High School Original Credit/Dual Credit Course List for Spring 2025
Updated 1/6/25
All courses that are NOT listed as single semester courses are year-long courses. The first semester is offered during the Fall semester only.
Career and Technical Education
- AHMS144.50-Medical Terminology Dual Credit (single semester) - * #
- AP® Computer Science A
- Artificial Intelligence in the World (single semester)
- Computer Science I: Joy and Beauty of Computing-HIGH SCHOOL (single semester)
- CSC107-Computer Science I: Joy and Beauty of Computing-DUAL CREDIT (single semester)> -
- ITS 130 Cybersecurity Dual Credit (single semester) *# NEW
- EDEC 247 - Child & Adolescent Growth & Development - @#(single semester)
- EDU101US-Introduction to Education Seminar-DUAL CREDIT (single semester)^#
- Entrepreneurship (single semester)
- Google Workspace Career Tech (single semester)
- Health Occupations (single semester)
- Hospitality and Tourism Marketing (single semester)
- Jobs for Montana Graduates (Single Semester) -#
- Microsoft® Office Career Tech (single semester)
- Personal Finance (single semester)
- Principles of Agriculture# (single semester)
- Photoshop Introduction# (single semester)
- Public & Global Health (single semester)
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing (single semester)
- Video Production (single semester) -#
Family & Consumer Science
- Interior Design (single semester)
- Now We’re Cooking: An Introduction to Culinary Arts (single semester)
Fine Arts
- AP® Art History
- Art History/Appreciation (single semester)
- Digital Photography (single semester)
- EDU204IA - Creative Arts and Lifelong Learning ^ #(single semester)
Indigenous Studies
Native American Studies (single semester)
English/Language Arts
- AP® Language and Composition
- AP® Literature and Composition
- Creative Writing (single semester)
- English 1
- English 2
- English 3
- English 4
- Gothic Literature: Monster Stories (single semester)
- Journalism (single semester)
- MTDA Book Club: Utopian and Dystopian Literature (single semester)
- Mythology and Folklore (single semester)
- WRIT101-College Writing DUAL CREDIT+ (single semester) - #
Health and Physical Education
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Health (single semester)
- Physical Education I (single semester)
- Physical Education II (single semester)
- Sports Officiating (single semester)
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2 with Trigonometry
- AP® Calculus AB
- AP® Statistics
- Geometry
- Intro. to Statistics (single semester)
- M105-Contemporary Math-DUAL CREDIT+ (single semester)
- M121-College Algebra -DUAL CREDIT+ (single semester) - #
- M151-Pre-Calculus-DUAL CREDIT*
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Music Appreciation (single semester)
- AP® Biology
- AP® Environmental Science
- Astronomy (single semester)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Oceanography (single semester)
- Physics
- Veterinary Science (single semester)
Social Studies & History
- American Government/Single Semester (single semester)
- American Government/Year Long
- AP® Government and Politics
- AP® Human Geography
- AP® Macroeconomics (single semester; Spring Only)
- AP® Microeconomics (single semester; Fall Only)
- AP® Psychology
- AP® US History
- Criminology (single semester)
- Global Studies
- HSTA 101H-US History I - DUAL CREDIT * (Single Semester; Fall Only)#
- HSTA 102H-US History II - DUAL CREDIT * (Single Semester; Spring Only)#
- Montana History (single semester)
- Psychology (single semester)
- US History
- World History
Indigenous Language
- Cree Indigenous Language (single semester) - #
- Crow Indigenous Language (single semester) - #
World Languages
- French 1
- French 2
- French 3
- German 1#
- German 2#
- Irish Language Studies 1 (delivered by the UM Irish Studies Program)
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
* Dual Credit with the Missoula College of the University of Montana
+ Dual Credit with Helena College of the University of Montana
^ Dual Credit with Gallatin College of Montana State University
@ Dual Credit with Western College of the University of Montana
>Dual Credit with Highlands College of UM Western
-Dual Credit with Montana Tech
# These courses have enrollment caps and are available first-come, first-served.
Montana Digital Academy
406-203-181 2| support@montanadigitalacademy.org
An always up-to-date version of this document is always available at http://mtda.link/oclist