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Notes | I need more Wine | Pastor Andrew Damazio
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I Need More Wine | Pastor Andrew Damazio


Pastor Andrew, our guest speaker for our G3 Conference, gave a message that fits nicely into the new series on Different. He used the wedding at Cana (John 2;1-11) as a metaphor for the party (life), gone bad/dry when the wine (joy/life) runs out. The Jewish wedding lasted a week or more and included the entire city. It was a big deal.

We all look for life and joy. It is a big deal for us to make wise decisions in this search. Since Jesus comes where He is invited or welcome and leaves when He is rejected, it is important to seek His advice before we make decisions in life. Decisions about marriage, career, where to live, etc.

Pastor Andrew asked us to look at the question, “Who is the Master of Ceremonies (MC) for your life?“. Jesus brings the best joy and life. He came to fix a “party gone wrong.” Jesus redeemed what man lost in the choice to serve the wrong master in Genesis.

Humanly, we tend to turn to Religion or the World in our search for joy and life. Jesus is the only MC that will not destroy you if you give Him 100% control. If the wine in your life has grown stale or run dry, follow His directions to get it back. And, remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).


  1. Share an example from your life where you chose well because you checked with God first.
  2. What does the last year or so tell you about who or what is MC in your life.?
  3. Who or what competes for the MC of your life?
  4. What did the Holy Spirit tell you during the weekend message? What are you doing about it?
  5. How can we help you by our prayers and support in moving forward with this change?


Ask the Holy Spirit to grant you grace to keep God the MC of your life and strength to obey His instructions, found in the bible and impressed by the Holy Spirit.


Do the next thing! All Life Church members are invited to be water baptized, participate in a Bible reading plan and join a Life Group. Always, remember to make pursuing God a priority.