Inquiry TOD - Tuesday October 23rd 2018

Nic to start slide

Introduction to coaching /  Background - Troy (Reminders about what coaching is)

Activity - Nick (Scenario - In small groups)

Next steps - Nic (Summarise - recommendations - Ranginui - Professional me time - Quotes)

Notes from 21/3

Coaching helps performers learners unlock their ability/potential through effective listening and questioning.  

Coaching empowers helps performers learners to unlock the their ability/potential of others through effective listening and questioning.  


Do you need to know the coachee to be an effective coach or have a effective coaching session?

Relationships in the role of coaching? Authentic connections.

Emotional literacy

Transferability of coaching skills - same as the classroom, staffroom, sports field, at home.

If we look at the key characteristics of questioning in play, how do they align to the 7 key questions in The Coaches Habit.

“As a coach and current player, the motive these days is to empower players to think and make decisions for themselves in order for them to grow and develop.

We try to avoid dictating what players should and shouldn't to do because it takes away their power to play to the best of their ability. The purpose of a coach I would hope is to provide support, guidance and the tools for players to ultimately influence how the game is played themselves...because at the end of the day, the players on the field are the ones who are in fact playing.

You tell someone that they can't do something they love and put up walls and restrictions, they’ll fight and rebel as much as they can, but it will eventually chip away at the individuals passion and the reason why they play.”

We discussed the difference between traditional customs from Māori world and new school aproaches or flat leadership.  How does this sit with us?

Ideas Dump Before the 21st March This is interesting... I scored 53. What about you?  Coaching IQ - quite like that phrase. I got 2 wrong in this one so my IQ is good but could be better

Could we adapt something like these and use with our learners/ourselves?

Clearly there are definitions of what coaching is that are quite different from those posted below under this image. Look at that last line Relationship: Coach is often the boss & Roles: Heavy on telling. Check how Carol’s definition below is such a contrast, and the one from Nigel MacLennan.

From Carol’s blog: 

What Coaching Is

-1 to 1or team-based

- Goal orientated

- Forward moving and solution focused

- A vehicle for personal development

- Growing current capability

-All about you and what you need now


What Coaching Isn't

-Directive or corrective


-Telling you what to do

-Deficit focused

-Something you do when things aren’t going well

From Coaching and Mentoring By Nigel MacLennan

This is very out of date I think…! Primary Teaching as a Directed - where would we put it?

Tuesday February 27th

  1. How will you keep a record of your stream meetings, discussions, actions, outcomes, reflections
  2. What are your agreed expectations for how you work as a team, build professional relationships, trust etc? What do you expect from each other?
  3. Will you assign specific roles for your group? Why/Why not?
  4. How often, when, where will you meet?
  5. What do you want to achieve before the 27 April when you will provide the first ‘progress report’ to the rest of the staff? (this will be a call back day during the next holidays on the last Friday)
  6. How are you going to demonstrate the School Values within your stream?
  7. Please list any other questions you have so others can pick up on them..


RSS PLD Plan 2018

Who are we working with? Teachers? Students?

Is there a continuum for Coaching? Mentoring? What does it look like to be a beginning coach vs an expert coach?

We are a Network, we all are capable of doing things that benefit the group, if someone is absent the group can still forge on ahead. Share with Ebony when she is on leave, keep in the loop.

Experts in their field that we could go and listen. Use those in our own backyard, COL etc

By March 21st meeting:


How can students develop their mana or potential?

Can developing learners as coaches build ones hauora?

‘What is learner agency’ as a springboard for ‘what is coaching’

Rita Palmer-learning partners

Peer Mediation-active listening

Can we make connections to the ‘au, matou, tatou’ agency model

What is the relationship between the leadership strand of our vision and learners as coaches?


Audio book - Coaching Up!

Everybody has a skill or a strength that inspires others to be the best that they can be...if you share your strengths it will bring out the best in you too. A great coach can make the difference between a mediocre team and a world champion team. What would that difference look like if we could inspire every member of our team? And everyone who matters to us? We can be the source of empowerment and motivation that helps the people around us reach higher, go further, and achieve more.

NB: Show them you Respect them ...Trust that you care about their well being, communicate that respect daily, relationships - believe in them and they will choose to follow - be humble and empathetic. Focus on the player! 1 - Building an authentic connection as a whole real person, heartening reality, 2 - genuine support - positive spin on my performance (his observations), 3 - Offering concise direction! (Give him that down up fake...)

Loved this quote coming from a rugby coach: what is coaching? #coachingstance #coachingmindset #teachersascoaches

“As a coach and current player, the motive these days is to empower players to think and make decisions for themselves in order for them to grow and develop.
We try to avoid dictating what players should and shouldn't to do because it takes away their power to play to the best of their ability. The purpose of a coach I would hope is to provide support, guidance and the tools for players to ultimately influence how the game is played themselves...because at the end of the day, the players on the field are the ones who are in fact playing.
You tell someone that they can't do something they love and put up walls and restrictions, they’ll fight and rebel as much as they can, but it will eventually chip away at the individuals passion and the reason why they play.”


Our own definitions of coaching ideas: (By March 21th Meeting)


Box of Crayons


Dialogic Teaching - this is a new phrase to  me. I’ve just come across it in Talk to Learn Yr1-3 and started reading out and around it a bit. It seems to date back to 2008 but I’ve found it interesting in terms of teaching as CONVERSATION. Perhaps it’s been the research underpinning a lot of Dinah’s maths? Just thinking out loud, here, will no doubt find out as I dig into it a bit.

School 21 | Success in the 21st century | Stratford   School 21 - Oracy  This was wonderful to watch - children in learning conversations.