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June 13 Meeting Minutes
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Golden Oak Montessori Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

June 13 2019 @ 6:00 PM

2652 Vergil Court, Castro Valley, CA, 945461

Roman Stearns calling in from 2645 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75234

1. 6:10        Call to Order

Call to order and attendance - K.Rodriguez

Quorum was present

Reading of Golden Oak Mission Statement - K.Rodriguez

Reading of Golden Oak Board Norms - K.Rodriguez

Board Members:

Kristin Rodriguez - Present

Jorge Espinosa - Absent

Mynor Morales - Present

Amy Compani - Present

Jackie Moses -Absent

Roman Stearns - By Phone

Joe Schenone - Present

Nikitha Madison - Present

Luz Casquejo Johnston - Tardy


Gena Engelfried -Present

India Rodriguez - Present

Others Present:

Manju Goyal - GO Teacher Rep.

Caitlin O’Halloran - CSDC

2.        Public Comment For Consent Items, Non-Action Items, and Items NOT appearing on the agenda

There were no public comments.

3.  CSDC Presentation - Overview of Charter School Political Climate and Charter Collaboration Details

Caitlin O’Halloran - School Governance & Policy Specialist from Charter Schools Development Center presented virtually.

4.        Approval of Order of Agenda Items and Consent Agenda

A.Compani motioned to pull items m, n, and g from the agenda to be placed immediately following item 6b and approve the balance of the consent agenda. K. Rodriguez seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

  1. Approval of Order of Agenda Items
  2. Approval of Prior Meeting's Minutes
  3. Work Group / Task Force Update
  4. Announcements
  5. Brown Act Training and Governance Training
  6. Parent/Student Handbook 2019-2020
  7. Staff Handbook 2019-2020
  8. 2019-20 School Calendar
  9. 2019-20 Board Meeting Calendar
  10. Approval of 2019-20 Education Protection Account (EPA) Estimated Expenditure
  11. Approval of 19-20 Consolidated Application for Title funding
  12. Appendix A Bylaws Update
  13. Staff Update
  14. Montessori Minute

5.        Announcement Regarding Public Comment for Items on the Agenda

6.          Agenda / Presentation and Action Items

  1. HOS Dashboard - Engelfried

Verbal report referencing document submitted in presentation materials.

  1. Review and Approval of 2019-2020 Budget (Action Item) - Denniston and Engelfried

Verbal report referencing document submitted in the presentation materials. Denniston answered questions from board members. There were no public comments on this item. Joe motioned to approve the proposed 2019-2020 budget. Mynor seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

Items Pulled From Consent Agenda. There was a call for public comment on these items. No members of the public shared comments.

4n. Montessori Minute - L. Casquejo Johnston

4m. Staff Update - M. Goyal gave a verbal report. An error in the approved 2019-20 School Calendar was brought to the Board’s attention. November 1st should be listed as a minimum day. Kristin motioned to recall item 4h. to the meeting. Amy seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison, Casquejo Johnston

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

4h. 2019-20 School Calendar -  A.Compani motioned to approve the 2019-20 School Calendar with November 1 as a minimum day. N. Madison seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison, Casquejo Johnston

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

4g. Staff Handbook 2019-2020 - A. Compani suggested consideration of edits to page 14 of the handbook (pg 17 of pdf) and page 52 (pg 56 in the pdf). A. Compani motioned that the BOD does not need to approve the Staff Handbook. No second. The motion did not pass. K. Rodriguez motioned to approve the staff handbook pending Administrative edits. Amy seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison, Casquejo Johnston

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

  1. 2019-20 LCAP and LCAP Federal Addendum (Action Item) - Rodriguez, I.

Verbal report by I. Rodriguez referencing documents in the presentation materials. I Rodriguez answered questions from board members. There were no public comments on this item. K. Rodriguez motioned to approve the 2019-20 LCAP and LCAP Federal Addendum as written. Mynor seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison, Casquejo Johnston

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

  1. Strategic Planning - Approval of Teachers and Staff Element (Action Item) - Rodriguez, K.

Discussion of Teachers and Staff element of the strategic plan. Board members suggested language edits. There were no public comments on this item. N. Madison motioned to approve the inclusion of the recommended strategies related to the Teachers and Staff element in the final strategic plan with the following language:

Ensure alignment of the business model and the educational program.

Offer competitive salaries and benefits, paired with uniquely positive working conditions,

Provide ongoing, professional growth opportunities to educators and staff in order to continue to build their capacity.

Develop a rigorous grant writing and fundraising approach for providing additional resources

The language: “Recruit, retain, and advance highly qualified educators and staff" will be added to the priority listed on the organizational priorities.

  1. Co-Location / Redhook Update - Schenone

Verbal report by J. Schenone referencing document in the presentation materials. K. Rodriguez provided a high level overview of additional document on this topic, meant as preparation for upcoming joint board meeting.

  1. Approval of Nominated Officer Slate (Action Item) - Compani

The slate of officers includes: Luz Casquejo Johnston as Montessori Chair - July 2019 - June 202. Joe Schenone as Treasurer - July 2019 - June 2021. Jorge Espinosa Vice Chair - Amend current officer term to end June 2020. Amy Compani - End first term as Secretary June 2019. Approve term two from July 2019 - June 2021. There were no public comments on this item. M. Morales motioned to approve the slate of officers as presented and elect A. Compani for a second term as Secretary. N.Madison seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following votes:

Those in favor: Rodriguez, Morales, Compani, Schenone, Madison, Casquejo Johnston

Those opposed: None

Abstain: Stearns

  1. Board Review - Rodriguez, K.

Verbal reflection by K. Rodriguez.

7.          Items to Include on Next Meeting's Agenda

8.  9:15pm         Adjournment

Golden Oak Montessori is nonsectarian in all its programs, admissions policies, employment practices, and all other operations. The school does not discriminate against any person on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability. The Head of School, has been designated to receive requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations in order to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in GO’s open and public meetings. Please notify the Head of School (510-931-7868) 72 hours prior to the disability accommodations being required (if possible) so we can help accommodate you at the meeting.


Certification of Posting: I, Amy Compani, Secretary hereby certify that this agenda was posted at 2652 Vergil Ct, Castro Valley and on the school website: in accordance with the advance notice requirements of the Brown Act.