What are the best ways to stay updated on my child’s progress throughout the school year?

  1. Email your child’s teacher. This is probably one of the quickest ways to initiate communication.

  1. Get the Remind ios or Android app. Ask your child’s teacher for the class code and sign up to receive the alerts. This is probably the best way to stay current on the expectations for class and your child’s progress.

  1. If your child is in grades 5-12, sign up for a Home Access Center account to check grades online. This link can also be accessed on our district website. Email Karie Brown, guidance counselor for account information.

  1. Ask your child’s teacher to invite you to view a daily or weekly summary of your child’s Google Classroom work. To learn more about what is included in a guardian summary, please click here.

  1. Call the school and ask to be connected to your child’s teacher.

Katherine Thomas Elementary-330-326-9800

Windham Jr./Sr. High-330-326-2711 ext. 515 (HS)

How does my child access Google Classroom from home?

  1. After logging into google.com, students can type in classroom.google.com to access classes.

  1. A second way students can access Classroom is from the Google.com homepage. They can click the waffle icon in the upper right corner of the screen and then choose “Classroom.”


What if I don’t know my child’s login or my child forgets his/her password?

Most student email addresses are formatted as follows:


(First initial, last name, last two numbers of graduating year, @windham-schools.org)

If you’re unsure of password or if your child appears to be locked out of their account, please contact the teacher directly and he/she will request a reset and the new password will be sent to you.

What if I’m receiving a “Classes cannot be found” message on Google Classroom?

This message suggests that another account (other than your child’s school email) is currently logged in on the device. You will have to sign out of the account so that it doesn’t interfere with accessing Google Classroom.

If I have a tablet, what Google apps might my child need in order to complete work on the tablet?

Here are links to the suggested apps students may need to have in order to work with the various Google applications usually present on a Chromebook.

ios (ipad)


Google Classroom

Google Chat

Google Drive

Google Docs

Google Slides

Google Meet

Google Classroom

Google Chat

Google Drive

Google Docs

Google Slides

Google Meet

*Additional apps may be suggested by teachers.

Technology Tutorials for Parents

How to access Google Classroom

How to send an email to the teacher from Google Classroom