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We have history as evidence to explain how small number can control population of country of India .

English ruled even continents not countries .

    Traitors work due to possible,probable dangers they might face in future . They are obcessed for insured future with joyous old age years .

Traitors work against country not only for money but also they are threatened or they fear they might get killed with their family endangered .They may not be loving their family but just they need family as dependable support in emotion or other pleasure .To maintain social life they need a family .Their son may need high-priced prostitutes regularly ,if they don't have enough money to give to their son for paying prostitutes they fear that he might be caught in crime assaulting women or become drunkard , dump his anger on family-members ,may try to earn money by crime or even murder the traitor to get inheritance money .

Thus there are some addictions of family-members of  traitors which can increase traitors' greed for money which  won't stop if his son wants prostitutes of higher price .If traitor is a  political leader he wants to please number of party-workers like his son .

Party-workers of traitors want money to bribe officers, to possess imported weapons , cars ,bungallows,plots .

Recent elections people became aware that average of money distributed was around Rs.1,000 per individual .

There is also competition from inside the party so keep party workers loyal they have to offer best(money,wine,prostitutes,car,etc) to them .

   The above method applies to any traitor group present in TV news-channels , Journalism , film-industry ,Industry , politics ,Tourism industry , fake NGOs(they are paid to show sympathy/tilt towards some traitor party in their social life sothat people will believe due to angelic image),pharmaceuticals(due to share-holders' pressure )

   Traitors are also addicted to pride.They betray country to satisfy pride by damaging whatever that looks dangerous to their pride .They never care for the tragedies their addiction  of pride causes .

    Jealousy of respect a noble group ,individual  gets also infuriates traitor .

     Immoral criminal(s) who hates that his crimes will be not allowed by good people becomes traitor(s) .

They work to reduce control of good people .

      The inferiority complex of the minds of corrupt group when they are not respected make them obcessed about damaging moral-supporting groups .

      The  traitor hates 'good people' when he feels that his opinions are looking 'ridiculous'' and  when appreciation he enjoys on being called 'wise or able' is endangered due to truly 'correct' truth or remedy .


    A formula to power is institution/persons who can control public-opinion .News,books,education,TV,films are used to change public-opinion .

     By threatening ,bribing,supporting PUBLIC-OPINION MAKERS traitors' of world can control a country.They can control being in small number and also remaining hidden from law by making evidence of their anti-social plots untraceable .


   We think that after having certain amount of money the owner of TV channel will stop poisoning the public-opinion . But he won't because of following possibilities or other

1) he is black-mailed using evidence recorded of some of his conspiracies ,with the help of private detectives .

2)he and his family-members are threatened by contract-killers , mafia-gangsters

3)evidence of his black-money is with traitor(s)

4)he fears that his enemies will harm if he is seen as without influential (political/industrial) power or support

5)he fears that acid will be thrown on him or family or his journalists who would leave his TV company after few such incidents

6)he is addicted to importance he gets due to money ,status , political ability

7)he is photographed with prostitutes(who dropped  clothes suddenly) by colleague of prostitute with spy-camera/mobile after they met him in his office with excuse of job , donation

8)traitors kept him only as a puppet boss of TV channel with earned money taken by traitors'(gangsters)

9)he is addicted to be called 'fearless hero' for showing programs against criminals , terrorists

when fact is that criminals,terrorists don't mind much as their activities are obvious also police ,secret intelligent service expose anti-social plans more than TV news channel so journalists are not threatened as they have influence .Terrorists organizations like their sabotage shown ,discussed on TV, news . Mafia , Gangsters enjoy description of their cruelty in News and thank for increasing nuisance value required for extortion from rich and grab 'killing contracts' .

Who others can terrify TV news channel ? If TV channels can restrict criminals,terrorists they will get threatened .Crime-description is different from crime-prevention .If some criminal is mad due to exposure of his crime he thinks that he will get only ruined worse by attacking or killing a Journalist as society is  watchful about him . There is no group or organization that will plan of killing journalists

because  all world would become enemy of them .Mafia gangsters don't think of it because journalists don't stop their crimes but police and terrorists fear their news might get banned on TV news , discussions or angry Journalists will allocate time and resources(given to films,games news) to non-stop shows dedicated for finding solutions to terrorism . Also ,terrorists fear that journalism will become preventive than descriptive of tragedies . Terrorists fear that media will solve important disastrous issues than minor issues.  Terrorists love TV newschannels when ignorant or corrupt VIPs talk against Hindutva or when trick is used by anchor to show hindutva-supporters as anti-social elements .TV channels look 'fearless' when talking against Hindutva-supporters who retaliate mildly compared to anti-hindu elements . Anti-national elements enjoy when Media keeps shouting about Non-Marathi issue in Maharashtra but they never mention in News,discussions that Marathi students study

Extra one subject of Hindi than students in Hindi-region .In the age of priority to merit percentage , Marathi students get seldomly  selected in Jobs as they got less time to study other subjects due to extra Hindi . One extra Hindi subject causes a lot of damage just like when our head is injured due to obstacle that is lower than  body-height accidentally ,with that head-injury we may remain irritated losing the mind over work .There are corrupt elements who will use above example to create opinion that Hindi was called fatal headache by bad element.

  Why they don't advise to give extra marks to people in Non-Hindi region who study extra paper of HINDI and lag behind in Job-recruitment ?

  how right Media is when making Maharashtra a villain despite their neglect also can cause damage to India  ?

Media neglected the problems of Maharashtra but worked hard  inciting hate with blind eye to truth .

  I didn't name any channel or Media but the possible methods  of traitors and public -opinion creators with an  example , without naming or claiming of their existence .