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065 - Substance Use & Misuse Policy
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Substance Use and Misuse

Policy number




Last reviewed

September 2023

Next review date

September 2025

Vision Statement

Carshalton Boys is a school community based upon positive relationships and a culture of kindness and mutual respect. Staff recognise their role in promoting our WE BELIEVE principles and are united in optimism and a belief in our young people. Looking after our students, on the journey from childhood to young adulthood, is a privilege and a responsibility that we take seriously.

What unites our Carshalton Boys family is a drive to look after our most vulnerable members. We do this proactively by ensuring staff are accessible to students and parents and that students have the opportunity to anonymously report unkindness, abuse or any welfare concerns.

WE BELIEVE knowledge is power, black lives matter, love is love, feminism is for everyone and that no human being is illegal.  WE BELIEVE in being gentle with The Earth and that we all have a part to play in protecting our planet. At Carshalton Boys we are proud to have an ethos rooted in our WE BELIEVE principles which promote inclusivity, kindness and aspiration. We encourage all our students to be the best version of themselves. We want students to feel proud of their achievements at school and their contribution to our whole school community. We believe in being really kind to each other so that every member of our school community feels safe and confident and is able to work and learn in a calm and inclusive environment.

The policy is informed by DfE and ACPO drug advice for schools Advice for local authorities, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies 2012

Carshalton Boys Sports College actively seeks to provide an environment where all members of the community are safe from harm. As such, the school takes a robust approach to any individual or group that violates our behaviour, drugs or anti-bullying policies.

This is a school where human rights are respected; as such the responsibility to maintain high standards of behaviour lies with all members of Carshalton Boys Sports College community. The school acknowledges its legal duties under the Equalities Act 2010 in relation to all protected groups including SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and will always take their circumstances into account. It is our aim to help all students to be able to take their place safely in a world where a wide range of drugs exist.

 Education and Prevention

We believe that accurate knowledge for young people is key, so we ensure that age-appropriate education and support is provided through science, PSHE lessons as well as during tutor time and intervention and group work delivered by the pastoral teams and outside agencies.

 Definition of a Drug

A drug is a substance that affects the way in which the body functions physically, emotionally or mentally. For the purpose of this policy, by ‘drugs’ we are referring to:

·          All illegal drugs (those controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971)

·          All legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, vapes, volatile substances (those giving off a gas or vapour which can be inhaled), ketamine, khat, alkyl nitrites (known as poppers) and new psychoactive drugs (‘legal highs’)

·          All over-the-counter and prescription medicine

·          Drugs paraphernalia- items such as canisters, cannabis grinders, rolling papers, filters, matches, lighters and pipes

 Drugs on school premises

The legal definition of school premises includes everything within the property boundaries including buildings, outbuildings and playgrounds and also extends to include other settings such as vehicles, boats, marquees or any venue managed by the school at the time e.g. premises of a school trip or visit and when the school is deemed to be in loco parentis. We also include any of our off site provisions or alternative educational settings where our students may have their education provided.

This policy applies to all school staff, students, parents/carers, governors and other partner agencies working with the school.


No alcohol may be brought on to school premises or consumed during the course of a school day. Any adult (or staff, students, parents, carers and visitors) under the effects of alcohol will be asked to leave the premises and return at a later date for the safety of the whole school. Parents will be asked to collect their children from the school and will be encouraged to seek immediate medical support.


School premises are a no smoking site at all times. This also applies to “vaping” and the use of electronic cigarettes.

Illegal drugs and “psychoactive substances”

No illegal drugs, new psychoactive substances or drugs paraphernalia are allowed to be brought on to, or used on school premises. Bringing any such items onto school premises is considered a serious breach of this Drugs Policy. Seeking to influence or glamorise illegal drug use or the use of psychoactive substances either in person on school premises or via social networking sites is also considered a serious breach of this Drugs Policy.


The school will ensure that potentially hazardous substances it authorises are stored safely, and students will be supervised if it is necessary that they come into contact with them in the course of their work. Students are not permitted to be in possession of solvents. Bringing solvents or hazardous substances onto school premises is considered a serious breach of this Drugs Policy.


Responses to drug related incidents

A drug incident may be any of the following:

·         Finding drugs, or related paraphernalia, on school premises

·         Possession of illegal or unauthorised drugs by an individual on school premises

·         Use of drugs by an individual on school premises

·         Supply of drugs on school premises

·         Individuals disclosing information about their drug use

·         Student reports of parents, staff or other students using drugs

·         Hiding drugs in or around the school premises for later collection (by themselves or by third parties)

·         Glamorising or encouraging the use of drugs and other substances

Any response to drug related incidents needs to balance the needs of the individual student concerned with the wider school community.

Suspension from school is not an automatic response to a drug incident but permanent exclusion is considered in serious cases where:

There is a serious breach or persistent breaches of our Drugs and/or Behaviour Policies and

Allowing a student to remain in Carshalton Boys Sports College would seriously harm the education, safety or welfare of the student or others in the school

A member of the SLT will (normally) be responsible for co-ordinating the management of drug-related incidents. They will work with the Designated Safeguarding Leads and will offer sources of support and liaise with outside agencies. Incidents will be dealt with after making an assessment of the situation and will be reported to the Principal. All incidents and responses will be recorded within 24 hours.

Drug Misuse Outside the School Premises

In line with Behaviour in schools Advice for headteachers and school staff (September 2022) the school may impose sanctions on a student for misusing drugs outside schools when students are:

·                     taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity or

·                     travelling to or from school or

·                     in some way identifiable as a student at the school.

Individuals in Possession of Drugs

If any student or adult on school premises is found in possession of an unauthorised drug it will be confiscated, if possible. If the drug is suspected to be illegal, the school will contact a police officer for discussion and advice. Illegal substances will be handed to the police to be legally destroyed as soon as possible and not stored. Parents and Carers will be informed (unless for safeguarding reasons this is not in the best interests of the student) and other professionals such as the local authority, Young Offenders Service, Police, Social Services will be informed or consulted as appropriate.


Carshalton Boys Sports College will always seek to work with parents and carers when information or allegations of drug use are made. There may be occasions when, for safeguarding reasons, this may not be appropriate (please refer to our Safeguarding Policy for more information on this).

Complete confidentiality can never be promised to a student though information given in confidence will not generally be disclosed to anyone else. In particular if a student chooses to disclose that they are using a drug without medical authorisation, this information will not be used against them. However, action will be taken to try to ensure the student comes to no serious harm if this is considered a risk. Regarding disclosures staff will follow the advice given in the Safeguarding Policy, and at the annual safeguarding training.

Support for students

At our school the welfare of the student is paramount and intervention will be made if the school feels a student is showing signs which indicate particular risks of, or from, involvement with drugs, whether their own or the involvement of their parents'/carers'. We believe that early intervention, where possible, is significant.

 Right to Search

In line with Searching, Screening and Confiscation Advice for schools 2022 the staff at Carshalton Boys Sports College reserve the right to search students if they have reason to believe that they are carrying offensive weapons, illegal substances or anything that is illegal or dangerous.

Searches will be carried out by members of the Senior Leadership Team or On call team and Parents and Carers will always be informed when this has happened.

Carshalton Boys Sports College works closely with its Police Liaison Officers. If students are involved with any activity which breaks the law the police may be involved in intimate searches and the confiscation of items,

Useful Organisations

ADFAM offers information to families of drug and alcohol users, and the website has a database of local family support services.

Tel: 020 3817 9410

Email: Website:

Alcohol Change uk works to reduce the incidence and costs of alcohol-related harm and to increase the range and quality of services available to people with alcohol-related problems

Tel: 020 3907 8480

Email: Website:


ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) A campaigning public health charity aiming to reduce the health problems caused by tobacco.

Tel: 020 7404 0242


Website: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Children’s Legal Centre operates a free and confidential legal advice and information service covering all aspects of law and policy affecting children and young people. Tel:

01206 714 650 (general queries only)



Drinkaware - An independent charity that promotes responsible drinking through innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture, helping reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol related harm.


Tel: 020 7766 9900 5

Drink line - A free and confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking.

Tel: 0300 123 1110 (lines are open 24 hours a day)

Drug wise is a centre of expertise on illegal drugs, aiming to inform policy development and reduce drug-related risk. The website includes detailed drug information and access to the Information and Library Service. Website:

FRANK is the national drugs awareness campaign aiming to raise awareness amongst young people of the risks of illegal drugs, and to provide information and advice. It also provides support to parents/carers, helping to give them the skills and confidence to communicate with their children about drugs.

24 Hour Helpline: 0300 123 6600



Family Lives - A charity offering support and information to anyone parenting a child or teenager. It runs a free-phone helpline and courses for parents, and develops innovative projects.

Tel: 0808 800 2222 Website:

Re-Solv (Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse) A national charity providing information for teachers, other professionals, parents and young people. Text: 07496 959930 Information line: 01785 810762.



Smokefree - NHS Smoking Helpline: 0300 123 1044; Website:

Stars National Initiative offers support for anyone working with children, young people and families affected by parental drug and alcohol misuse.

Youth Offending Teams – Local Youth Offending Teams are multi-agency teams and are the responsibility of the local authority, who have a statutory duty to prevent offending by young people under the age of 18.
