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Image result for swiss flag explained


The white cross on a red base represents the faith in christianity

The flag traditionally stands for freedom, honor, and fidelity


$62,000 per capita (2017)

$523.1 billion purchasing power (2017)

Natural Resources

They grow grains, fruits and vegetables. They also produce meat, egg, and dairy products

Life Expectancy

On average, people in switzerland live about 83.70 years

Government Type

Switzerland's government is a mixed economy

Meaning they get to choose what they buy and who they work for. The government is controlled by the people

Population Below Poverty Line

6.6% (2014)

Imports and Exports

Top imports of Switzerland are Gold, packaged medicaments,jewellery, cars, human and animal blood, and vaccines.

Top export destinations are Germany, United States, China, India, and Hong Kong.

Their main exports are machinery and equipment, pharmaceutical products, watches, textiles, and apparel. raw materials such as food, vegetable oil, and fuel.

Economic issues

Switzerland has overcrowded prisons, excessive force used by security services, and disrimination issues.

Historical facts

Switzerland has been an independent country since 1499

For over 190 years, Switzerland has been a neutral country during war times

The official currency of switzerland is the swiss franc

Switzerland is most known for their chocolate, cheese, banking system, watches and alpine mountain areas Switzerland makes half of the world’s production of luxury watches

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Image result for switzerland images

Interesting facts

Popular sports in Switzerland are skiing, snowboarding, and mountaineeringImage result for switzerland cheese

Bern (capital) is the largest city in Zurich

Switzerland has 7,000 lakes

Switzerland owns a lot of guns but also has the lowest crime rates

One of the least obese European countries


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Image result for iran flag


Green represents islam

White represents peace

Red represents courage

The symbol in the middle represents the five principles of islam


$446,105 million

$5,415.21 USD per capita

Natural resources

Oil, Natural gas, coal, Chromium, Copper, Iron Ore, Lead, Manganese, Zinc and sulphur

Image result for iran oil rigs

Life Expectancy

75.95 years

Economy type

Command Economy

Population below poverty line


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How trade is handled

Trading partners are China, United Arab Emirates, the EU, Taiwan, Turkey, South Korea,and India

Many imports include non-electric machinery, steel and iron, chemicals, transport vehicles, and machinery

Exports include natural oil and gas, chemicals, fruits, and plastics

Economic problems

Price controls and subsides, particularly on food and energy, contraband, administrative controls, widespread corruption, and restrictive factors that restrict growth

Image result for iran polution issues

Historical facts

The capital of iran suffers severe pollution

Fourth largest oil reserve in the world

Iran had pioneer carpet weavers in the ancient world

Gardens permeate iraniawn culture and history

Legends state that the Three Wise Men were persian (iranian)

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Interesting facts

Most people believe that religious figures play a major role in the government

Iran has one of the largest and most powerful armed forces in the Middle East

Over 99% of iranians are


Iran translates to “Land of the Aryans” in persian

About 70% of the population in Iran is under the age of 30

 Image result for iran