SM Gigolo
1. Muso
2. Escort Boy
3. First Time
4. Escorting
5. Freelance
6. Employed
8.The Cleaner
9.Slave on Friday
SM Gigolo
A short story by Michael J Freeman
Chapter 1
Terry studied himself in the mirror; he was twenty five and looked a bit like Justin Bieber who he modelled himself on. He put some gel on his fair hair and combed it up in a big quiff like Justin. He squeezed some toothpaste on his brush and began to clean his teeth, rinsed out his mouth and smiled at himself showing a row of perfect white teeth. “You are definitely a heartbreaker” he said to his reflection. He picked up a set of dumbbells and started to do curls admiring his muscular arms and biceps in the mirror. “You will have to work on these abs” he thought. He knew that the new vibe was sex, cannabis and music and that’s why he had hired out three sexy models to tease and please. He knew that most guys would not stop watching those cameltoes and half exposed breasts. The zeitgeist was getting sexy like the Sixties he had read about...
Suddenly his door opened disturbing his reverie and his father stood there.
“About time you got a job son. I mean me and Mum can’t keep on supporting you. At least go down and draw your labour money” Terry’s Dad complained.
“I’m working on my songs Dad, look I got my own website promoting our music, me, Dave and Steve’s that is” Terry replied opening his laptop. “Look, this is my latest song” he replied and a picture of him rapping appeared with Steve playing guitar and Dave on the drums. “Everybody wake up, Time is running out, the Alarm is ringing, wake up, everybody wake up...” Terry rapped while three sexy girls gyrated in the background.
“Come on Terry that’s not singing, that’s fucking talking mate, although the girls are all right, you got the right idea there. But website or no website you need to earn some money son you won’t sell any of that talking crap” Mr Waters said laughing derisively.
“Well Eminem is a rapper and he is a millionaire” Terry said giggling.
“You've been smoking weed again. This room reeks of it” I’m warning you need to start putting some money into the kitty. Everything is going up. I don’t know where you get the money to buy that stuff?” Mr Bill Waters said.
“Actually it was given to me” Terry replied, turning off the video that he had made and had cost a fortune for them to make, then he turned on the radio and Knights in White Satin was playing...
“Now that’s what I call real music, sold millions of copies” his Dad said with a smile.
“Yeah Dad it’s great but it wouldn’t work today”
“It’s a golden oldie and still selling; look just start looking, that's all I’m asking. I’m off to work” Mr Bill Waters said.
“Okay it’s a promise Dad” Terry replied.
When his father had gone to work Terry rolled another big paper of herbal cannabis and smoked it. He knew that he was going to make it big someday. He had this new idea “dirty rap” for some lyrics. He started to write them down while hearing the music in his head. “Dirty talk, dirty talk, makes me feel so nice, dirty talk, dirty talk makes me wanna come, makes me wanna come...”
He was alone in the house now in Hornchurch, Essex. His father gone checking meters and his mother was sitting at the checkout in Sainsbury’s all day long six days a week, smoking herself to death. His Dad had given up since he had some trouble with his chest and his doctor had warned him that “lesions had appeared” and hadn’t had a cigarette for years but he smoked a thin roll up of weed now and again.
Terry’s mother called him a hypocrite because he smoked weed, he tried to explain that the body needed THC and had receptors for it and that pure weed didn’t cause cancer.
“Receptors bollocks! We didn’t have them when we were young” she had said.
Terry loved his Mum but she was really silly sometimes he thought.
He was scanning jobs online when he came across Male Escorts. “If you are over 18,good looking and consider yourself a gentleman then send a photo, and if you look suitable, we will get straight back to you and offer you a remunerative position as a male escort -hundreds of jobs available.”
Terry pressed reply and attached a JPEG of him where he thought that he looked really cool. He waited a bit for a reply but nothing happened. He wanted another pipe... All he knew as he took another big hit of the pipe was he wasn’t going to waste his life working for the rich one percent. Suddenly the phone rang. “Hello, Terry speaking, '' he said.
“Hello Terry, how’s it going? Me and Dave are chilling out and we are going to jam soon, coming over? I got plenty of puff man, yeah it’s wicked” Steve said wanting Terry to come over now that he was high and feeling creative.
“Okay man I’ll be over in a tick” Terry replied.
Terry put on his leather jacket and crash helmet and locked up the house. He liked going to Steve’s at Hackney. Steve’s Mum and Dad were okay and encouraged their efforts to create music. In fact they were cool in lots of ways and smoked weed too.
He started up the 650 twin Triumph and roared off. When he got to the main road he accelerated up to seventy then throttled back down, the engine making a throaty roar. He loved the sound of the exhaust and fantasised that he was in a TT race.
When Terry opened the door of Steve’s house the air was blue with cannabis smoke. “Hi Steve, hi Dave, you could get high on the smoke in here by just breathing in” he said giggle.
“Come over here man and have a bong of this red hair skunk its fucking dynamite bruv” Steve enthused.
“Hey, have a look at Green Day’s new music video, look at the horny chicks, that’s what we gotta do” Terry said, putting on a music DVD that he had just bought. “See that’s what I want, girls like that, videos sell the music.”
“What Kate Moss she would cost you a fortune” Dave snorted in derision.
“I reckon that she might do it for nothing if she thought that the video would sell. I doubt if Green Day paid them anything” Terry said.
“Love to fuck that Kate Moss though, she’s a doll” Steve said with a giggle.
They spent most of the day smoking weed and talking in between recording a bit of audio that they could use as a remix.
When Terry got back home to Hornchurch and checked his email there was a reply from the escort agency. “I think that we should talk, as I think that you look the part. Can you come over to the office tomorrow? Mac.”
“Wow I’m gonna be a gigolo” Terry shouted out loud
Escort Boy
Chapter 2
His mobile started to ring. “Hello Terry speaking,” Terry replied.
“Hello Terry, Mac here there is one thing before you come over get rid of the Justin Bieber quiff, he’s seventeen and you’re twenty five. I just noticed the resemblance” Mac said laughing over the phone.
“A lot of our customers are sophisticated women. I need to take some new pics of you to put on my site” Mac explained.
Mac picked up his Nikon camera and looked at Terry and smiled. “Business is booming, women are sexually dissatisfied and that includes most married women. They are visiting websites like ours and finding that they can get a guy for a quick fuck any time of the day or night from good looking guys like you. But when you are working for the agency you are getting paid to escort a lady around town. Is that quite clear not for sex” Mac said, empathising the last three words.
“Yeah absolutely,” Terry replied, smiling broadly.
“You get seventy percent of what the client pays okay. I mean you don’t have to have sex with a client and if you do it will be in your own time after you have finished the escort okay?” Mac said in an authoritative tone of voice
.“Yeah got it man, cool” Terry replied.
“Okay strip off now and get a bit of a lob on because this is what the ladies are going to see and the bigger your knob looks... Look, I am going to put this porno DVD on and leave you to get ready for a few minutes or so” Mac said, sliding a DVD into the player.
Terry sat wanking looking at the porno. A kinky nun was licking out four school girls and then pushing a big dildo into their vaginas. Terry thought one of the girls, a teenage blonde with puffy nipples really hot and watching her soon made Terry erect.
“I knew that dirty nun would get you going and I see that you have a big todger” Mac said with a laugh and picking up his camera he snapped away while Terry posed naked.
“Okay you can get dressed now, got some good pics here” Mac said sitting down at his laptop and uploading the pics that he had just taken.
“Never procrastinate I say” Mac said going to his website and uploading the images of Terry that he had just taken.
“Here we are ladies. Come and get him. I am pleased to introduce Terry who has just joined our agency today. Be the first to book him.”
“Terry these bookings will be forwarded to your Gmail account. If you are keen to earn then it is best to be online all day because you get more bookings this way and some clients will want to video-chat with you first online so set up Google Hangout if you have not already done so? Some of these women want to see you first before booking” Mac advised
“Yeah I have had it from when it first came out” Terry replied.
First Time
Chapter 3
Terry left his computer online in Gmail eagerly awaiting his first escort. He fancied a good shag and he was going to get paid for doing it he thought.
He was watching Rihanna's latest video on YouTube when it flashed “message from Jessica”.
“Fucking hell that was quick” Terry thought surprised that women were really interested in him enough to pay to go out with him. “It’s working” he thought. He read the email with mounting excitement.
“Do you want to have a chat in Google Hangout first? I have seen your pictures and I would just like to talk to you before we meet”. Suddenly the message popped up “Join hang out” and he pressed yes. The face of an attractive blonde woman appeared on the screen. “Hello I’m Jessica and I am thinking of booking you. Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey” Jessica asked looking excited.
“As a matter of fact I have” replied Terry.
“That’s what I want,” Jessica informed him, smiling on the screen.
“Yes I love to spank girl’s bottoms” Terry said getting into the spirit of things.
“You naughty boy Terry, shall we say ten am tomorrow then at Eros. First you can escort me for a meal” Jessica said giggling.
Chapter 4
Terry trimmed his toenails, his nostril hairs, shaved, showered and got dressed in his best suit. Then he made his way down to the bus top where he would catch the bus to the Underground Station in Hornchurch. The journey into the West End was a long one and he closed his eyes and wondered what it was going to be like meeting a strange woman and having sex with her. He had sex now and again but his main sexual activity most of the time was masturbating over porn sites alone in his bedroom at night. He knew Jessica was what they called “a milf” and what that meant he had no idea except that milfs were a bit older. He had never been with an older woman before but found the idea quite horny especially if they had large breasts.
As he approached Eros he scanned the people sitting down on the steps and those waiting in the vicinity and looked at his watch. He was ten minutes early as it was 9.50...
He lounged against the rail studying a group of females who looked like tourists and were wearing really tight shorts.
“Terry” he suddenly heard a shout. He looked round to see a taxi standing at the lights with a woman, evidently Jessica beckoning him.
He immediately vaulted over the railings and jumped into the waiting taxi' opened the door.
“I’m Jessica pleased to meet you Terry” she greeted him.
“And I’m very pleased to meet you too” Terry said, meaning every word staring at her large breasts that thrust against her suit jacket.
“Driver, will you drop us off at Trafalgar Square please” Jessica said in a middle class voice.
Terry helped her out of the taxi breathing in the scent of some expensive perfume and noticing the string of pearls around her neck and the expensive gold and diamond jewellery that sparkled in the sun on this pleasant day in June.
“Thank you Terry, do you like French food?”
“Yes love it” Terry replied despite his experience being limited to French Fries.
They walked through Trafalgar Square pigeons pecking at food that people threw down in spite of notices telling them not to, passing tourists with phallic long lens cameras hanging
around their necks, up the steps, crossing at the lights and walking up The Strand. As they walked Terry felt Jessica slip her hand in his.
“It’s a bit early to eat. Do you fancy booking a room in a hotel and having some fun first?” Jessica asked with a sexy smile.
“Your wish is my command Jessica” Terry replied.
The receptionist smiled when Jessica booked a room and led him off by the hand.
Terry studied her as he followed her up to their room. She had nice legs, a sexy face, long blonde hair and he wondered why she couldn’t get picked up or if she was married.
She unlocked the door of their suite and placed the attaché case that she was carrying on the bed.
Suddenly Terry felt Jessica’s arms around him, her hot lips upon his mouth and he responded pushing his tongue into her sweet tasting mouth.
“Suck me” she suddenly said in an assertive tone, her hands pressing down on his shoulders.
Terry found himself kneeling on the floor and he looked up at Jessica’s face, a questioning look on his face.
She smiled down at him and slowly pulled up her skirt to reveal a black G-String, then pulled aside the black Vee of the crotch to reveal a shaven vagina with rings in the labia.
Terry had seen piercings on the porn sites and now his face was a hair's breadth away from a smoothly shaved pierced vagina in real life. He had never really studied a vagina before except on porno sites.
Jessica slipped her fingers through the rings and pulled open her labia. “Come on suck it” she ordered.
Terry pushed out his tongue and started to lick Jessica’s vaginal lips suddenly he felt her fastening a collar around his neck. He wondered what was going on because he had thought that he was going to spank her but if she wanted to play kinky games he didn’t mind because he was getting paid anyway. When had watched female domination sites on the porn tubes he had thought that the dominatrix was a fantasy and that perhaps it happened more in lesbian relationships, but now a woman was dominating him.
Jessica pulled hard on the collar, grinding her vagina into his mouth “Come on naughty boy suck it harder, get your tongue right up” she ordered.
Much to his surprise Terry started to become erect then suddenly he heard a swish and felt a stinging pain across his buttocks.
“Count the strokes and call me Mistress,” Jessica commanded, wielding a riding crop.
“One Mistress” Terry said, not sure how much pain he could stand.
“Swish Jessica swung the crop again and he felt another stinging blow “Two Mistress” he counted.
Jessica brought the riding crop down again and again while he counted.
“Ten, no more please Mistress” Terry pleaded. His buttocks were stinging badly now. “Fucking hell no one said anything about getting whipped” he thought yet the tingling in his buttocks was turning to pleasure.
Suddenly he felt tremors coming from Jessica’s vagina, little vibrations, sensations that he had never felt before in any of the girls he had been out with. He had just licked before but now his lips were inside Jessica’s vaginal lips and he could actually feel her orgasm.
“Oh yes you naughty dirty boy you have made me come” Jessica gasped, writhing around in pleasure her eyes closed before opening her eyes and looking up at him. “Stand up big boy,” Jessica commanded.
Terry stood up and Jessica sank to her knees.
Terry felt her hands caressing the welt marks that he could feel now on his stinging, throbbing buttocks, her fingers and tongue probing his anus, then her hot lips enclosing over his penis.
She was an expert fellatrice and looking down at his penis in Jessica’s mouth as she sucked and masturbated it soon made Terry feel like he was going to come.
“Oh yes I’m going to come” Terry gasped.
“I order you to shoot it all in my mouth” Jessica commanded, opening her mouth wide...
Terry looked at Jessica’s open mouth, pink tongue waiting and ejaculated his semen into it.
“It always reminds me of oysters, which reminds me that my tummy is rumbling. Come on, let's go down to the restaurant and have something to eat” Jessica said.
The restaurant was crowded but the head waiter who obviously knew Jessica approached. “Good evening Mrs Jessica, a table for two Madam?” he said sycophantically.
“Yes please Marcel” Jessica replied.
They were seated at a secluded table immediately and Terry thought that Jessica must be rich to eat out in a place like this. He looked at the prices on the menu he knew that she was rich. The menu was all in French and he could not understand a word except for the prices.
Terry suddenly noticed that her gold earrings were mounted with large carat diamonds.
“What are you having for starters Terry?” Jessica asked.
The only starter he could remember having in an Italian restaurant up in Romford was a prawn cocktail. “They got any prawn cocktails?” Terry asked.
“Oh silly me, you don’t read French do you?” Jessica asked, smiling in a superior way.
“No I wasn’t any good at French at school” Terry replied.
“They have a seafood cocktail with prawn, lobster and crayfish. If you like seafood like prawns you will love it” Jessica enthused.
“Okay then I’ll have that” Terry agreed looking at the array of cutlery surrounding his plate. He never had a clue which ones to use and would see which ones she picked up.
“Then for the main course. What do you like, fish, chicken, seafood or steak” Jessica asked.
“Have they got steak and chips?” Terry asked thinking that he wouldn’t like garlic and that; he just wanted a steak and chips.
“Yes Biftek et pommes frites. Would you like a side salad with your steak?” Jessica asked, realizing that Terry was a bit naive where eating out was concerned but she liked him and wanted to become friends, spend some money on him, use him as her toy boy.
“No thank you Jessica” Terry said politely.
“Do you like champagne?” Jessica asked, smiling at him.
“Yes it’s all right” Terry said even though the only fizzy wine he had ever had was Asti Spumante.
“Garcon” Jessica called and a waiter approached.
“A bottle of Dom Perignon, and we are now ready to order but bring the champagne first” Jessica said in the assertive voice of a person who was used to ordering waiters around.
Terry watched her and felt a bit out of place among all these rich people. There was the hum of conversation and he could hear their posh accents.
The waiter arrived with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne. He pulled the cork and poured a taster into Jessica’s glass.
“Yes, excellent,” Jessica commented.
The waiter filled their glasses and the starters arrived.
Terry stuck a fork into the seafood salad, tasted it and he was surprised at how nice it was.
“How is your seafood salad?” Jessica asked.
“Delicious,” Terry replied.
“The food here is excellent. Here taste this” she said pushing a small piece of toast towards his mouth.
Terry took a bite and chewed. “Mmm it’s nice. What is it?” Terry asked.
“Pate de Foie Gras, fatted goose liver pate” Jessica explained while taking a sip of her champagne. “What do you do apart from enjoying yourself?” she asked.
“I am into music and play the guitar,” he said.
“What professionally?” Jessica asked.
“We have done a few gigs in small places” Terry replied thinking of the pubs that they had played at. But I have my own website” Terry said proudly, pulling out a business card that he had designed and printed on his computer.
“I know a few friends in the music business. Have you got a demo video?” Jessica asked, crunching on a piece of liver pate covered toast.
“Really! Yes I have got a music video that we made a couple of weeks ago” Terry said wondering whether it was true that she knew people.
“If you enjoyed our fun, I think you are a bit of a sub. Terry I’ll book you again for Friday and you can bring it with you. I know a super place where I can take you and where we can have some real fun” Jessica said invitingly.
“Yes I have never been dominated before, only seen it on the web. I don’t like all that blood and needles and stuff though” Terry replied blurting out his fears.
“That’s not SM darling, that’s torture and same here I don’t find blood a turn on” Jessica admitted.
“Well that’s all right then” Terry said, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Don’t get worried I’m not a cruel Mistress but I bet that your bum is tingling?” Jessica said, grinning at him.
Terry’s buttocks were tingling, the feeling was pleasant and Jessica’s words caused images of her spanking him to flash through his mind and he felt a surge of blood to his penis. “Yes it’s nice afterwards” Terry admitted truthfully.
Chapter 5
Terry was dreaming about Jessica performing oral sex on him and he was just about to ejaculate when the noise of his door banging open woke him up
“Look, are you going to get up and go out and get a job or not?” Terry’s father said angrily.
“Cool it man I’ve got a job. Here Dad, here’s twenty to buy yourself a drink. I left fifty downstairs for Mum towards the housekeeping and I’ll get something nice when I do the shopping. I’ll get some steak and stuff and a nice bottle of wine or two to celebrate becoming employed.
“Congratulations Terry” his father said gobsmacked. “But what is it?”
“What is what?” Terry asked desperately trying to think what to say, then he picked up a spliff from the ashtray, lit it and inhaled deeply.
“Hey that’s not weed, it smells so strong” his Dad replied.
“Of course it's weed, skunk, take a puff” Terry offered his father, extending the smouldering roach towards him.
“No I couldn’t add up on that stuff” his father protested.
“Oh go on Dad just a little one” Terry pleaded switching on the radio. Dire Straits were playing the Sultans of Swing, one of his favourites and he started to sing along with it...
“Terry you are fucking wrecked, don’t you have to get up or anything?”
“No Dad not ‘till later” Terry said.
“Mr Waters glanced at his watch. Well gotta go. I might have a little puff of that stuff tonight” his father promised with a laugh.
Terry listened to him going down the stairs and out the door then he took a King size paper and built a spliff out of pure skunk and lit it. The music hit his brain now that his THC receptors were firing up. “Down in the gallery, down in London Town an artist hangs a painting on the wall in the gallery, a painting that says nothing at all... the lyrics hit him hard because he knew how true it was. He always remembered the Turner Prize going to some sycophant whose art object was a light bulb in the gallery ceiling flicking on and off. Of course there was a five thousand word justification. He remembered them getting banned when they were accused of using homophobic lyrics. As it happens he had read about them making a comeback the other day on Google News. Their songs were unbanned recently and royalties had started to come into these Northern lads pockets, “but they must be quite old now” he thought...
Tony realised that he was completely out of his head and then Pink Floyd started to play Completely Numb one of his favourite tracks and he freaked out and started to sing along with it then his mobile started to ring. “Hello Terry here” he said.
“Hello Terry, turn that fucking noise down, I can’t hear you. Ah that’s better Mac here, how are you? Jessica was very enthusiastic about your escorting her and has booked you again for Friday twenty four hour booking this time. There is a couple more like her and I can list you as a sub...”
“No please I’d rather be the one dishing out the spanking” Terry interjected quickly.
“Really well we have lots of women who want that. There has been a huge surge in business since women could order these eBooks anonymously. I mean Fifty Shades of Grey is the biggest selling book in history. Even overtook the Bible” Mac informed him laughing. Do you want to do more escorting before Friday?” Mac asked.
“Yeah okay, it's Wednesday today, anytime today or in the evening” Terry agreed but not Thursday. I got to rest” he said giggling thinking of Jessica and looking at the date on his laptop to check.
“Okay I’ll phone or email you. I’m mailing all our submissive ladies who want to try a bit of spanking or bondage. They fill in a questionnaire online. Take a tip before you do the next job buy yourself a case and carry some whips, cuffs and toys over Soho. You will get a lot of repeat bookings if you are good at it. Some of these experienced Masters earn a fortune. Women are as bad as men really” Martin said with a dirty laugh.
Chapter 6
Mr Waters undid the champagne with a pop and filled three glasses to the brim. “Let’s celebrate Terry getting a job,” he said.
Terry took a long hit on the spliff until it glowed red then extended the smoking spliff to his father. “Come on Dad, you said that you would celebrate” Terry said offering the burning spliff to his father.
“Not until you tell me what the job is” Mr Waters insisted a serious expression on his face.
“Bill don’t you dare smoke that stuff it makes you go all funny” Mrs Waters said remembering the time when he had some a couple of years ago and wanted to have anal sex...
“Don’t tell me what to do Ethel. I’ll make up my own mind. Everyone is saying that it’s really good for you now. A valuable medicine” his father said.
“Yeah and they have just legalised it in several states in America because of that” Terry added.
“They are all mad the Yanks anyway” Mrs Waters said.
Suddenly Terry’s mobile rang. “Hello Terry speaking,” he said.
“Tonight, midnight at The Toscana in Soho, she said that she wants you to wait outside and that she will arrive dead on Midnight. Her name is Margaret and she is a mature woman, likes a bit of bondage a la Fifty Shades of Grey again” Mac said his dirty laugh echoing over the phone.
“Okay I’ll be there” Terry confirmed.
“Is that your work calling?” Terry’s Dad asked.
“Yes and I’ve got an appointment tonight, mustn’t get too pissed now or else I won’t be able to do my job” Terry explained.
“Well are you going to tell us what it's then?” his father asked impatiently.
“Yes after you have had a little puff of the medicine like you promised. You need it I know” he said, extending the roach to his father.
“Oh all right then” his father agreed, taking a big hit of the spliff and coughing violently. “Well then?” he asked, taking another puff and blowing out the smoke.
“I work helping people, many elderly women who need help on a round the clock basis” Terry explained.
“That’s nice Terry, helping people, but why not helping men as well?” his mother asked.
“They asked me which I prefer as some women ask for males and I said women” Terry explained grinning.
“One of those old girls might leave you something in their will” his father said laughing, giggling and looking stoned.
“Look at you Bill; you are out of your head. I think I’ll sleep in the spare room tonight” Mrs Waters said.
“Mum, why don’t you chill out? They have just legalized cannabis in seven states of America including Washington DC. Countries are legalizing it all over the world. Here look at this woman on YouTube Mum. It’s her first smoke” he said, turning the screen around so that his mother could see it.
Ethel Waters watched the video of a woman in Amsterdam, where cannabis is legal. The woman spoke about using it in cooking and making chocolate cannabis cookies. “Hey I didn’t know you could eat it in food and use it for cooking and things” she said in surprise. “This woman seems happy and relaxed.” I always thought that it made you into a weirdo” Mrs Waters said.
“Mum, trust me I have been smoking it since I was a school” Terry said offering the spliff to his mother.
Mrs Waters took the spliff.” I suppose just a little one won’t hurt” she said, taking a tiny puff.
Terry watched his mother smoking cannabis, a thing that he thought that he would never see. He realised how important the media was in forming and changing people’s attitudes.
Mrs Waters started to giggle “Oh I feel nice just like the woman on YouTube” she admitted.
“Have a nice time, you two. I am going to get ready for work that starts at midnight” Terry said, getting up from the table. “I’ll shout goodbye on my way out," he said. He could see the way that his father was looking at his mother that his sexual desire for his mother had been awakened by the puff. Terry knew sex had been absent for a while because he hadn’t heard the bed banging in their bedroom for ages now. He climbed the stairs and turned on the shower then quickly undressed in his bedroom. He would earn another one sixty odd
tonight his cut from the two hundred paid by the client. He felt happy and as the hot water coursed down his body he began to sing Lady Gaga’s I’m on the Edge of Glory. “I’m on the edge, the edge of Glory hanging on the edge with you”...began to sing at the top of his voice. “Fucking hell this skunk is really strong, Mum and Dad will be out of their heads” he thought giggling as he stepped out of the shower
Then as he was dressing in his best suit and a new shirt he had bought the other day he heard the bed banging in his parent’s bedroom and smiled. “They are out of their heads” he thought, smiling. “By Mum, bye Dad” he shouted as he walked downstairs and went out into the cold November night.
Chapter 7
Terry walked into the sex shop in Berwick Street, Soho and passed shelves of porno DVDs before finding the SM section. He noticed that this section of the shop was crowded and that women were in a majority including a few couples. He picked up a riding crop and swished it through the air and some of the women started to giggle. “Just read Fifty Shades of Grey” he joked and everyone started laughing. “This is fun” he thought, picking up a pair of handcuffs, and putting them in his basket. “Butt plugs” yes I will get one of those, a spanking paddle, that big dildo and those pair of latex knickers with built in dildo. A woman was examining a vacuum vaginal pump and he bought one of those too. He looked at the men’s latex clothes and bought a latex vest and a pair of shorts with a hole in the front. The prices were adding up he knew “but this equipment is going to be the tools of my trade as a SM Master” he thought.
“Can I leave all the packaging here?” Terry asked the shop assistant on the checkout.
“Certainly Sir” the shop keeper replied smiling.
Terry put the attaché case that he had brought and placed it on the counter. “Can you put the things in there?” asked the shopkeeper who was running the boxes through a barcode scanner.
“Yes certainly Sir” replied the counter assistant placing the objects in the case.
Terry had watched a lot of spanking and SM videos on the tubes and he knew that there was a language and a ritual. He looked at his watch and it was a quarter to Midnight on this
warm evening in June and he walked down Old Compton Street past crowded bars, and sex shops and turned up Dean Street and walked along to the restaurant. He liked to be punctual and he arrived outside just as the hands on his watch read twelve.
He waited about five minutes holding his attaché case in front of him impatiently doing calf raises. He could hear the diners inside and glimpse them sitting around tables eating and chatting. Suddenly a taxi pulled up outside and a woman stepped out. For a split second he could not remember what her name was. He knew Mac had given it to him “ah, that was it Margaret” he remembered.
The woman paid the taxi driver and walked across the pavement towards him.
Terry smiled “Good evening Margaret you look gorgeous” he greeted her.
“Good evening Terry,” Margaret replied.
“Shall I escort you inside?” asked Terry, playing the part of the kind Master, the gentleman, the dominant male.
“Yes you may, incidentally I have booked a table for two under the name Mr Terry” Margaret replied.
“Thank you Margaret” Terry said, holding open the door of the restaurant for the lady like he had seen in the movies. He wondered whether he was going over the top but then Margaret smiled her approval as she walked in.
“Have you an appointment Sir?” the manager asked.
“Yes Mr Terry” Terry replied.
The manager led them to a secluded table and gave them a menu each.
“Can you bring a bottle of champagne please to drink while we wait?” Terry asked.
“Yes of course Sir I will send the wine waiter over” the manager replied. Terry was learning quickly and Jessica had been a good teacher.
“Please excuse me for a moment. I am just going to the little girl’s room” Margaret said, getting to her feet.
“Okay Margaret, but first when you go, take this attaché case and inside you will find a pair of latex knickers with a built in dildo. Put them on” Terry ordered, keeping a straight face.
“Yes Master” Margaret replied submissively blushing.
Terry watched her ample buttocks undulating from side to side as she walked to the Ladies carrying his attaché case. “I will enjoy spanking those big buns” Terry thought. He fancied another puff and he stood up. And followed the signs to the lavatories, he went down the stairs and pushed open the door to the Men’s. Inside a cubicle he quickly built a pipe and smoked it blowing the smoke out of the ventilator. He entered the restaurant and walked over to his still empty table and sat down. The skunk weed hit his brain and the atmosphere in the restaurant became warm and cosy.
The waiter arrived with an ice bucket and champagne and placed it on the table.
“Shall pour Signore a taster?” the wine waiter asked.
“I will have to wait until the lady returns,” Terry answered.
“Of course Signore, I will keep an eye out for her” the waiter promised.
As Terry saw Margaret enter the restaurant and walk towards their table carrying his attaché case, he knew that she had the dildo knickers on and that the dildo was deep inside her vagina. He waited for her to sit down knowing it would push it further and he felt a tingle of pleasure in his penis.
“How does it feel, Margaret?” Terry asked.
“Pleasurable Master” Margaret replied, her brown eyes full of sexual excitement and desire.
The waiter suddenly appeared and opened the champagne with a pop and poured a taster into his glass.
Terry picked it up and took a sip. “Yes, excellent,” he said to the wine waiter.
Terry was watching Margaret’s face light up as the waiter filled her glass. “She has a kind face; I wonder why she wants to be dominated,” he thought. Then he noticed the wedding and engagement rings on her left hand. “You are married?” he asked, pointing at the rings.
“Yes but after I had read Fifty Shades of Grey I wanted my husband to dominate me and I bought some SM equipment, like toys that you have in your case” she said hesitating. “Do you want to hear Master?” Margaret asked, her face cast down submissively.
“Yes of course, I love to learn all about these things” Terry answered.
“I bought some nice latex clothes, a riding crop and some sex toys and he called me a pervert and called the Fifty Shades of Grey pornography, said that it had corrupted me and should be banned” Margaret complained.
“It’s hard to de-condition yourself after a lifetime of indoctrination by priests or the Big Brother government,” Terry said, remembering some political arguments that he had been watching lately on YouTube against the censorship of pornography.
“My Master is so wise,” Margaret replied.
The food was excellent and Terry was learning a lot about etiquette and women and what they really wanted from men. Terry was enjoying being a male escort. “This is the best job in the fucking world-a gigolo” he thought thinking about what he was going to do to Margaret.
The black cab stopped outside a posh mansion in Mayfair and Terry got out and stared up at the four storey house. “Fucking hell she must be filthy rich to live in this gaff” he thought.
“Keep the change driver,” Margaret said.
Terry noticed a CCTV camera mounted above the entrance as he waited for Margaret to unlock the front door then once inside a thickly carpeted hallway lit by a huge chandelier to unlock the door of her ground floor apartment. He stared in amazement as he followed her into the apartment. It was like something out of movies, statues, huge modern paintings and very expensive furniture.
He sat down at a glass topped table and pulled out his pipe and started to fill it.
Margaret was standing there as if in attendance, her face cast down in humility, as if waiting for orders.
“Go and bring me some wine, champagne or a nice red. Then take my attaché case and go and get dressed in the latex dress, red high heels, stockings and suspenders” Terry ordered enjoying his role as a Master...
Margaret returned with an expensive looking bottle of wine in a little wicker basket with a large wine glass and filled it with half the bottle then turning she walked off towards the bedroom to obey his order to get to dress in the kinky clothes...
Terry didn’t know much about expensive wines although he liked an Australian red, a Californian red or sometimes a bottle of Moet non vintage. He looked at the label “”Chateau de Baron Rothschild '' he read knowing that it was really expensive and sipped the wine in his glass. “Mm not bad” he thought, wondering why rich people pay thousands for bottles of wine when they could get a bottle of fruity red in Sainsbury’s for a fiver. He remembered reading a story about three bankers who drank vintage wines like the one he was drinking now and their wine bill came to thousands. “These are the stupid fools whose debts of billions had to be paid by taxpayer’s money” he thought while sipping his wine. “Baron Rothschild wasn’t he a member of the Bilderberg Group?” Terry thought.
Then Margaret walked into the room breaking his train of thought. She was dressed in black shiny latex that covered her head except for her breasts, buttocks and orifices of her body.
Terry looked at her, studying her exposed breasts, noticing her pierced nipples and the wetness of her labia standing in front of him waiting to obey his next command. He felt his penis respond as he became excited and it became rigidly erect. He suddenly realised staring at the vaginal fluid that was trickling down her inner thighs that she had taken off the latex knickers with the dildo. “Where are the latex knickers with the built in dildo slave?” he asked a serious tone to his voice.
“I took them off so that you could have access to my nipples, vagina and anus Master” Margaret replied keeping her eyes turned down.
“Go and put them back on and put some music on, something that will hide your screams of pain or pleasure and bring my riding crop” Terry said enjoying the game. He would be playing the role of submissive Friday he knew but then he could learn a lot about domination from Jessica. He listened to the music. At first he thought that it was Kylie Minogue then he realised that it was Madonna. He loved Madonna because she was hot and sexy.
Margaret walked back in and stood before him, her hands clasped in front of her.
“Get down on your hands and knees slave and crawl into the bedroom” Terry stood up and followed her, bending to administer a hard whack at Margaret’s latex cover buttocks. He directed the blows to hit the end of the dildo, the anal and vaginal areas.
Margaret crawled into the bedroom and made “Ow’s” and “Ouches” each time the riding crop hit her.
“If you are wet you will be punished because I only allow you to have an orgasm when I desire it” Terry said, standing behind her his hands on the waistband of the dildo knickers and slowly pulling the rubber knickers down to reveal that the inside was wet with perspiration. He grasped the dildo attached to the crotch piece and pulled it out. It was shining and wet with her vaginal fluids. “You have obviously had an orgasm without my permission and will have to be punished” he informed her...
“I deserve to be punished, Master. I have been very naughty” Margaret said.
Terry’s penis was stiffly erect; he undressed and pulled on the latex vest and shorts with the open crotch. He grasped Margaret’s wrists and fastened them together with the manacles that she was wearing... “Bend right over on the bed, stick your arse right up in the air and then he picked up a tube of KY Jelly and squeezed out a globule of clear white gel onto the pink puckered flower of her anus and rubbed it around the hole with his finger tip. He
picked up the butt plug and slowly and carefully pushed it in, watching the orifice opening wide as the big round ball of the butt plug disappeared and her anus closed tightly around the plug end. “Right, I am going to give you a good spanking with the crop. Twenty strokes in all and you will count them, is that clear slave?”
“Yes Master,” Margaret replied obediently.
Terry grasped the riding crop in his hand feeling his penis becoming more erect than it had ever been in his whole life. He looked at the two pure white orbs of Margaret’s buttocks and brought the crop down hard.
“One Master” she gasped.
Terry studied the red line that was fast appearing across the previously unblemished surface of Margaret’s buttocks and caressed her other buttock cheek with the crop before bringing it down hard across the other buttock cheek.
“Ouch! Two Master” Margaret gasped.
Terry held the riding crop in one hand and his penis in the other and brought the crop down again and again.....
Margaret counted three Master, four Master until she got to eleven her words were coming in gasps and sobs. “No more please Master...” she pleaded looking round at him tears in her eyes.
Terry studied Margaret’s red and striped buttocks and pulled out the butt plug then pushed his stiffly erect penis into the anus and began sodomising her. “I want you to come and then to suck all the hot spunk out of my cock” he said, holding his mouth close to her ear.
“Oh yes Master but why don’t I turn over for anal punishment because I have been so naughty that I need my cunt whipped so that I can come” Margaret admitted.
Margaret’s kinky request blew Terry’s mind but he withdrew his penis while she turned over then guided his penis back into her anus.
Terry picked up the riding crop and brought it down on Margaret’s exposed vagina and she writhed from side to side turning and twisting her body gasping in pleasure.
“Pull it open slave; you love your cunt and clitoris being whipped hard while I am fucking your arse don’t you?” Terry asked, talking dirty now that he was getting extremely sexually excited.
“Yes Master” replied Margaret panted.
“Not yes Master. Say I love my cunt and clitoris being whipped hard while you are arse fucking me Master” Terry ordered.
“I love my cunt and clitoris being whipped hard while you are arse fucking me Master, oh yes and it’s making me come” Margaret said her body trembling in the throes of a powerful orgasm.
Terry pulled out his penis and pushed it into Margaret’s waiting and receptive mouth. “Drink all my hot salty spunk slave” he commanded then his knees trembled and nearly gave way as he ejaculated profusely into Margaret’s mouth...
The Cleaner
Chapter 8
Terry woke late Thursday morning and turned on the radio and a well known song that he liked came on but he couldn’t remember the name of it. He sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the big fat spliff that he had made the last night and lit it. This was organic Skunk he knew because it didn’t even make him cough.
“I’ll just chill out today” he thought, thinking that he had to be Jessica’s slave tomorrow and he would probably be exhausted the next day.
Suddenly his mobile rang. “Hello Terry speaking,” he answered.
“Hello you lazy bastard, I bet you are still in bed?”
Dave’s laugh echoed over the phone. “I’m chilling out today,” Terry said, yawning. He had a good sleep and his Dad didn’t tell him to get out of bed anymore and he had stopped doing the shopping now, as Sainsbury’s delivered most of it.
“We have been looking at your lyrics for Dirty Talk and as the buzz is now erotic, I mean look at Green Day and I heard that old rubber lips has bought out a new Stone’s record and the video is hot with sexy girls. That’s what we need money for to get some more girl dancers- some really hot ones...” Dave said excitedly.
“Yeah I know Dave and I have the money to hire the girls” Terry said.
“Fucking hell where did you get it, no sorry I’ll ask you when you come over to do your Dirty Talk. You are coming aren’t you?” Dave asked.
“Sorry Dave I can’t because I’ve got a stomach bug, but tomorrow I have an appointment with a person who has strings in the music business and if I rest today I’ll be all right for tomorrow.
“Really, okay but shall we get the same girls. They were fucking hot. I want to make a group called the Cameltoes...” Terry said.
“The cameltoes, fucking hell that’s a hot idea” Dave said breaking into a belly laugh “The fucking cameltoes, what a fucking laugh. Everyone will want to see them” Dave said enthusiastically.
“”Yeah, exactly man, anyway, phone up those girls and we will find the time, with me working like, to record Dirty Talk” Terry.
“What you working at then?” Dave asked.
“It keeps me up day and night. I just check on people to see if they are all right and I’m in their area ready to answer their calls within minutes” Terry answered.
“Fucking hell a kind of social worker?” Dave said incredulously.
“Look Dave got to go now mate. Will phone you at the weekend and let you know how this meeting goes, bye Dave” Terry replied.
“Bye mate” Dave said.
Terry just lay on his bed listening to the radio. He started to feel hungry then he got up went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge which was stocked up now that he was contributing generously to the household budget. He took out a pot of full milk organic yoghurt, lifted the plastic pot to his lips upending it and slowly letting the white semi liquid slide into his mouth. He had been getting an acid stomach lately because he was cooking himself too many fry ups when in the house on his own. He thought of moving out but then he didn’t have to set up a home with a woman because now he had all the women that he wanted. He had been doing a bit of cleaning too because his Mum always spent hours at the weekend on her day off and he wanted to help her. “The fucking house is a right mess” he thought. Then the word “cleaner” popped into his head. They had never been able to afford a cleaner before. He typed “cleaners for hire” into Google and found a firm in Yellow Pages in Essex with a phone number and dialled it.
“Hello cleaners here” a female voice answered.
“Hello, I need a cleaner,” Terry replied.
“How many days a week, and starting when Sir?” the receptionist asked.
“Starting ASAP today if possible,” Terry replied.
“Whereabouts are you located Sir, and what is your name?”
“Terence Waters, Hornchurch, number one, Bishop’s Avenue” Terry replied.
“Would two o’ clock be too late?” the girl asked in a sweet little girl’s voice.
“No that will be fine I will be in” Terry replied.
“Well that’s all fixed then. Mum won’t believe it when she sees everything spotless!” he thought lying back on the bed and giggling like crazy. “Fucking hell this weed is fucking wicked!" he exclaimed out loud. Then he sat on the edge of the bed and put lots of skunk weed into the bong water pipe and lit it. He knew that the bong was a rich man’s pipe because it burnt lots of weed very quickly and it was more economical to smoke small pipes that one could consume in one hit rather than puffing a smoking bong but now that he was a gigolo he could smoke all he wanted.
“Times of no money are preferable to no weed” the furry Freak Brothers saying went through his head and he lay back giggling until his sides ached. He was right out of his head, he knew that. He turned up the volume up...He would usually watch porn and masturbate if he were on his own in the house but now he was completely sated of all sexual desire.
Terry raided the fridge and pigged out on honey and peanut butter sandwiches washed down with a litre of full cream milk afterwards his stomach felt bloated and he lay down in his bed listening to some chill out music and drifted off back to sleep.
He was dreaming of dancing with some black girl in a disco and then there was this ringing of bells. He awoke with a start realizing that it was the doorbell. “Fucking hell the cleaner” he thought rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Fucking, hell this place stinks of skunk” he realized then the doorbell rang again. “I’m coming,” he shouted, rushing down the stairs.
He opened the door and was surprised to see a girl dressed in a maid’s uniform with a short skirt standing on his doorstep. “Hello Mr Waters can you leave your front door open a minute while I bring in my gear” the girl said.
“Call me Terry, and I’ll help you fetch your stuff” Terry offered.
“I’m Barbara, I can do that myself” Barbara replied.
Terry waited until she had brought in her cleaning equipment.” Leave it all in the passage if you want” Terry offered.
When the girl had brought in all the equipment he closed the front door. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me,” he said.
“Yes all right Terry '' Barbara said, fluttering her eyelashes.
Terry realized that she was showing out. He turned and walked up the stairs not needing any sex today. He lay on the bed and grinned. “Fucking hell when I try to pull girls I get a blank, now they are showing out to me” he thought. He believed that when a girl looked at you like this, gave you a hot look then you could usually fuck them.”It’s hard to understand women” he thought.
Terry was lying on the bed when Barbara entered with the vacuum cleaner. “Phew, stinks of weed in here” she said grinning at him.
“You seem quite cool with the idea of weed?” Terry asked.
“Absolutely, they have just legalised it in America and I smoke it myself. I mean my Mum and Dad smoke it and my brother, the whole family. My Dad’s Dad comes from Jamaica and my Mum is white” Barbara informed him.
Now that she had mentioned it he looked for a trace of Afro-Caribbean but although she was dark she could have been Spanish, Romanian or Italian. “You are so light skinned,” he remarked.
She smiled giving him another sexy look and bent over with the vacuum cleaner then looking at him over her shoulder catching him looking up her skirt. “Can I start now?” Barbara asked.
“Yes I’m going out anyway” he said smiling, going down to the kitchen and sitting down at the dining table. Then he realised that it was sparkling clean, so clean that he had never seen it this way before.
“Hey Barbara, do you want a cup of coffee?” he shouted up the stairs.
“Yes please I’m nearly finished up here” Barbara shouted down.
Terry wondered how she could clean so quickly and efficiently and he looked into the downstairs bathroom to see it sparkling and shining as well. “Wait till Mum sees it, she’ll have a shock” he said out loud, giggling. He looked in the mirror to see if his eyes were red because he was really stoned. He was glad that the cleaner seemed okay about weed and
that her grandfather was Jamaican and he just hoped that she didn’t tell anyone. “Mum and Dad would go ape shit if they got raided by the fuzz” he thought.
The percolator was bubbling and he turned the gas down to keep it hot and got two cups ready to pour out the coffee. He sat down and waited a bit until he heard Barbara coming down the stairs.
As soon as he heard her he started to pour out the coffee. “Sugar and milk or cream?” he asked.
“Cream and no sugar please,” Barbara replied, looking around the kitchen proudly.
“I must say that I’ve never seen the kitchen so clean,” Terry said, praising her.
“There is just one place that I couldn’t reach and that spoils it all” Barbara replied with an annoyed expression on her face.
“Where’s that then?” Terry asked.
“Up there, that light” she replied pointing to the ceiling light.
“Oh don’t bother about that,” Terry replied.
“No it spoils the whole job, you haven’t got a pair of stepladders have you?” she asked.
“Hey presto!” exclaimed Terry opening a cupboard door where they kept the dirty laundry. A pair of stepladders stood leaning against the end wall. Terry picked them up and brought them out assembling them underneath the offending light. Terry felt like an extra in a Benny Hill movie as he knew what would happen next.
“Can you hold the ladder for me Terry please?” Barbara asked.
As Barbara climbed up the step ladder wielding a small hand held vacuum cleaner he looked up her skirt and saw that her G-String was right up her vagina and he could see that she had a pierced clitoris. Usually he would have fucked her, but today he could not and as he studied her pink labia he didn’t even feel a stir in his penis as Barbara climbed down smiling seductively at him.
“You will be paid by the agency I know but here’s a tip. I will book you again Barbara, next week” Terry assured her, giving her ten pounds even though he knew that all he had to do was to reach out and touch her and he could see the disappointment in her eyes.
Slave on Friday
Chapter 9
“I’ll meet you outside Hornchurch Underground station Terry” Jessica had said.
Terry looked at his watch. It was five past now and she was five minutes late.
Suddenly a car with black windows pulled up and a masked Jessica got out. “Get in Terry” she ordered. “Put this on slave” Jessica ordered handing him a similar mask to the one she wore but not so ornate.
“Terry noticed that there was already a girl in the back of the car as he got in. He was sandwiched between Jessica and another girl both who were wearing a mask with eye holes too. He could see the back of another girl who was wearing a chauffeur’s uniform and hat...
“Put this on too slave” Jessica ordered.
Terry put the blindfold on and all he could hear now was the sound of the car...
“And this, Alice enjoys doing it” Jessica said.
Terry felt Alice put a collar around his neck and her nearness, perfume and the touch of her body made him become semi erect.
“This slave is in need of the special treatment for naughty boys Alice” Jessica announced squeezing his erection.
“We will have to give him a severe punishment, Mistress,” Alice agreed.
The car slowed down now, left the motorway and after another ten minutes or so Terry heard some gates being opened and then the crunch of gravel as the car drove up what seemed like a mile long driveway. Terry felt butterflies in his stomach and suddenly he became frightened. “Don’t be silly Terry, it's just a game” he assured himself.
The car stopped and Jessica and Alice got out then he felt the collar being tugged and he was led out of the car. He heard the sound of a huge door opening and then the warmth. Suddenly the blindfold was taken off and he could see through the eye holes that he was in the circular hallway of a luxuriously furnished mansion house.
Incense filled the air and people dressed in costume, many half naked, had it seemed to come to look at him.
Jessica grasped his collar and led him through a long passageway with many rooms all with glass doors. “Look and see what rituals we perform here,” she said in an imperative voice.
Terry looked through the first door and saw adults and young girls indulging in sexual games. There was a different scene going on in every room but with most involving pubertal girls...
Jessica tugged at his collar, led him back to the big hall and rang a bell.
Terry became more afraid as the hall filled with people, male and female all masked, obviously rich evidenced by the glitter of real diamonds and gold adorning members' masks. He just hoped that he wasn’t the sacrificial offering that’s all.
“Honi soit qui mal y pense. He has seen everything without running away, averting his eyes or showing moral disapproval. He has passed the first test and it is now necessary for him to swear the oath of silence” Jessica announced.
“Kneel slave, you have seen the sacred rituals of the society, do you swear never to reveal them on pain of death” Jessica asked.
“Of course you have to agree or be killed,” Terry thought, wishing that he had never met Jessica...
“I swear not to reveal anything I see here at the society on pain of death” Terry intoned hoping that he sounded convincing.
“You have heard the slave speak, shall we send him to one of the rooms to see if he is truly one of us?
“Yes he shall be tested”
“Test him, test him” everyone began to chant.
Jessica pressed a switch and several monitors showed what was going on in each separate room.
“You must choose which one to enter and play the game” she commanded.
Terry pointed to a monitor where a mature woman with large breasts dressed in black latex spanked a man’s buttocks with a riding crop while a young naked girl pulled his head between her thighs by a collar round his neck.
Terry pointed to the monitor and immediately it appeared above his head on a cinema size screen.
“Go and be punished slave” Jessica ordered and Terry walked through the crowd of people up to the room peered in and noticed that the man was gone now and the woman was waiting for him and beckoning through the glass door. He opened as if in a trance and entered the room.
“On your knees slave in the presence of the Mistress” the young girl ordered, striking him across the buttocks with a swishy cane.
“Ouch” Terry screamed.
On his knees he watched the young girl as she climbed into a gyno chair and opened her thighs really wide. Then he felt the Mistress pull on the collar and pushing his head towards the smooth hairless vagina of the young girl…
The End
I hope that you have enjoyed this short story and will read all my other books. I am happy to have entertained you. Now I will get on with a sequel to SM Gigolo called SM Master.
Michael J Freeman.
I declare that all the characters in SM Gigolo are fictitious and bear no relationship to any living person
Copyright Michael J Freeman.