Welcome to Bad Weapon Rehabilitation,

Where we take the worst balanced weapons TF2 has to offer and figure out how to best fix them.

General feedback can be provided through this form

Join FSOAS’s discord for discussion on servers too! discord.gg/hMSmUTDytk

FUNDING FOR FEBRUARY 15th: $ 0 / $ 60

Help keep the server funded by donating directly to the hosting service here or through FSOAS’s Patreon

Feedback Session

Addressing Bloat

We wanted to evaluate where in the current mod there has become subject to bloated or unnecessary changes. You may go through each class and list what you feel ought to be simplified, tweaked, or removed from the mod as it is.


Feel free to take your time, and consider each change's place in the mod, the weapon's intended design, how the changes intend to address issues with the weapon/class. We are also polling on which maps might need to be cut in this form as well.

The form will be open until Sunday, February 2nd.

Standard Servers

Class limit of 3 with 13-24 players, or 2 with 12 players or less

Bots may be enabled to fill in for players when under 18 players, using the vote command “!togglebots” in chat

Type “!changes” in chat to see the changes of your loadout

Voting for RTV enabled, type “rtv” in chat

Nominate additional maps beyond the maplist with “!nominate

Voting to enable Halloween cosmetics and effects with “!votehalloween” in chat

Voting for Scramble Teams and Kick Player active in the “Call a Vote” menu

Uses wide vanilla map rotation with select custom maps (see below for full list)

PUG Servers

Servers for running Pickup Games of 6v6, Prolander, or Highlander

See FSOAS Discord for additional organizing of play

No bots, similar vote rules available currently

Uses more restricted map lineup, with pro versions of select maps (see below for full list)

PUGs US Server:, PUGs EU Server:

MvM Server

MvM US Server:

Incorporates the mod’s changes as well as a few custom tweaks to upgrades to fit with said changes.

Uses a custom plugin for handling upgrades rather than the normal station. Upgrade menu will appear upon spawning and re-entering spawn. Menu can also be manually accessed with the command “/sm_upgrade” in chat.

See MvM tab for full details


No random crits (see melee weapons for exception)

No random bullet spread

No random damage spread

No random fall damage

Weapon Switching

Holster penalties on weapons are enforced, keeping the slower switch speed until a weapon is fully drawn


All items that inflict afterburn now reduce healing and resistances in the same manner

With the countless variation in interactions in the game with classes, loadouts, and maps, there is no reason for arbitrary random factors.

Intent on making sure holster speed nerfs cannot be exploited through switching to a 3rd weapon.

An attempt to make the debuff more consistent in application, making it properly inhibit healing.

Melee Weapons

Melee attacks are able to hit through teammates instead of being negated

Melees with random crits instead perform a combo: 2nd hit deals a mini-crit, 3rd deals a guaranteed critical hit!

Scout melee deals mini-crits for the 2nd & 3rd hits, and a critical hit on the 4th

No crit combo for melees with “No Random Crits” attribute

On-Kill Effects

Shield Bashes trigger On-Kill effects as melee attacks would

On-Kill effects are triggered when the user takes credit for "finishing off" an enemy

Exception for Bazaar Bargain and Conniver's Kunai, due requiring a specific type of kill

Voice Commands

New voice command "Sniper Ahead!" bound to replace "Pass to Me" ('voicemenu 0 8' and 'voicemenu 1 8') or 'sm_sniper'

Plays MvM Sniper callout when available or custom voice otherwise

Will highlight an enemy sniper for 2 seconds when aiming at the sniper when making the command

The high crit rate on melees was meant to make their last resort nature more enticing. This melee combo is meant to replicate that effect without making the interaction random and allow stock melees to keep up with unlocks.

A QoL change to make on-kill effects on shield bashes consistent with using your melee, while also making accidental or intentional robbing users of on-kill bonuses less likely.

A requested QOL feature for communicating the presence of a sniper. The experimental feature of a highlight will require testing but shouldn't be too debilitating for the enemy sniper if someone has to be in his line of sight just to point out his location.

Capture The Flag

Dropped intelligence has a visual return radius (216 HU)

Teammates in the radius will increase its rate of return by 2x

Crits on Capture disabled

Medieval Mode

Whitelist additions: Flare Gun, Jarate, Gas Passer

Engineers can build dispensers and teleporters

Crits on capture made it snowball a little too strongly. Making intel reset faster is an attempt to make back-capping less powerful at bringing CTF to a statemate and allow an attacking team more leniency when defending their intel.

Tweaks to the mode to raise up certain classes that don’t perform well with a lack of their normal kits and try out some existing balance changes.

If you have suggestions for map additions/removals, use this form.

Standard Mapcycle (custom maps italicized)

A/D: cp_altitude, cp_gorge, cp_gravelpit, cp_hardwood_final, cp_mercenarypark, cp_mossrock, cp_mountainlab, cp_overgrown, cp_steel, cp_caldera_rc3, cp_fulgur_rc3, cp_glacier_rc6, cp_nixie_b1, cp_outflow_b4

CP: cp_5gorge, cp_badlands, cp_canaveral_5cp, cp_coldfront, cp_fastlane, cp_fortezza, cp_foundry, cp_freight_final1, cp_granary, cp_gullywash_final1, cp_metalworks, cp_powerhouse, cp_process_final, cp_reckoner, cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_vanguard, cp_well, cp_yukon_final, cp_antiquity_b18, cp_entropy_b5, cp_glassworks_rc7a, dom_standin_final1

KOTH: koth_badlands, koth_brazil, koth_cachoeira, koth_cascade, koth_king, koth_highpass, koth_lazarus, koth_sawmill, koth_sharkbay, koth_viaduct, koth_ashville_final1, koth_bagel_rc10, koth_brine_rc3a, koth_canopy_rc2, koth_cinder_rc4, koth_databank_rc3, koth_gamma_b7b, koth_icetower_rc7, koth_jamram_rc2b, koth_kemptown_rc4, koth_manners_avenue_b3, koth_namicott_j, koth_shorelight_rc8, koth_slaughter_rc1, koth_spillway_rc3a

PL: pl_badwater, pl_barnblitz, pl_borneo, pl_emerge, pl_enclosure_final, pl_frontier_final, pl_patagonia, pl_phoenix, pl_pier, pl_rumford_event, pl_snowycoast, pl_swiftwater_final1, pl_upward, pl_blastpitt_rc3, pl_boundary_final1, pl_cactuscanyon_redux_final2, pl_divulgence_b4b, pl_effigy_rc2, pl_eruption_b14, pl_extinction_rc3, pl_fountain_b3, pl_jinn_rc2, pl_longboy_b8a, pl_shatter_rc4, pl_shoreleave_rc2, pl_vigil_rc10

CTF: ctf_doublecross, ctf_landfall, ctf_applejack, ctf_pelican_peak, ctf_sidewinder_rc4bw

PD: pd_atom_smash, pd_selbyen, pd_watergate, pd_hightower_b3, pd_standin_b1, pd_street_rc2b, pd_tomb_rc2b, sd_doomsday, sd_toucan_final2

PUG Mapcycle (custom maps italicized)

A/D: cp_gorge, cp_gravelpit, cp_steel, cp_sulfur

5CP: cp_badlands, cp_warmfront, cp_fastlane, cp_foundry, cp_freight_final1, cp_granary_pro2, cp_gullywash_final1, cp_metalworks, cp_process_final, cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_well, cp_yukon_final

KOTH: koth_ashville_final1, koth_badlands, koth_bagel_rc10, koth_brazil, koth_highpass, koth_lakeside_final, koth_sawmill, koth_product_final

PL: pl_badwater_pro_v12, pl_barnblitz_pro7, pl_borneo, pl_eruption_b13, pl_swiftwater_final1, pl_upward, pl_vigil_rc10

These maps are additionally available for !nominate command: (custom maps italicized)

A/D: cp_dustbowl, cp_egypt_final, cp_snowplow, cp_hybro_b10

KOTH: koth_camp_saxton_b1, koth_lakeside_final, koth_luftangriff_b5a, koth_megasnow_rc1

PL: pl_goldrush, pl_odyssey, pl_thundermountain, pl_wutville

CTF: ctf_2fort_classic_redux, ctf_badlands_2006_rc1, ctf_casbah_classic, ctf_frosty, ctf_haarp, ctf_topsoil_v3

ALT: dom_cliffhanger_b11, tc_hydro, rd_asteroid_redux_rc9, rd_well_rc1

Medieval: cp_burghausen, cp_degrootkeep, koth_ye_olde_harveste_v4, pl_morrigan_alley_b3

PLR: plr_cutter, plr_hacksaw