M. Best rating of no less than A-VII. Coverage must name Gramr, Inc. (d/b/a/ Alltrue) as an additional insured and include a waiver of subrogation in favor of Alltrue, and state that Alltrue will be notified in writing sixty (60) days prior to cancellation, material change, or non-renewal of insurance.

Evidence of the insurance coverage required must be maintained by the Vendor and Certificates of Insurance issued by the insurance carrier(s) must be furnished to Alltrue during Vendor setup.

Ethical Production Requirements

Vendors are expected to assess compliance with the Code of Vendor Conduct at each production location regularly, and disclose any non-compliance to Alltrue with detailed corrective actions taken. While all suppliers must meet the Code of Conduct, we recognize that due to changing business and global challenges, this is a continual work in progress. There are publicly available resources that provide a strategy framework outlining fundamental and advanced steps corresponding to each of the above procedures. Please refer to the GSCP Social Labor Management Systems.

Vendors inside the United States must maintain records of all audit and self-assessment activity at each production location, and provide information to Alltrue within 24 hours of request.

Production Location Audits

Vendors outside the United States must present a valid third-party social/ethical audit for each production location dated within two years at time of account setup with Alltrue.

Existing audits in one of the internationally recognized formats below are currently accepted from the following firms: Bureau Veritas, Intertek, SGS, UL, Elevate, Better Work, Omega, BSI, and TUV.

BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative)

RBA (Responsible Business Alliance)

SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)

RJC (Responsible Jewelry Council)

ICTI Ethical Toy Program

Scan (Supplier Compliance Audit Network)

SA8000 (Social Accountability International)

WCA (Workplace Conditions Assessment Report)

FLA SCI (Fair Labor Association: Sustainable Compliance)

UL RSWA (Responsible Sourcing Workplace Assessment)

WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production)

Other audits may be considered on a case by case basis.

Existing audit reports will be accepted if the following criteria are met:

  1. The initial existing audit was performed within the prior 24 months.
  2. There were no critical findings (including but not limited to Child Labor, Forced Labor, Minimum Wage, Severe Health and Safety, etc.).
  3. The audit report provides detailed information, including:
  1. Audit date, firm and Auditor name
  2. Factory name and address
  3. All audit criteria and findings
  4. Any and all Corrective Action Plans (CAP), including due date
  5. Confirmation that Supplier/Factory implemented required Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

Vendors without an existing audit report must have an audit scheduled for each production location within the framework above, to be conducted within 90 days of onboarding. Any findings must be resolved via Corrective Action Plan within a reasonable timeframe. Critical findings may result in cancellation of the Purchase Order.

Corrective Action Plans (CAP) must be implemented within a reasonable timeframe based on audit findings (i.e. within 30 days, 90 days, etc). Failure to implement corrections may result in termination of the business partnership.

Non-Compliance Penalties

Merchandise safety, quality, packaging, and delivery dates must meet or exceed Alltrue standards. If there is non-compliance in any of the areas below, chargebacks may be applied:

Any product received damaged or containing mold, bug infestations, or other potential health and safety risks may be destroyed immediately upon receipt and the vendor will be notified of any and all charges associated with the product and its disposition.

The supplier will be in communication on any issues discovered that may require a chargeback.

 Materials Requirements

Material choices have the greatest environmental and human impact in product curation, so Alltrue strives for better materials and finishing processes and zero hazardous chemicals and inputs in everything we deliver. The list below includes, but is not limited to, the most impactful material requirements for the Alltrue product assortment. Suppliers are expected to be knowledgeable about requirements and innovation that affects their products, and Alltrue provides more detailed guidance in its Product Category Guidelines.

Sustainable Materials

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.


The manufacturing industry has a major impact on the global economy and the environment. That’s why we have aligned our product standards and impact commitments with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to make sure we’re tackling the most important issues like climate change and economic inequality within our business model. Products sold to Alltrue must be produced with:

Beauty & Fragrance


US Food & Drug Administration, Health Canada, and various states and provinces regulate ingredient safety in cosmetics and personal care products. In addition, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are required for manufacturers and suppliers involved with the production of these categories.

Alltrue requires all suppliers to meet regulatory requirements, provide complete ingredient transparency for products intended to be used on the skin (beauty products) and adhere to its Clean Beauty Banned Ingredient List for all ingredients. Synthetic fragrances are allowed in beauty products at up to 1% of the product formulation, but must meet all requirements provided below. In addition, all beauty suppliers must be certified cruelty-free by an Alltrue approved certification and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for animal testing.

Banned Ingredient List



1,4 Dioxane


Ethyl acrylate, Ethyl methacrylate, Butyl methacrylate, Hydroxypropyl methacrylate, Tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, Trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate

Aluminum Salts

Aluminum chloride, Aluminum chlorohydrate, Aluminum chlorohydrex, Aluminum dichlorohydrate, Aluminum sesquichlorohydrate, Aluminum zirconium octachlorohydrate, Aluminum zirconium octachlorohydrex gly, Aluminum zirconium pentachlorohydrate, Aluminum zirconium pentachlorohydrex gly, Aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrate, Aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly, Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrate, Aluminum zirconium trichlorohydrex gly tot

Animal Oils, Musks, and Fats

Excluding Beeswax, Honey, Lanolin and Carmine

Benzophenones and related compounds


Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

Carbon Black or Black 2

Coal Tar

Cocamide diethanolamine (Cocamide DEA)


Diethanolamine (DEA), Triethanolamine (TEA), Monoethanolamine (MEA), Ethanolamine (ETA)

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)

Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde-releasing agents


Lead and Lead Acetate

Mercury and Mercury Compounds

Mercuric oxide, Phenyl mercuric acetate, Phenyl mercuric benzoate, Phenyl mercuric borate, Thimerosal


Methyl Cellosolve and 2-Methoxyethanol




Insoluble plastic microbeads (5 mm or less, water insoluble, solid plastic particle)

Mineral Oil



Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Isoproprylparaben

Petrolatum and petrolatum byproducts

Accepted only if USP Grade


Polyacrylamide and Acrylamide



Limited to concentration below 1%: Vitamin A, Retinyl acetate;, Retinyl palmitate


Bromostyrene, Dea-styrene/acrylates/dvb copolymer, Sodium styrene/Divinylbenzene copolymer, Styrene oxide, Styrene


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)


Accepted only if the supplier conducts testing to ensure it is asbestos-free


Synthetic Fragrance & Ingredient Requirements

Synthetic fragrances and ingredients used in beauty, home fragrance, and cleaning products must meet formulation requirements by product category and must be formulated to meet US, Canadian, and industry standard requirements below:

Home Fragrances & Cleaning Products

Home fragrances and cleaning products must be formulated with clean ingredients and adhere to Alltrue’s Synthetic Fragrance and Ingredient requirements. In addition, California Air Resources Board (CARB) limits the emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from consumer products, including fragrance and cleaning products, and requires certain batch labeling on product packaging. CA SB 258 requires certain ingredients to be disclosed on packaging and the supplier’s or Alltrue’s website. 

Suppliers must provide an accurate and complete Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each final formula that meets Global Harmonized Standards.

Alltrue requires its suppliers to formulate fragranced products in compliance with VOC and labeling standards.

CAB VOC Regulations

CARB Cleaning Products Regulations

Materials Regulations

Housewares & Food Safety

US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada regulate additive and ingredient safety in food-contact products like dinnerware and kitchen utensils (as well as many other products).In addition to regulating certain chemicals and heavy metals in food-contact products, FDA has established Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that are required for manufacturers and suppliers involved with production of raw materials and final products.

Alltrue requires its suppliers to maintain GMP in all facilities and ensure products are in compliance with regulatory limits for all chemicals and heavy metals.

Formaldehyde in Composite Woods

U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA Title VI) and California Air Resources Board (ATCM 93120) limits formaldehyde emissions from certain composite woods, requires materials to be sourced from approved mills, and requires final products to be marked for compliance. Composite woods include MDF, particleboard, and hardwood plywood used in any amount across all product categories. “Bentwood” Plywood is specifically excluded from the regulation. Laminated composite woods are specifically included in the regulation, effective March 2024.

Alltrue requires all applicable products to be compliant with emission standards and marked appropriately.

Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products | Formaldehyde

California Proposition 65

The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (known as CA Prop 65) requires warning labels for products containing listed chemicals in amounts greater than the established Safe Harbor Limit. Suppliers must regularly review the Cal Prop 65 List of Chemicals at

Alltrue requires suppliers to avoid the use of listed chemicals; if chemicals are present, they must meet the acceptable safe limit levels set forth in the Safe Harbor Limits. If no limit has been established, products must be reformulated without the chemical. The list is updated regularly, and suppliers are expected to stay current on changing requirements. Alltrue will support its suppliers with any product-specific requirements and testing if needed.

Alltrue does not allow warning labels for Prop 65 - products must not include listed chemicals.

Flame Retardants

Flame retardants are chemicals added to textiles and foams that are intended to decrease flammability. CA AB 2998 bars the sale of upholstered furniture, children’s products and mattress foam containing, or with component parts containing, flame retardants above 1,000 ppm.

Alltrue does not allow flame retardant chemicals to be produced in or added to its products.

AB 2998 - FAQs - October Update 

 Product Safety Regulations

Alltrue is committed to providing safe and high-performing products. In addition to extensive materials restrictions, products must meet or exceed product safety regulations and voluntary industry standards as they are applicable to a product category. The list below includes, but is not limited to, the most impactful safety regulations for the Alltrue product assortment. Suppliers are expected to be knowledgeable about US and Canadian regulations that affect their products, and Alltrue provides more detailed guidance in its Product Category Guidelines.

Consumer Product Safety Act

The US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) and Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) outline safety requirements for all consumer products, including analytical, performance, and warning standards, as well as rules on reporting consumer safety information to the government. The regulations also provide specific guidance on products intended for children (see Children’s Products). Under the regulations, the manufacturer or importer is responsible for ensuring that all rules and regulations are followed.

Alltrue will provide product-category specific guidance on CPSC and Health Canada requirements in its Category Guidelines. Alltrue requires suppliers to understand and comply with all requirements in the regulations.


Health Canada CCPSA Rules

General Conformity Certificates

Product categories governed by a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) rule must be accompanied by a General Conformity Certificate (GCC) prior to entry into the United States. The GCC must confirm that the product complies with any mandatory CPSC standards that apply to the product.

Alltrue requires its suppliers to provide a GCC within 24 hours of any request, if applicable.

Templates and GCC information can be found at CPSC General Certification of Conformity.

Reasonable Testing Program

Consumer Product Safety regulations in the US and Health Canada require Partners to conduct testing regularly, either in-house or at an accredited third-party lab, to fulfill requirements of a Reasonable Testing Program. 

Alltrue requires its suppliers to understand and comply with all regulations and safety standards affecting their products and to provide safe, compliant, and high-quality merchandise to Alltrue.

As outlined by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a Reasonable Testing Program:

  1. Should provide the vendor with a high degree of assurance that its consumer product complies with all applicable consumer product safety rules or standards.
  2. Should be in writing and should be approved by the senior management of the Partner.
  3. Should be based on the judgment and reasoning of the Partner concerning the number, frequency, and methods of tests to be conducted on the products.
  4. Should be based on reasonable assumptions for the industry in which the vendor operates, including such factors as the nature and length of the vendor’s relationship with their suppliers, the types of materials and processes used in production, and the potential for variability in those materials or processes.

California Appliance Efficiency

CA Title 20 (Appliance Efficiency) requires lighting and other appliances to be properly registered with the California Energy Commission and include a compliant light bulb.

Alltrue requires its suppliers to include a compliant LED bulb with all lighting as required.

Appliance Efficiency Regulations - Title 20

Textile Flammability

Many home textiles are required to meet flammability requirements set forth by various government agencies. CA TB 117-2013/SB 1019 requires upholstered furniture and cushions to meet flammability requirements and be labeled appropriately. Various industry standards cover flammability requirements for blankets, window coverings, and other home textiles.

Alltrue requires universal compliance and can provide law label templates as needed for compliance.

Technical Bulletin 117-2013

Stuffed Articles Registration

All upholstered furniture, cushions, pillows, mattresses, quilts, comforters and plush toys shall be registered in applicable states and include applicable registration numbers as required by individual state and provincial requirements. Suppliers are responsible for costs associated with product statements, labels and registration.

States requiring and enforcing stuffed articles registration in general include California, Connecticut, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia. Canadian provinces are no longer enforcing registration requirements as of 2019.

Alltrue requires universal compliance with registration and law label requirements.

Voluntary Industry Safety Standards

Consumer products are subject to various voluntary industry safety standards, including but not limited to lighting and electrical products (UL), furniture (BIFMA, ASTM), apparel (ASTM), and candles and candleholders (ASTM/NCA). CPSC and Health Canada regulations state that non-compliance with voluntary industry safety standards is a violation of consumer product safety.

Alltrue requires products to comply with voluntary industry standards where applicable and reasonable.

Children’s Products

Alltrue may occasionally include children’s products in its box or market. A “children’s product” is a consumer product designed or intended primarily for children 12 years of age or younger. Children’s Products are heavily regulated in the US and Canada, and require full regulatory testing and documentation per CPSIA requirements with no exception. See more at Business Education |    

Children’s Product Testing Requirements

Testing may be conducted at any CPSC-approved global third-party testing laboratory location. Alltrue requires test reports prior to shipment for all children’s products.

Initial Product Testing: Section 14(a)(2) of CPSIA. During development of a new children’s product to be sold or distributed by Alltrue in the United States, the product (and its packaging, if applicable) must be tested for compliance by a certified 3rd party lab with all applicable product safety rules prior to shipment.

Periodic Product Certification: Section 14(1)(2)(B) of CPSIA. For every children’s product to be sold or distributed by Alltrue in the United States, the product Partner must perform testing at least once per year to ensure compliance with all applicable product safety rules.

Children’s Product Certification (CPC)

All children’s products must be accompanied by a Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) and any accompanying test reports prior to shipment. The CPC must state that the product complies with any mandatory CPSC standards that apply to the product.

CPC template: Children's Product Certificate |

Children’s Product Labeling

Alltrue must be notified of all warnings applicable to the children’s product via Enhanced SKU Data, including appropriate age grade. The product or product packaging will have all appropriate warnings as applicable for the specific product. Warning must follow US State and US Federal requirements including size, locations, prominence, and warning symbols.

 Trade Compliance

Alltrue and its suppliers share responsibility for entering goods into the United States.

Unless otherwise indicated on the Purchase Order, the supplier is responsible for assigning the appropriate tariff classification, paying all duties and taxes for export from the origin country and import into the United States, and ensuring that each product is eligible and ready for entry to the United States.

In some circumstances, the Purchase Order will be issued with FOB terms, and the Vendor is responsible for export clearance, duties, and fees in the origin country, and for providing detailed and accurate information to Alltrue. Alltrue will facilitate entry into the United States and Canada.

Entry Requirements

Products regulated by US and Canadian government agencies, such as Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Fish & Wildlife Services (FWS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and US Department of Agriculture (APHIS), must have the proper registration and/or declaration completed with the respective agency, where applicable, prior to offering the product to Alltrue. The supplier must be willing and able to obtain this information from reliable sources and declare it to government agencies, trading partners, and/or directly to Alltrue as required by law.

For example, if the item contains plant or animal by-products (wood, leather, etc), the supplier must be able to declare accurate information, including common name, genus, species, and country of harvest. For leather, supplier must also indicate whether the animal was artificially propagated, wild-caught, captive-bred or domesticated.

If there are issues with documents or additional details are required during Customs entry, the Vendor must provide requested information within 24 hours of request.

Country of Origin

A product’s country of origin is determined by a “rules of origin” structure for classification and duty treatment. To determine the appropriate country of origin for a product, suppliers can refer to US Customs Rules of Origin. 

Country of Origin marking must be located conspicuously and printed legibly, must not be covered by labels or stickers, and must remain on the product through normal handling until it reaches the ultimate consumer.

 Product Integrity

Products sold by Alltrue are distributed to customers in the United States and Canada. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that products sold to Alltrue are safe and meet all applicable United States and Canadian regulations and standards, including but not limited to those listed above. Alltrue reserves the right to monitor compliance through inspection, testing, and/or audits.

Product Integrity is a collaborative and cyclical process that begins in development and continues throughout the life of the product. Alltrue and its suppliers work together to determine a product’s Market Readiness by anticipating and resolving product safety, regulatory, and quality issues before products reach the customer. Through market surveillance, Alltrue and its suppliers monitor customer feedback, identify potential concerns, and employ corrective actions in a Continuous Improvement process.

Product Information Sheet

Suppliers are expected to maintain detailed specifications, including raw materials and suppliers, for every product sold to Alltrue. The supplier will provide requested SKU details via a Product Information template that is provided by Alltrue.

Accurate and complete product data is critical to all aspects of business, and suppliers must ensure that all manufacturing details, product attributes, and raw materials are known and available.

Product Category Guidelines

Alltrue maintains detailed category guidelines that include regulatory requirements, brand standards, testing protocols, and packaging and labeling guidance. Product Guidelines and any additional specifications will be provided during product development, including quality standards, analytical testing, and performance testing requirements. Partners must review requirements in detail prior to accepting the Purchase Order and any time a new product category is introduced.

Product Testing Requirements

Alltrue may require testing or compliance documentation prior to shipment, based on product category. The supplier is responsible for the cost of all product testing conducted at third party testing facilities. The supplier is also responsible for ensuring that appropriate equipment is available for any testing that is conducted in the supplier’s facility.

Alltrue has an established global testing program with Bureau Veritas, and suppliers are encouraged to use Bureau Veritas for testing for cost-reduction and efficiency. Suppliers may use another accredited third-party testing lab with appropriate capabilities to perform testing with approval from Alltrue only.

Product Artwork & Labeling

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that information provided on product packaging and labeling is complete and accurate. Packaged products must meet the US Fair Packaging & Labeling Act and Canada Consumer Packaging & Labeling Act. The product or product packaging must have all appropriate warnings as applicable for the specific product, following US and Canadian requirements for size, location, prominence, and warning symbols.

Quality Assurance

As part of the ongoing mission to improve merchandise quality, Alltrue suppliers must have a documented Quality Control program in place that includes raw materials management, testing, and inspection at key milestones in the production process. Alltrue may request these documents for review at any time during onboarding or throughout our partnership.

Factory, Supplier, and Subcontractor Readiness

Current and new production locations must be reviewed for compliance with Alltrue expectations for product volume, quality and safety. Factories must have product-specific expertise (chemical, engineering, design, etc.), including the ability to identify potential product safety/product compliance issues.

Suppliers must have experience manufacturing components or raw materials for the US/Canadian market. Engineers or appropriate experts should be used to design components or materials for the US/Canadian market. Suppliers must confirm compliance and provide test reports for components or materials upon request, including confirmation that components or materials meet applicable compliance requirements (example: lead free, CARB Phase 2, flame retardant free).

Product Inspections

Product inspections should be conducted at key milestones, as applicable to the product and in accordance with the supplier’s Reasonable Testing Program. Any non-compliance to standards or requirements must be reported to Alltrue immediately for corrective action.

Final Inspection

Alltrue utilizes Acceptable Quality Limit (AQL) Inspection Standards to assess final production before shipment. AQL 2.5 requires a standardized number of units to be inspected from each production run, and results to be reported in a consistent way to ensure that final products:

  1. Meet all regulations and category standards
  2. Meet all specifications
  3. Conform with approved sample
  4. Meet customer expectations for quality and long-lasting performance

Suppliers are expected to self-inspect products and submit an inspection report to Alltrue prior to shipment. Third-party inspections are not required at this time, but if assistance is needed during inspection, there are many third-party services that can support this process (Bureau Veritas, SGS, TUV, etc).

PO Quantity

Initial  Sample Size

Critical Defect

2.5 Major

4.0 Minor

Tightened Sample Size


1.5 Major

2.5 Minor





































Critical Defect: Creates a Safety or Regulatory issue – product must be destroyed or repaired

Major Defect: Is conspicuous, does not allow the product to function properly, or is irreparable

Minor Defect: Is inconspicuous or unnoticeable by final customer, and does not limit functionality concerns

Inspection Process:

  1. After a production lot is complete, randomly pull finished products for inspection based on the Initial Sample Size in the table above.

For example, if the Purchase Order quantity is 5,000 units, 200 samples should be pulled for inspection.

  1. If the defect rates are below the defect guidelines, the shipment is approved.

In the same example, less than 10 major defects and less than 14 minor defects are allowed. Zero critical defects are allowed in any inspection.

  1. If the defect rates exceed normal guidelines, the shipment is rejected.

In the same example, 10 or more major defects and 14 or more minor defects are unacceptable.

  1. Document and submit the inspection of the rejected goods.
  2. Document and submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the shipment for approval.
  3. Correct the shipment.
  1. Re-inspect the production lot by randomly pulling samples using the Tightened Sample Size in the table above.

In this example, the tightened inspection would require 200 random units, with only 7 or less major defects and 10 or less minor defects.

  1. Document and submit inspection of the shipment for approval to

Inspections should be documented on the Alltrue Inspection Template, and submitted to before shipment. If any issues are found, a documented Corrective Action Plan should be submitted for approval prior to correcting the shipment.

Product Lifecycle

Alltrue will monitor product performance in many ways throughout the life of a product, including sales, returns, damages, and other reported information.

Product Changes

Partner is responsible for notifying Alltrue at of any changes made to a product throughout its life, including materials, construction, suppliers, manufacturing locations, etc.

Product Corrective Actions

Alltrue will provide its suppliers feedback on quality and/or safety issues reported by customers once product is in the market and throughout its lifecycle. There is zero tolerance for critical regulatory or safety failures for products delivered to Alltrue. Non-compliant products will be withdrawn and destroyed from the stores at the supplier’s expense.

If corrective actions are required, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) will be initiated to improve future orders. Suppliers are expected to determine and implement appropriate corrective actions in a timely manner. Future orders may be held while corrective actions are implemented.

Product Safety Reporting & Recalls

Alltrue may initiate government reporting and/or product safety recalls at its discretion, in compliance with regulatory requirements in the United States and Canada, including measures to destroy product, stop sale, and cancel orders. Costs incurred by Alltrue as the result of a product recall may be debited from future payments, in accordance with the Chargeback Policy.

As a manufacturer, importer, distributor, and/or retailer of consumer products, there is a legal obligation to immediately report the following types of information to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and/or Health Canada:

Suppliers must notify Alltrue within 24 hours of awareness of the need to execute a product recall or implement a product corrective action.


The following document will provide guidelines to help ensure your materials can be received accurately and efficiently. Unless otherwise indicated on the Purchase Order, the supplier is responsible for delivering orders to the United States, including transportation, freight, and all fees, licenses, Customs clearance, and any other related charges incurred during shipment or delivery.

As a reminder, pursuant to the Alltrue Box Vendor Agreement, Alltrue reserves the right to deduct from its payment all reasonable expenses incurred as a result of product non-conformance or non-compliance, including, without  limitation, with respect to these guidelines.

International Shipments

When FOB terms are indicated on the Purchase Order, the supplier is responsible for providing required shipping documents to facilitate export, shipping, and import activities including the Bill of Lading (BOL), Commercial Invoice and Packing List. Shipping documents must be presented at time of booking.

Commercial Invoice must be in English and fit for entry into the United States and must include detailed line items with a true value for entry, as required by US Tariff Act regulations. In addition, the commercial invoice must include the following certifications:

  1. We hereby certify that the country of origin shown is the true country of origin and each piece of merchandise is marked with the true country of origin.
  2. We hereby certify that the merchandise was not produced and/or manufactured using forced, indentured, prison or child labor.

Importing into the United States A Guide for Commercial Importers 

Receiving Guidelines

All orders are subject to receiving guidelines below. Service Mailers (our third-party fulfillment provider onsite at our warehouse) will receive merchandise on our behalf during the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm; Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays.

Deliveries are logged at time of arrival and Service Mailers will inspect the delivery for obvious damage and number of cartons/skids. Note, full inspection on behalf of Alltrue of products for damage may not occur until the start of the box fulfillment period for the applicable seasonal box containing such products. Acceptance of products at time of delivery by Service Mailers subject to verification of quantities and quality does not absolve Vendor of its responsibilities, or represent a waiver of any of Alltrue’s rights, under the Alltrue Box Vendor Agreement and applicable Purchase Order.

Unless otherwise advised, orders should be sent to the following address. This will also be the Consignee address for any international shipments.

ATTN: Alltrue

Service Mailers and Fulfillment

445 N Mission Rd

Los Angeles, CA 90033 

Please note the following Service Mailers contacts onsite at 445 N Mission Rd in the event such  information is requested by shipping carriers with respect to final delivery. Please remind all  parties to keep an Alltrue team member cc’d on any related email correspondence.

Bryan Cruz                                         Lewis Guerrero

Warehouse Coordinator                         Warehouse Foreman

Cell: (213) 309-8944                                 Cell: (213) 705-4491


Carton Guidelines

Each carton should be clearly marked with:

  1. Company Name
  2. Product Name (and specific product variation SKU(s) if applicable)
  3. Quantity
  1. Cartons should have 200 pounds bursting test.
  2. Cartons should not weigh greater than 70 pounds.
  3. For multiple carton shipments, each carton should be uniform in size and type.
  4. Each carton should contain the same count of the item, with one carton containing the odd number or excess.
  1. Partial cartons, if any, should be clearly marked with specific quantity.
  2. Not more than one (1) carton per delivery, if any, shall contain a mix of multiple product  variation SKUs, if applicable.
  3. Mixed cartons containing more than one product variation SKU, if any, should be clearly  marked with specific quantities.  

Pallet Guidelines

Not more than one (1) pallet per delivery per every additional product variation SKU, if  applicable, shall contain a mix of differing product variation SKU cartons (e.g., if three (3)  product variation SKUs, up to two (2) pallets per delivery may contain differing SKU cartons). Each such pallet shall be marked consistent with the above pallet guidelines.

Packing List Requirements

To avoid receiving delays and increased receiving costs, please be sure each shipment includes a shipment-specific Packing List that contains the following information:

  1. Company Name
  2. Product Name (and product variation SKU(s), if applicable) + Item Description
  3. Total unit quantities (including by product variation SKU(s). If applicable)
  4. Total Carton Quantity (and subtotal by product variation SKU(s), if applicable)
  5. Quantity per Carton (and of any partial carton, if applicable)

​​In addition, prior to delivery, please provide a copy of the Packing List via email to the Alltrue operations team contact(s) to which you will be referred upon placement of the applicable purchase order.

 Supplier Acknowledgment

Supplier hereby acknowledges and agrees that it, and any and all of its affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, operating entities, authorized agents and subcontractors doing business with or for Alltrue will comply with the policies, notices and certification set forth above and attached hereto.

Supplier further acknowledges and understands that its failure to comply with any term, condition, requirement or procedure set forth in the policies, notices and/or certification may result in the cancellation of all existing orders and termination of the business relationship between Alltrue and supplier.

Electronic signatures and initials transmitted via e-mail shall have the same force and effect as original signatures and initials on this Acknowledgment.


Company Name:______________________________________________

Signed:                ________________________________________________

Printed Name:        ________________________________________________

Title:                ________________________________________________

Email:                ________________________________________________