Published using Google Docs
Copia de Copia de Remote Decks v2 Example
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Remote Decks - Use Google Docs to Create Anki Cards

Add-on Betas

This Remote Decks add-on was created by our team with permission from the author of the original add-on. It is currently only available through the AnKing memberships/Patreon. Instructions are roughly the same, but the process for creating cards in the document is different as shown below.

 v1.0 - initial release on memberships

v1.2 - updated for 2.1.50+

v1.2.1 - fixed an error code when there are leftover blank notes

v1.2.2 - added support for Anki 2.1.55 Qt6 and fixed a bug

If you find a bug, please submit an issue on Github (preferred) or email us


Version 2 of this add-on was created by the AnKing team with permission from the author of the original add-on. Version 2 is available through the AnKing memberships/Patreon:  Instructions are roughly the same, but the process for creating cards in the document is different as shown below.

  1. Create a new google document.
  2. Format the document as the example shown below, with tables for the fields and Tag/Note type identifiers
  3. Publish the Google document (File -> Publish to the Web)
  4. To add a new deck to Anki, go the AnKing menu -> Remote Decks -> Add new remote deck
  1. Paste the link that was copied when Publishing to the web in step 3
  1. After creating new cards in the document, go to AnKing -> Remote Decks -> Sync remote decks. (Note that it may take 5 min for the published google doc to refresh with changes)

Handy trick for using the document anywhere:


El texto normal fuera de las tablas se ignora.

El tipo de nota por defecto es Básico. Se conserva el estilo.

# Note type: Básico



  • A
  • B




Todas las notas hasta el siguiente ajuste de tipo de nota tendrán el tipo de nota Cloze.

Se conserva el tamaño de la imagen.

# Note type: Respuesta anidada

A {{c1::monkey}}

La siguiente nota tendrá estas dos etiquetas.

# Tag: foo, bar, tag111

This is a {{c1::cloze}}

Some additional info

Las etiquetas se borran para que las notas siguientes no tengan ninguna.

Las tablas pueden tener menos filas que campos tiene el tipo de nota, en este caso los campos posteriores están vacíos.

# Note type: Respuesta anidada

# Tag:




Esta es una forma de añadir supresiones Cloze sin escribir {{c1::}}

Hello $$ world $$


Hi $$ hubert $$ and $$ struppi $$ and $4$ monika $$

#Note type: Respuesta anidada

This is a $$ test$$  (colors and underline and space after cloze)

Testing italic and bold