eXpect eXciting eXcursions
Stories from the Kink Realm
Eros surveyed the frat’s movements through the chest’s keyhole.
The gawky pledges buckled under the chest’s weight, but dared not drop it lest they feel the wrath of their big brothers. Thes, the chubbiest of the meek pledges, took the center. The muscular yet quiet Pro and the bow-legged Dochus took up the front and back respectively. As they descended the stone steps, wearing nothing but white T-shirts and snug tighty-whities, the cold night wind brushed up against their bare, hairy legs. In contrast, their big brothers wore violent red t-shirts and pants or shorts.
Thes groaned to his fellow pledges, “Jesus, are we not there yet? My back is killing me!”
“What was that, meat?!”. Id, Pro’s scrawny, round-shouldered big brother, snapped at the trio behind. He smirked to Simon next to him, “I think these pledges need to be reminded what happens when little brothers speak out of turn”.
Simon, Dochus’ thick-thighed and thick-headed big brother, nodded and unzipped the duffle bag on his shoulder. He produced a bottle of seltzer and shook it excitedly.
Id smirked to the brother leading the train, “Whaddya say, ‘Po?”.
Hippo responded with a snide laugh. He was a big and tall man, with a small, cute face and horrendous body odor. He smelled like an unseasoned slice of beef with a hefty dose of jock sweat. Contrary to popular belief, he gained his nickname not for his size or his tendency to collapse watermelons whole, but because of his large crooked teeth. Whenever he entered a satisfied mood, he had a habit of licking the gap between his front teeth. Ever since becoming the head of Alpha Sigma Sigma, his gap has widened.
Hippo chuckled, “I think that sounds deserved. Gotta keep these boys in line if they’re ever gonna become men!”
Id snickered, “Say ‘aww’, pledges!”.
The spray was halted by the banging of a sole on wood. “Hey!”, Eros bellowed, “Leave the kids alone, that was me. I want to know when we’re arriving so I can hurry up, bust outta here and nurple you punks sideways!”.
Hippo trudged over to the chest and gave a sharp bang on its side, “Quiet, prey! Mind your own business!”
Eros scoffed, “You fucks kidnapped me! This is all my business!”, and then punctuated his remark with another kick from inside.
Hippo rolled his eyes and returned to the front, “Whatever. But let’s not waste a good shake. Brother Id…do it anyway”.
Id popped open the seltzer, drenching the pledges from their shoulders to their socks. The pledges recoiled as they reached the bottom of the stone steps.
This frat annoyed Eros to no end. He’d met, witnessed the chartering of and even joined many brotherhoods and fraternities throughout his years. As far as he was concerned, the Freemasons, the Eleusinians, the Odd Fellows, Kappa Psi, Upsilon Sigma Phi, even Parliament-Funkadelic had more dignity and charm than the louts of Alpha Sigma Sigma. He would have cracked that poorly-locked chest and given all of those big brothers a thrashing were he not on a mission.
Hobart the Hokkaido, leader of the southeast furry septs of Lapa Luche, reached out to Eros personally. The fraternity had robbed Hobart’s family library, but left with little to no trace and a seemingly tight, yet false alibi. Without greater evidence beyond Hobart’s witness account of the robbery, the island elders had no jurisdiction over non-islanders and Hobart had no backing for an investigation. Thus, he went through shadier channels that led to Eros’ doorstep. With the thief’s help, Hobart discovered Alpha Sigma Sigma’s foolish plans to tamper with a destructive magic, resurrecting an ancient lycan spirit. All they needed was a vessel to sacrifice to the spirit’s hunger.
In order to infiltrate their ranks, Eros allowed himself to be caught by the frat, implanted with a tracking spell Hobart could follow him with. Even though he trusted Hobart to find him, Eros was still uneasy not knowing where they were. The frat had gone far off from the sounds of Maunádega City and even farther past the adjacent forest. The last thing he could discern through the keyhole was a tall, blue field of grass. Now, not even a cricket or an owl could be heard.
The frat brothers traversed over a hill and crossed a stone bridge constructed above their final destination, a vast labyrinth. The bridge ended at the center of the labyrinth’s vortex, only a few feet from the ground of the clearing. Notably, the center of the maze was on much higher ground than the rest of it, which sunk to about 30 feet deep.
“Alright, pledges, drop the sacrifice!”.
The chest launched to the dirt ground of the maze and Eros tumbled out, narrowly breaking his fall even with his hands and feet bound. Eros rolled in the dust and arrived at an ancient altar. A tall stone at the head of the structure was cut in the visage of a prehistoric caniform, giving the illusion that a mad wolf was bursting from the ground. On either side of the head were stone stakes to which Eros’ hands would be bound.
At Hippo’s order, the big brothers equipped themselves with small, round, evil-looking paddles to hurry the pledges’ work. Swat! “Hurry up, maggots”, he ordered, “We gotta get the sacrifice set up before the moon reaches its apex!”.
Id scratched his head, “Wait, what’s an apex?”.
Hippo grabbed Id by the waistband, pulled him close and smacked him upside the head. He then proceeded to fetch a thick, white book from the group’s duffle bag. Embossed in gold on its cover was the word LUPUM CARCERUM, subtitled ハッタイ家の本 [Hattai-ka no hon]. He flipped through the book until he found the page he needed. A notation of the ritual’s movements was sketched across two pages. “Alright, so here’s the formation: two of us circling in the center in front of the altar, four of us circling around the altar. Since I'm pledgemaster, I'm in front of the altar. Little brother…"
Thes, who was picking his nails, not really paying attention, flicked his head up.
"You'll be circling with me! The rest of you, take the scripture and memorize the chant!”.
He shoved the book into Id’s hands. Simon peeked over Id’s shoulder, trying to make sense of the markings in the book, “Oxxy…so-eep…gee-ah-gee-av…is this even English?”
Eros made a thousand-yard stare, thinking to himself, “Whatever they subject me to won’t be nearly as painful as hearing them talk”.
The boys eventually got their formation sorted out and rehearsed the ancient chant. As they tripped over the odd string of syllables, which with each repetition sounded more and more like "Who Let the Dogs Out", Eros kept his eye on the hills past the labyrinth. At last, the shadow of a large beast cut through the grass. His features were sharp and his fur puffy as gray seafoam. Through squinted, yellow eyes he spotted the altar, using a ragdoll doggy toy as a divining rod Hobart was coming.
As the wolf hid in the shadows, far from the light of the torches lit by the pledges in the center of the maze, Thes shyly approached his big brother, "Pledgemaster Hippo?".
"What is it? I'm busy".
"Well, I noticed that at least one of us had to carry a torch in the middle, or else the ritual won't work. And I wanted to nominate myself".
"Pledge, what are you getting on about? We've got, like, seven torches lit. We don't need another or we'll burn the maze down. Plus, if we were gonna do it, what makes you think you'd be the one?", Hippo shoved Thes and backed him over to a log off to the corner.
"I mean, I am the Pledgemaster's little brother. I'm clearly more deserving of a higher position in the frat–".
"Than me?".
Thes stammered, "Um, no…I meant than my fellow pledges".
Hippo snapped his fingers and Simon immediately began digging through a duffle bag, "I know what you meant. You're being insubordination again! Are you even taking this initiation seriously?"
Thes stood at attention, his amber eyes quivering with anticipation, "Yes, Pledgemaster, sir! Do you need me to recite again?"
"Nah, I'm just gonna whoop your ass", Brother Hippo held out his hand and Simon handed him a shoddily-cut, yet well-sanded paddle with the frat’s Greek letters scrawled on it. Hippo pointed to the stump, "Assume the position".
Thes grumbled and bent over, planting his hands on the stump.
"I'm sorry", Whamp!, "What was that, piece of puke?" Whamp!
Thes grit his teeth, "Nothing, Pledgemaster Hippo!".
Whamp! "No, I want to hear it. Go on and tell your frat brothers the news". Whamp!
Thes huffed like an angered bull, "I said I could make a better Pledgemaster than you any day!".
A gasp then a hush fell over the other frat members. Even Eros was shocked. Hippo scoffed, "Cheeky. If you apologize then maybe I won't swat you so hard you'll be standing in class tomorrow".
Thes sighed, "I'm sorry, Pledgemaster, sir".
Hippo tapped his chin, pretending to think hard, "Nah. Your ass is still gonna get beat red". Swat! Swat! Swat! Swat! Swat! Swat! “And what’s more, I’m assigning you to wash my football jocks with your toothbrush for the next month. Got that?” Swat! Swat…!
As Thes got the ass beating of his life (so far), Hobart and Eros noticed a constellation form in the sky above the labyrinth. Eros believed it to be Orion, judging by its shape, although it seemed off from its coordinates. Eros assumed the hunter was going for a midnight stroll. It smiled down on poor Thes then went away, but not far. It just hid behind a thick cloud that remained for the next few hours.
There were only two ways to access the center of the labyrinth: either forgo the element of surprise and use the bridge, or enter the maze traditionally and risk wasting time trying to navigate it. Ultimately, Hobart’s decision was made for him when he heard the chant commence, the runes pronounced shockingly properly:
“Oxé áilyks at esifá; so-so-soiop!
“Oxé áilyks at esifá; so-so-soiop…!"
As they repeated the chant and executed the blocking, Hobart dashed down the hill and bounded from wall to wall atop the labyrinth. His mute fur and light footing made him nearly inconspicuous, but Hippo was perceptive. He broke from the rotating circle and snatched up the large frat paddle. "Don't stop!", he commanded the group, "I gotta deal with this fucker. Just cover me; double time with the chanting and hustle with the movement!". Hippo then charged down the bridge, swinging his paddle in Hobart’s path.
Hobart dodged him and bounded onto the bridge, "Foolish child! You don't know what you're messing with!" He spun around and collided his mighty tail against Hippo's hip. Swoop!
Hippo jutted to the side, but quickly covered. He swung downwind of Hobart, landing a firm Swat! on his wolf hiney that made the wolf jump a few inches in the air with a whimper. Hippo scoffed, "We know what's up, wolfie. This awesome power’s gonna make us Alpha Sigma Sigma legends and you ain’t gonna get in my way!".
Hobart hooked the pledge master in his arm and threw him to the bridge. As he locked Hippo’s head between his legs, Hobart placed two fingers near his mouth and whistled.
Eros’ mood perked up, "That's my cue!". He hinged his wrists and easily untied his bindings, tying them together to form a flail. He swung it around and flashed the frat boys a wicked grin, "Line em up and bend over, laddies!".
Id and Simon squealed in terror and dashed off to take refuge deep in the labyrinth. Pro and Dochus, meanwhile, put their dukes up and prepared to fight.
Eros twirled his weapon, "Huh, y'all got balls…". He dove to the ground and swung the flail against Dochus' crotch, "...Well, not anymore!". The sound of Dochus’ near-inaudible squeal gave Eros a tingle up his neck.
As Eros gleefully whooped the pledges' literal asses, the sparring on the bridge raged on. Hobart swung a punch at Hippo, but he dodged it.
Hippo swung his paddle down and Hobart leapt out of its path, nearly falling into the labyrinth. As Hippo pressed on towards the wolf, Hobart thought quickly and seemingly fell off the bridge. Unbeknownst to Hippo, who peeked over the side, Hobart’s claws dug into the undercarriage of the bridge. He grappled his way to the opposite side and kicked Hippo in the ass. Hobart snatched the frat paddle away as Brother Hippo fell into the deep labyrinth.
While Eros had Dochus and Pro suckling like pigs, Thes had ducked for cover from the rogue’s offensive. From afar, Thes witnessed a white light emitting from the angry wolf’s maw, dripping upward like running water into oblivion. As the light intensified, Thes noticed the Lupum Carcerum slowly shift from white to red, as if wine were bleeding through its covers.
As Hobart charged towards the center of the maze, he shouted, “Eros, enough playing around! They already made it too far into the ritual. If even a fly enters that altar it could spell disaster!”.
Thes’ ears perked at the information gained from that warning. He ducked behind the wolf’s head and paused to make sure he was undetected.
Hobart growled, “Destroy it now! One of them’s gonna jump in!”.
Before Eros could fully acknowledge the pledge’s presence, Thes ran from behind the altar and banged Eros clean over the head with the book, knocking him out cold.
“No!”, on instinct, Hobart launched the paddle directly towards the altar.
Thes slid into Eros’ former place at the altar and basked in the white light. Time seemed to slow as the light redirected itself from the sky straight to Thes’ eyes. A dust devil of light raged out of thin air and enwrapped Thes with a mighty howl, “Awoooooooooo…!”.
Hobart looked in horror as a mighty, fur-covered, muscly arm burst from the dust of the display and easily caught the careening paddle. The arm swatted away the misty cover, revealing the blue, canine body it belonged to. His shoulders were broad and his teeth were massive, white and eternally grinning. His eyes, full of ancient wisdom, pierced a violent red into the night and his hands and feet, while putting one in the mind of a human, were punctuated by vicious, black claws. They were covered with as much fur as the rest of the body, save for the creature’s glistening bare palms and pecs, which looked as firm as tumbled opal. This towering, slumped beast was neither man nor wolf nor pup nor even furry. It was the spankenwolf.
The spirit breathed heavily, as if he had been running for hours, and observed his surroundings, “So dusty. Did nobody keep up with the place?”.
Hobart skid to a stop on the bridge. He looked on at the creature, undaunted, “What is your name, spirit?”.
“This vessel is apparently a Mattheus of the Kowalski clan. Many called it ‘Thes’. But you may call it Sykes”.
Hobart snarled, “Is the boy still in there?”
“Oh don’t worry, doggy, he’s all fine in here. Thes and Sykes have struck an agreement. They’ll be sharing this form from now on. Sykes is he and Sykes is me”. With a grunt and a wink, Syke’s left pupil turned a stunning amber, emblazoned with an olden fire.
Hobart’s stomach turned. He stumbled back in shock and shook his head in anger, “No! You monster. I will send you back from where you came!”. Hobart leapt in the air and came back down, slamming his fists into the bridge with such force that it collapsed and crumbled into the depths of the maze. Without the bridge, the only way out of the labyrinth was by going through it.
This factor, however, didn’t seem to bother Sykes at all, “Foolish dog, you think that scares me? No…that just means you’re stuck in here with me!”.
By the time Eros came to, the lanterns’ light had dimmed to a faint orange. He rubbed his head and slumped onto his feet. The central clearing was completely empty, as if ransacked by bears. Yet the altar still stood, glowing hot. In the distance within the depths of the labyrinth’s trails, Eros could hear screams that, on a typical Friday, would bring him joy.
“Ouch! Oww!”
“No! Agghg! Oh my god!”
“Waa-a-a-a! Oh, daddee!”
But given the circumstances, Eros could not indulge in the panged noises…much.
He thumbed through the wine-colored book for ideas on how to stop the lycan. As sweat stains along the pages rubbed the cheap print off on his fingers, he was reminded of newsprint. He flashed back to a brief time when he worked as a pup breeder and had to “command” his rowdy charge by slapping their legs with a rolled newspaper; ‘twas a fun time for all. He then was struck with a devious plan. Eros proceeded to tear whole pages from the book and roll them up together.
He wielded the papers as a mighty baton and declared with gusto, “With his hellish tome; I shall blast the lycan home; In the name of the Erotes I dub thee Lupus-Tata; Because I am that wolf’s daddy now!”.
Traversing through the labyrinth was a breeze for Eros. In his youth, his uncle’s wife at the time would take his brothers to her home of Crete. There, they would play in the labyrinth with a minotaur for hours. As far as Eros was concerned, this Maunádegan structure was much smaller and far less sophisticated.
He tracked the voices of the frat brothers to the western reaches of the maze and found Id caught in a patch of bramble. Eros sighed, “Kid, stop scrambling, you’re just gonna yourself stuck even further”.
Id wouldn't listen. Even as Eros helped him pull his joggers and T-shirt free, the wily boy wouldn’t calm down, “Werewolf’s gonna get me! No more paddles, man, no more!”
“Shut the hell up!”, Eros whispered. He had enough. “Ya know what? This is what we’re gonna do…”, he dove underneath Id and hoisted him over his shoulder. He didn’t care that the seat of the frat bro’s pants ripped and stuck to the bush.
“Dude, my pants!”
Eros gave him a sharp Smack! on the seat of the boy’s freshly-bared little bottom. “Dude”, he replied, mocking Id’s tone, “I told you to stop! And keep your voice down, Sykes could catch us and I gotta get you to safety”.
He set Id back on his feet, but the boy was still panicked. He shook his head, “Nuh-uh, man. It’s not Sykes who’s after me!”.
Their conversation was halted by a boorish growl coming from a muscular creature, somewhere between man, ape and wolf, carrying one of the smaller paddles.. His chest was bare and tan while his limbs and back were covered in purplish fur. What was most telling for Eros was the creature’s clothes: he wore a white, torn-up T-shirt as an unfastened vest and a pair of fine-fitting tighty whities that showed off his fit, burly legs.
Eros squinted, “Pro, is that you”?
“Indeed, algesidoros. But this really doesn’t concern you. Let me take custody of my former big brother and I shall be on my way”, the creature bared his teeth and let out a growling hum of anticipation.
Eros cocked his head, putting Id behind him, “‘Former’? Have you joined a new frat or something?”.
“It is an old older; the Brotherhood of the Lycan is returning and we have pledged allegiance to our Brother Sykes!”
“And you wanna convert your big brothers to the Order?”
“They are not worthy. And even if they were, only Brother Sykes can convert. He giveth and taketh away!”
“Well, that’s not true, because I’m taking all y’all away”. Eros lunged forward and bopped Pro on the snout with his paper baton. Schop!
Pro snarled, “That shall not transform me! That only irritates me!”.
“Well at least it’s doing something!” Eros swung his baton down Pro’s body, aiming for his butt and thighs. Schop-schop! Schop-schop! Schop…!
Pro got on all fours and whimpered. He skittered away in the direction he came, setting off a mighty “Awoooo…” into the night.
Eros turned around, grabbed Id, and put him back over his shoulder, “He’s calling his brothers! We gotta find Hobart. He can put Sykes in his place before anyone leaves this maze. If those things reach the city, then it’s game over”.
“Alright, dude, you seem to know what yer doin’!”.
Eros shrugged, “Sure. Go ahead and believe that”.
Eros held the paper in his mouth and scaled the large wall of the corridor where they stood. He figured that they would be able to better scout the area from above than below. Eros dashed his nimble feet from atop wall to wall.
Soon, Id cried out, “Dude, Simon!”.
Eros spotted Simon hunched over a boulder with his sweats at his ankles. He was terrified and tied in place by some rope, but was otherwise alone.
Eros jumped back down into the labyrinth and landed adjacent to the boulder, setting Id onto his feet once they landed. He darted over to his frat brother with open arms and teary eyes, “Simon, bro! Are you hurt?”. Id dashed, failing to spot check, and approached another rope stretched near the ground.
Eros yelled out to him, “No, idiot! It’s a trap–”.
Id triggered the trip wire and he and Eros were lifted into the air. Attached to the wall was a fulcrum through which the rope ran through. One end of the rope wrapped around Id’s ankle and the other end, intertwined with a net, ensnared Eros.
As they hung in humiliation, Eros and Id were treated to guttural laughter from the shadows. Into the light stepped Sykes, wielding the large frat paddle, and another, more bow-legged purple lycan carrying his own paddle.
Id gazed down, “Oh no! Little Brother Dochus!”
The second wolf, a muscley creature himself, growled, “I ain’t so little anymore, am I?!”.
Sykes glided over to the wall and pulled Id down by his hair.
“Ouch!”, the string beaned grimaced.
Sykes took his elegant claws and sliced right through the rope, dropping Eros to the dust. Eros tried to scramble to his feet, but was caught in the tangles of the net. Sykes handed Id over to Dochus as he kept Eros in place with a foot on his shoulder.
“Brother Sykes”, Dochus pleaded, “May I begin?”.
Sykes growled in the affirmative, “You need no permission from me”.
Dochus grinned, “May I use the mighty paddle?”.
Sykes leaned over, took Dochus by the ear, “Never ask me that again…”, and then disposed of him. “Now go forth and do what must be done!”.
Dochus trotted Id to the boulder and laid him next to Simon. “Gee, this one’s buttocks have already been revealed!”, he laughed. “Now close your eyes and think of Lassie!”.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Dochus alternated between Id’s tiny cheeks and received high pitched groans in return. Whack! Whack!
“Ouch! Aaiiiee!”, Dochus sputtered his legs and grabbed onto his fellow brother’s hand.
“Hang in there, bro!” Simon told Id.
“Room for one more?” A voice rang from far behind Simon. Charging from down the corridor came Pro, aiming his paddle to Simon’s well-presented ass. SMACK!
The transmogrified pledges took great pleasure in trading big brothers for the hour. Soon red splotches were radiating from underneath Id and Simon’s tighty whities, which in turn rode up with each consecutive smack. Thwack! Thwack! The boys’ woeful faces were buried by their former tormentees into the boulder, yet their cries still echoed throughout the labyrinth, “Noo! Ouch! Aaaaaw-wwah!”.
Sykes roared with pleasure, “Yes, my pupils! Fulfill your truest potentials!”.
With great difficulty, Eros managed to rip his way through the net with his teeth. He rolled out of the trap and swung his paper up at Sykes, who promptly backhanded it out of Eros’ hands and into the air. Eros, whose form was already typically pale, turned bone white as he gazed at his sole defense fly high over the wall.
Sykes grabbed him by the throat and put him to the wall. He planted his paddle into the ground and prepared his claws, “Insolent wretch!”.
Eros spat, “Heard that one before”.
“You are not the first to underestimate me like a common house pet! Never again, I say! Now it is time for the dog to rule the house!”. He swung Eros around and pushed his stomach to the wall. He slashed Eros’ clothes and tore his backside stark nude, “Hm…no underpants. How interesting”. Sykes lifted the paddle from the ground and didn’t hesitate. Whack! Whack! Whack!
Eros scrunched his face and banged his fist against the wall, “SHIT! GAAH!”.
The trio of paddlings wailed into the night, reaching far across to another end of the labyrinth where Hippo wandered. He walked with his cargo shorts lowered in order to air out his beaten red ass. He was still dizzy and rather sore after being attacked by one of the lycans, although he couldn’t tell which one it was specifically.
He rubbed his butt as he turned a corner, coming face-to-face with yet another wolf. He shielded himself in fear, “Ah no, man! No more! Uncle, uncle!”.
Hobart huffed, “Oh please, calm down. I’m not one of Sykes’ pack. I’m Hobart”.
“Still, you whooped my ass earlier, man! I didn’t do nothin’!”.
Hobart shot Sykes an incredulous look, “You stole a cursed tome, kidnapped a (mostly) innocent man for a sacrifice and released a chaotic evil spirit!”.
“But that’s not the worst thing I could do, is it?”.
Hobart pinched his temple, “Foolish human, we don’t have time for this! If we don’t convert your brothers before the sun rises, they’ll be lost and under Sykes’ control forever!”.
“Shit, no way am I gonna let that happen! I was a crappy pledgemaster, but no one’s gonna boss them around ‘cept for me”.
Hobart shrugged, “Even a really dumb lesson is a lesson learned”.
At that moment, the rolled paper fell onto Hippo’s head. “Hey! What the hell?”.
Hobart knelt down and sniffed the weapon. He paused in a moment of thought, then uttered, “This belongs to Eros. He must have created it to defeat Sykes…I’ve got a plan…”.
Sykes’ brood marched Eros and the two frat brothers back to the center of the maze. All were stripped to their tighty whities and bound at the hands. Even Eros was forced to wear a pair formerly worn by Thes. Eros’ face twisted in discomfort at the sensation of wearing underwear, especially something as demeaning for him as briefs. Sure, they made his package look nice, but they pinched at his butt, giving his juicy cheeks a wedgie with every step he took. He somehow felt more vulnerable with them on than he did bare naked.
The parade of humiliation made its way to the altar, where they were ordered to kneel with their hands on their heads. Sykes softly traced the paddle across their butts and cooed, “Now that our nuisances are eliminated, what to do with them, my brothers”.
“Maybe I could provide a suggestion…”, Hobart entered the clearing with his puppy dog eyes shining with tears and his hands in the air, “...if you will let me join your brotherhood, Sykes?”.
Pro and Dochus snarled at the wolf, but with a motion of his claw Sykes yielded them. He spoke on the group’s behalf, “You really want to join a Brotherhood your kind has tried so hard to foil?”
“I must acknowledge when a far greater power than mine has arisen and I cannot continue to contradict you”.
Sykes laughed, “What do you think you can add to the Brotherhood?”
Hobart got on one knee. He presented to Sykes the rolled paper baton, “In my hand I have papers brutally torn from the sacred Lupum Carcerum. In this roll there is an incantation that you can use to not only dispose of these layabouts…”, he motioned to Eros, Id and Simon in disgust, “...but to get some use of them as well”.
Sykes raised his eyebrow, “Go on”.
“There is no room for the likes of them in the Brotherhood of Lycan, except maybe in one way. We shall use their life essence to nourish the first wave of converts. Then once they are empty we shall find more unworthy ones to suckle from”.
Eros, despite his tested patience and forced submission, perked his ears and gave a slight smile, “‘Suckle’, you say?”.
Hobart shook his head, “It is simply a figure of speech. When this thick cloud passes, our lead Brother shall recite the incantation and redirect the moon’s beams to the constellation of Orion the Hunter. Orion’s blood shall then rain down on you and Brother Sykes will be blessed with the power to siphon these infidels’ energy!”.
Eros frowned, “That sounds a lot less fun than suckling”.
Sykes laughed, “My my, I don’t know what’s gotten into hokkaido since they last faced me, but I like it! Hand me the page with the incantation in question!”
Hobart did so, handing him a slightly ripped page.
Eros called out, incensed, “Hobart! How can you sell out the Realm like this?”.
“I am a proud wolf, but endangered as my species is, I cannot afford to make unwise decisions out of pride”. He walked over to Eros and put his hand on his shoulder. With a wink hidden from the lycans, but in complete view of Eros, Hobart continued, “This is what must be done, friend”.
Eros tried his best to contain his smile, curling his mouth inward as if he were trying not to laugh in a quiet theater, “Well, you’ve made your choice”.
Sykes held the page to the sky and sang the words on it,
“Olyksóginyk ané árap iasíe ned;
Leráp es ahtkármaot!”
The dust devil of light returned to the center of the labyrinth and the cloud began to open up. All present looked up in awe and enamored terror as the constellation of Orion emerged from the cloud. Just as Hobart foretold, the moon’s beams directed themselves to Orion and struck him fiercely. Yet, he didn’t bleed, not one drop. Instead a smile broke across his face.
Sykes’ grin disappeared, “That’s not the constellation of Orion, is it?”.
Hobart shook his head and took his seat on the stump, “No. This has been the constellation of Karma all along”,
Eros nodded his head in sudden realization, “So it is! The two constellations look eerily similar, but they do very different things…as you’ll see now, Sykes my boy”.
The Constellation smiled down on Sykes, a smile so beaming that it tore the spirit apart from Thes. Sykes floated in the air, robbed of a vessel for a moment, “No matter! I shall possess one of you other puny, unworthy things and start again!”.
“Nope,” Hobart fetched his doggy toy from his pants and threw it in Sykes’ path.
The doll thudded to the ground, its eyes glowing with the red flame of the ages, “What did you do to me?!”.
Eros swiftly got to his feet and dove to grab the rolled paper. He lifted it above his head and smacked it against the ragdoll’s stuffed tushy. Whampf!
Within an instant, the winds ceased and the night was quiet and bright. All three pledges’ hair had dissipated and their original body shapes restored. Even the hair they had before their altered state disappeared. Now they were all shaven young men in torn up shirts and stretched-out briefs.
Hobart yawned and stretched his limbs, “Alright, Hippo, you can come out!”.
Hippo ran into the clearing ululating, stripped completely nude, save for his socks and shoes, “Alpha Sig–”. He stopped and looked around the otherwise quiet atmosphere, “Hey, it’s over?”.
The pledges looked to their pledgemaster in confusion.
Hippo looked back, elated. He ran over to them and wrapped them in a massive hug, “Ugh! My pledges! I thought I was gonna lose ya! I’m sorry for bein’ such a jerk of a big brother”.
Id and Simon got behind their respective little brothers and shared the sentiment. “Yeah, real dick move on our part”, Id said, his head hung.
Simon shrugged his shoulders, “We took hell week maybe a bit too seriously”.
Thes shook his head, “No, we’re sorry. We let the power get to our heads”.
Pro piped up, “It was so exhilarating to have the tables turned!”
Dochus added, “But we didn’t need to take it so far. We’re sorry”.
Hippo took all of his frat brothers in his arms and took a deep breath in, “I guess we all have learned a valuable lesson then: absolute power makes you a real dumbass, absolutely”.
Hobart and Eros looked over at the boys with disdain as Hobart clawed Eros’ bindings off.
Thes scratched his bald head, “But what I don’t get, Pledgemaster Hippo, is why you’re naked”.
Hippo licked his teeth in thought, “Yeah…Hob-dude, why did you need me naked? I barely did anything to save the day!”.
Hobart cracked his knuckles, “Oh, I thought it’d be easier to just get straight to spanking you if you already took your clothes off”.
The brothers paused their celebration.
“Eros, mind helping me?”
Eros furrowed his brow in wicked pleasure as he upturned the chest that once imprisoned him. He proceeded to sit on it, slapped his knee with a prompt Swack!, and said, “I’ll take two brothers, you take two brothers. The leftover pair is gonna stand over at the altar. One of us will get to you in a minute”.
Hobart waved his hand in dissent, “No. I’m gonna be preoccupied with Charlie Brown…”, he pointed to Hippo, “...and Snoopy”, he pointed to Thes.
The frat brothers turned white and winced with their whole bodies.
Eros rubbed his palms together in excited heat, “Oh yeah, boy, sounds like a plan!”.
Simon and Dochus stood naked at the altar, their heads on their heads and their ears filled with the swats and whimpers of their fellow fraternity members.
Hoisted over Eros’ raised lap were Id and Pro. Eros swung his hand mercilessly. Smack! Swack! Smack! Swack! Smack! Swack! His spankees kicked their legs and mourned their sore states.
“Ah! Oh! No, sir, please! Owww!”
But no matter how hard Eros’ experienced hand could lay into these troublesome frat boys, it paled in comparison to the paw of a scorned wolf furry. Hobart’s heavy hand dropped across Hippo and Thes’ bountiful bottoms with a vengeance. Although, ompared to Hobart’s baseball mit of a palm, the bottoms were basically the size of swollen apples. Suffice it to say, they were that color and texture as well. SMAK! SMAK! SMAK! SMAK! SMAK!
“AAagghg! Ohh! Sorry! Sorry! Sorreee!”.
Even with each boy riggling over each of his knees, Hobart was relentless. “And I don’t want to have to hunt you punks down again! I’m pretty sure you don’t wanna be in this position any time soon!”
“No, sir!”, Thes cried.
“No! No! Please stop! Aggh!”, Hippo pleaded, “Dude, we’ve learned our lesson!”
Eros gave Id a series of rapid fire swats, Swack-swack-swack-swack-swack…!, and pondered, “Hm…do you think they’ve learned their lesson, Hobart?”
Hobart’s face didn’t crack a wink, “No”. SWAK! SWAK!
“We’ll stay here until the sun rises if we have to!”. SCHWAK!
Eros paused mid-spank, “Well, okay, that’s a bit excessive. I am starting to get a bit tired”.
Hobart snorted a gust of air from his snout, “Eros, do you wanna get some of this, too?”.
“What?”, Eros gasped, “But I haven’t done anything, for once!”.
“You’re not completely off my shit list. I mean, tearing up my family’s ancient text to use as a rod? It’s brilliant as it is short-sighted, and I will punish you for it if you don’t continue on quietly. Understand?”.
Eros grumbled, “Stupid dog”.
Without hesitation, Hobart shoved Thes and Hippo onto their feet before trouncing over to Eros’ crate. He breathed down his neck, remarking, “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite hear that”.
Eros sweated, “I’ll do my best, sir!”.
“That’s what I thought you said. I’ve had a rough night, too, buddy, but you don’t see me complaining…” Hobart’s eyes wandered to the crotch of Eros’ pants, then rolled back up, “...And put that thing away, Eros”.
As Hobart returned to his seat, Eros protested, “It’s not like I can control it, Hobart! The heart wants what it wants!”.
Hobart pulled Thes and Hippo back over his knees, “That’s not your heart!”.
As the punishments continued well into the night, giving ambiance to the fields surrounding the labyrinth’s stones, the yawning Constellation of Karma smiled upon Eros and would continue to do so for many midnights to come.