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Myril Adler—Poems Folio #2
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

On the Subway


A sullen faced father

can only give birth

to a sullen faced child.

And there they sit, the two,

two old people

glaring at life.


Notes on a parade

June 19

This is life.

Always seen from one small shut-in place,

so small the view—

a few yards

bound east and west

by buildings

and crowds,

a streamer or two

floating down in the breeze.

And yet,

from this so fenced in space

seeing all the world,

seeing beyond sight

and hearing beyond hearing.

I feel the crush of humanity

on every side

their odor and sweat

and looking about

know that each is different

and yet in their diversity

so much the same.

The hero comes,

To all this multitude

the hero

tho he is one

to each another being.

Each worships the heroic

but to each

the heroic assumes a different form.

To many the heroic

lies in the glamour

of his name

of the name


and reread

and made familiar

as the household soap.

Fame—the heroic.

And to some the hero

is the symbol of the warrior,

the conquering warrior.

And to some he seems

to form a small point of history,

all shaped and formed in him,

and they turn out a little ashamed

to become one of the crowd

but curious as the rest.

And I one of them.

Yet more interested in all these people

than the hero,

knowing it is they who make him what he is,

their blind and yet despite it fruitful aims

pushing him to the fore.

Without their support who is he?

The crowd, the fearful, fearsome crowd,

the crowd so easily assembled

to worship

or to fury,

so easily whipped

and led,

and yet not so easily,

not fooled,

not for long,

the crowd in whom is planted

the germ of humanity,

the seed of striving,

the will to live.

Each so different,

so different all the noses,

so many noses and none alike,

so different the hips

and thighs

and breath

and smell,

the personal history,

the personal quarrels,

the personal peace,

yet all, all standing on two feet,

two arms hanging from their sides,

wearing the same clothes,

clothes of our century,

levelled and assumed

by the same historic strides.

Man turned out

to worship a hero—

a parade—

but it is themselves they worship,

each turned out to worship

one small part of himself.


When I look up at the sunset

and the mountains I want only

those things that are eternal—want

no part of any passing things

want change only in

large common shapes—as a mountain

too advenes change

I like

the wind

Nothing can lie still

the biggest trees move

and on the mountains

so fast-secure

there is motion

___ the mountain is motion

moving with the wind.

        I like nothing still.

Peach—the balance between living

        and dying

Peace—in the living

Look upon the face of an old man

who has found the answer

how to be young

Living or dead—there is peace

defying death

Living beyond death.

When life and death are balanced

and death outweighs

when life slips away        

and the dead are corpses

and the living are corpses

and the days lie fallow

and without fruit

then there is no peace—

only death, and war, and


I like to hear the wind

        for it is sound of life

        of movement which is life

        and hear the water in the brook

        and hear the night

        for it speaks of life        

        of things alive and growing.


always beginnings.

                We live in an old world

but the world is not old.

Why is this old world not old?

Because there are each day beginnings

The sun shines

The rain falls

and things die

But things are born—

Each day—

        new plants

        new life

        new love

Value the mother—in her life begins

And the creator—who builds new worlds

making the old world new

refining? with him a new beginning

a new birth

not only his

but all man.



Let me taste the new

tho it be bitter, bitter as gall.

Let me feel the clean shock of the

unknown made known, for it is to

born again.

It was not easy to be born

It was a struggle out of darkness

Can we then ask ourselves ___ struggle in rebirth,

the ever renewed rebirth needed for life?

I want no lullabies, no repetition of only yesterdays.

I want to be shocked and bruised and loved anew and find new ways of being and giving and findings.

I want to meet each new moment new, for this is living, this firm hold where hands and feet all frantic seek a hold without finding—for they seek it in the past and the hold is in the now, and between the past and the now lies such an abyss, but by bridges crossed.



When the smoke rolls through

the streets and the green ___

do you say the train has brought

us ___?



I thought I alone saw in—the new leaf

of the Chinese lily, an adolescent,

youth and shimmering, tender and straight.

All day I returned to it reaching its climax

of youth ‘til I didn’t know—was it

in the leaf, or in me—this birth.

Was the birth in me clutching the leaf

for its form?

Flora came into my house and I

showed her the Chinese lily, shy to

show it or speak of it. But she too

saw it young and in its sheen which

reached out from the leaf. For

there is birth in all of us.

Had I hidden the leaf, alone, I

would not have known there is birth in all of us.  



The she-animal calls in me

and I do not drive her

back into her pen.

No—I call her,

“Come here,”

Caresse her,

watch her sensuous

stretching of each limb.

You are too much mine,

so much part of me.

I will make you no house-pet


be fierce,

with all the passion

into you born.

I will not seek to tame you

why make you less

than you are,

you so vibrant

so alive.



To feel irresistible!

To feel so imbued with life that

no person nor thing would refuse


To feel I am a dynamo

capable of carrying

not only mine

but all the burdens in the world—

to feel that I have but to touch you

to banish tiredness

and cynicism.

Surely I feel

___ to ___

of health

of life

it will need in ___

all layers of resistance.

O, so I feel!

Wish that it were so!



Man equal to God

but not without her—

without the she

equal to the earth

the she



Woman equal to God

but not without him

without the he

equal to man


fastened to the earth

yet free



wherever man and woman are free

are equal to each other.



Let me say this

I know what will be brought to me

I will bring—

what will be carried to me

I will call

and if I wish

and if I hope

it is that everything

brought and called

will be so sweet and ___ as the source,

knowing nothing





as in my life

But filled with the


the ___

the rigor

the unpunctuality

of life.


I would wish it

but I am not ready for it

yet ___

to call it forth and

yet un___



to weaken it with my own arguments



The little Etruscan statuette

burst from behind its glass

The city is lonely

lonely in its multitudes

lonely in its lore

for the person is small

I am lonely in the city

in the sense of the city’s ___

it searches for me

or for any person

to have his ___ ___

somewhere felt and heard.




in the free blush of youth

clearly to see.

The rising girder,

___ form,

the steeples and the smokestacks,

and the boats, web-lines

against the sky,

the hawsers and the cranes:—

always the seeing

of two patterns—

the actual

and the actual

distorted by the personal,

perhaps through the distortion

given full meaning.


No unfamiliar place—

each word of yours


what has for ages

sounded in me.


Everywhere home.

All the world.



But in death nothing,

in the living death, life


nothing nothing—

so many the dead

they walk

they walk—

Who is alive?

The free man—

not born to freedom—

for we are none born to


we are all born to die,

but the free man

through all life fighting

for the freedom

making him man—

On him, in his pulse,

in the odor breathed

from him, the living

fertile odor of th

earth, you will find

the pulse of life,

you will find through him

the meaning of life.


Joy!- Joy!- Joy!

The wheel turns and levels

Up a play a spot of sunlight


Lazy lazy stretching rhythm

Roomful of wills and dreams.

Man stretching for the sun

a coil

an unsprung tightened coil

ready to spring

with the spring

into any spark of life


a hidden

pulsating life—

bursting sombre blueness

into a sparkle into a ___

lazy half hidden blueness

and the unnervous hands

intense with life

half possessing it

half relinquishing it—

yet crackling and sparkling

under the whip-lashing life

coiled and ___


at and instant to spring

ready at the least threat

to bring

into being

his own right

might in the next ___ life.


Final Draft

The door shut twice once to close

once to

once to be heard

Behind you it shut

but blindly

of so blindly

I did not let myself find me

the meaning of

beauty of



the door shut,

but again it opened

in to pour

in to crowd

a million small



I was not alone




strangers voices

out of tune



taming the wilderness

muting my song hushing


how sing

how to deaf ears bring

the chiming dearness

the nearness of my vision.

And to muted,

it sank,

into the depth of me

there to live nurtured.

Then gone! —

The door shut twice,

once closed.

My own—

My own now—

My own dance dancing



        where oh

where does it lead me


knowing as I ask

no answer

it will not be forced

cannot be read

into a moment,

but where,

where it will bring me,

pale the sky, grey

it will be high

where the clouds reach

beyond me

always beyond me

always to reach for.

There the dance is.


Without end— the bird’s din

without stop

insistent as a clock—

without end, the green grass

stretching in freedom

yet confined, confined by narrow walks,.

How does it sound here?

I have but to open the door

to step out

be one with the birdsong

or choose to run away

to another quiet.

But how does it sound

to you with no doors opening

with the doors tight shut

and and the key turned in the lock—

the key not yours.

They find no pattern in you chaos

but I find in your chaos

the insistent duet of two patterns of today—

our chaos knotted into a ball

and that ball you,

bouncing, bouncing

on the hard pavement of our cities

up, down.

Fear chains the strength

and clips the wings—

and you were taught to fear love.


Not the word forever

not any work

this to encompass—

No, not any word—

for the widest,


bounds saying

this is my circumference

wide or small

but this do I ___

No, not forever

nor any word

Nor hymnal word

___ word

___ the word LOVE.

How do the gods cowering

speak of love

of forever?



Oh she would have you know it,

how struck out to have you knot it

each one, each human—

only how, how,

the how frustrate.

Quickly departed—

a shore quickly left—

only patches of memory,

each a color,

brown sand on a beach,

blue sky upside down

till I walked on the sky

and furthest back and beyond

green forest

hand in hand a gentle bearded man,

there I began.

I did not want you brother

I wanted to be the only one

wanted freely to posses,

hated even, as a child can, freely, wholly

all my darkness, inner and out

mirrored by your fair hair, ____

Why did you want a child

I am still a child,

petulant, standing in the doorway

a gloom ___

where the mother lay radiant.

Childhood and ___— ONE,

due left

back left

nor do the waves

once rewash that shore—


subsiding in memory.



It has begun—

with me it has begun

let each of us say that—

with me the world begins

but not the world’s beginning

fell ___ with such beginning

that has begun

full weighted my life,

this moment,

with each life—

each moment


O thanks be, thanks be

that I am now here—

___ so many beginnings

able through so many ends

to break

able to converse

freely meet

with each creator

each beginner

who has been

I am there

at each source

at each far-flung tangent drinking

there, there— what joy!

knowing yet more

more envisionary

having the eyes of history

tracking down each track creative

reading there

in each

the exhausted living planet of


knowing yet,

O knowing ___

my ___, this moment

far far beyond

those that have been—

O you that you have been

each in this moment contained

that you were able to come alive

as your worlds have come alive

do come alive when eyes___

grasp the ___ of your memory—

but O know, I know while ___

that you are alive

all alive

in me,

in me this moment, living

this moment ___



reaching upon the ___

___to reach.


Let me say this.

I know what will be brought to me

I will bring—

what will be called to me

I will call

and if I wish

and if I hope

it is that everything

brought and called

will be as great and ___ as the source,

knowing nothing





as is my life

But filled with the


the ___

the rigor

the unpunctuality

of life.



I would wish it

but I am not ready for it

yet un___

to call it forth now

yet unnourished



to weather it with my own arguments

and pay


Filling up

pulling out of herself


and ___if

and through it

the victims of life

the victims of living

Nor words enough to say it

shape it

bring it high

as the filling up

the inexhaustibility

the stream


I touched the source

and drunk

and was unfulfilled

but did not

plumb the source

the source unfurnished.

Life unplumbed.

Life rushing on.

Not diminished by my sips

nor gulps

nor unquenched thirst.


Petties (?) men

have acknowledged sainthood

to those driven out of bed

by a vision.

What saint then

am I?

What God?

That I cannot sleep

for the visions in me crowding

for the words finding through me


And the colors

on to the canvas pour?

each nuance with a vision

each stroke an ecstasy

making poor to poverty

the repentant

thrown to her knees

by a lady in a blue girdle

or wreath of thorns around a head—

what sainthood to see

what has already been seen

and known

and made a myth

Through fear

fear of the yet unspoken visions

words yet undeclared

which suckers the world

bringing new root.

Men confer sainthood

the red visions

seeking to elevate

hoping the old opiate

still will operate

to dwell

and bring to rest

this restless new

life becoming.


I declare to you

to each—

to the men

and to the women

especially to each—

you are all saints

and Gods—

you have but look

to see with new eyes

with virgin eyes

the new vision before us sweeping

of new life.


Before birth this is a


savor the stillness.

the still grandeur of the washed and newly planted grass

the pigeons murmur

and to its grey white flutter on the green

the grey walks white in the sun

and the shy grey and still

the grey and white and clean washed peace of the park where I sit watching

waiting for birth.

A pink man with

white hair

and a black suit

with a red poppy

against the grey white

walk flanked

with new green

and a ___

blue white

Of all trades I

wish I were a

grass mower

sitting in

my little

truck and

throwing up

with the green

spray the fresh

green smell

greener than



Look look look

it is all wrong

wrong to ___ and look

and not to see

to see and not to feel

to feel the surface vision

and not the new new

life old old eyes

seeing only with a

trimmed and surface

vision eye revolving round

life’s orbit—

but never entering

never leading the

whole new being

into the new life

there there to ___

___ ___.