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10132021_Senate Minutes
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Associated Students of Boise State University

Academic Senate Meeting

October 13th, 2021 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Zoom Link

  1. Call to Order 4:30
  2. Welcome
  3. Attendance
  1. 11
  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. 9/29/2021
  2. Motion to fast track meeting of minutes by Aidan, seconded by David
  1. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Motion to approve minutes by David, second by Delaney
  1. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Officer Updates
  1. Eric:
  1. Meeting with Lauren Griswald to start the process of getting Senators dedicated emails
  2. Major revamp of the Instagram starting soon
  3. The website will also be seeing major updates
  4. Next committee meeting we will be doing headshots
  5. Emailed form to fill out information about yourself
  1. Sam:
  1. Starting up an alumni/student advocacy network
  1. Amaia:
  1. No updates.
  1. Taite:
  1. Be sure to always fill out the attendance form as soon as you get it.
  1. Grace:
  1. Reaching out to sororities and other groups on campus about a collective coalition initiative; trying to get groups around campus to promote diversity and inclusion effectively and build that community up
  2. Talking about the contract with BPD at the next IESC Meeting
  1. Kayla:
  1. Working on initiatives for BelieveBroncos; funding has been received
  1. Sarah:
  1. Mobile food pantry Oct 20, 2021
  2. BroncoBeam, an application created by the GIMM program on campus, has been completed and can now be downloaded
  3. Aramark has responded to our resolution
  1. Kenny:
  1. Re-integration Committee has started reconvening to ensure that the university community is kept in the loop on all things COVID-related; the city has been telling people outside the university to get tested here
  2. There is an interim dean in the library right now; some Senators have been emailed an opportunity to join a Dean Search committee to instate four new deans for all the colleges needing them; those who received an email, please respond to Kenny by Friday
  1. New Business
  1. (Senate only) Voting on Dean Relations
  1. Kenny is stepping in for Graf
  1. Introduction from each candidate (2 min. each)
  1. Aidan McConnehey (COEN)
  2. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Confirmation of Amanda Skaggs as Funding Board Officer
  1. Nominated by Executive for this position
  2. Motion to close discussion and move to voting by Aidan, seconded by Delaney
  1. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Official vote on Confirmation of Amanda Skaggs
  1. Approve: 13 Deny: 0  Abstain: 0
  1. Code Change #01
  1. Kenny and Taite presented the code change, please see the link above for details
  2. David asked if defendant was the actual language, Kenny clarified it was respondent; we cannot legally use defendant in the way that it was being used
  3. Miguel motioned to end discussion and proceed to voting, Delaney seconded
  1. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Motion to approve code change by David, seconded by Delaney
  1. Approve: 11 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Bill #02
  1. Bill #02 was presented by Eric and Aidan. Please see above for more information.
  2. Amber Warren stated that she thought it was a good investment.
  3. David motioned to end discussion, Delaney seconded.
  1. Approve: 10 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Official vote on Bill #02
  1. Approve: Deny: Abstain:
  1. Bill #03
  1. Bill #03 was presented by Amaia. Please see above for more information.
  2. Kenny mentioned that there were calls to remove any mention of mental health from this event, and Aramark will not commit to supplying food trucks for the event.
  3. Richard motioned that we remove any mention of mental health from the bill, seconded by Kelsie.
  1. Approve: 22 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Richard suggested that the event is sponsored by the mental health committee instead.
  2. Amber asked if we could ask questions. Then, she mentioned that she noticed that the generator was from Idaho-something, and asked if they would get a contract for that. Kenny responded that there was a sub-10,000 contract in policy, essentially, yes Amber but not in this case.
  3. Aidan asked, if there were still timeline concerns. Kenny responded that after the JFAC meeting, they were trying to navigate through the contracts, he reassured Aidan that there were no timeline issues and everything should be fine if the bill passes.
  4. Miguel asked if it would be wise to remove specific names of the food trucks, Kenny suggested maybe changing to food vendor, Miguel motioned to change the wording, seconded by Aidan
  1. Approve: 21 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Amber made a motion to end discussion and go to vote, Delaney seconded
  1. Approve: 9 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Official vote on Bill #03
  1. Approve: Deny: Abstain:
  1. Aramark Response
  1. Sarah and Kenny wanted to thank everyone for their input on the resolution; they were invited to attend a meeting which they would not have been able to attend without the passage of the resolution
  1. Old Business
  2. Announcements
  1. Mental Health committee will hold an informal meeting but please use our normal meeting time to help the mobile food pantry and the photo session with Eric; after photoshoot we can discuss implementation of the bill and event planning
  2. Eric emailed the form for bio information
  1. Meeting Adjourned 5:43pm