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Level 2 syllabus
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Level 2

IC listing: Theatre Design/Tech 2

Sound: 8/23/23-11/29/23

Jen Groseth:

Costume History: 11/30/23-03/01/24

Amy Berry

Stage Properties: 03/04/24-5/24/24

Alan Perez 


Each class will have a syllabus of its own, however we all adhere to the following grading scale:



Percent of Total

Student Mastery

Student Progression

Tests & Projects

Assignments & Quizzes



For 1st semester grades Stage Sound encompasses 70% of the total, Costume History 20%, Concert review is 10% of the semester grade. For 2nd semester grades, Costume History encompasses 35% of the total, Stage Props 55%, Play Report is 10% of the semester grade.

Course Descriptions

The level 2 courses are meant to add depth to the level 1 experience. Students will study the “next level” content in technical theatre.  For Sound, we focus on how sound is created and travels, tools and instruments for sound design in theatre, and how to use technology to create and run a production. In Stage properties we focus on becoming a successful Props Master.  From reading scripts, creating lists, budgeting, and planning students will learn that stage props encompass much in the world of theatre. Costume History is often considered the hardest course of the 4 years.  Students will learn historical periods and the fashion associated with each.  Terminology is the crux of this course.  Students will also begin the first step of figure drawing while creating images of each period we study.


A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentations, cooperative learning, and project-based learning will be used in these classes. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely completion of assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each assignment.

Attendance Policy

Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. We follow the same guidelines for attendance and makeup work as Manual classes. Because this class meets every day 4th block, students who miss class may need to come during a study hall or lunch to catch up if multiple classes are missed.

Classroom Expectations

  1. Arrive to class on time
  2. Be prepared
  3. Respect your classmates and teacher
  4. Give your all, all the time
  5. Be responsible for your actions
  6. No eating, drinking, cell phones(unless instructed to bring them), or earphones permitted in the classrooms

Class Requirements

Homework will be given when needed.  As a department we try to limit homework to reading assignments (or online quizzes) when at all possible due to our after school commitments.  This does not mean no homework will be assigned.  Each teacher will have their own way of disseminating calendars, due dates, and assignments.  “All Department” assignments are listed on the google calendar (and important dates handout).  Late assignments will receive a grade deduction of one letter grade per day late.

Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct booklet for additional information.  

Electronics Policy

Every student is expected to have a chromebook/laptop with them everyday.  These devices will be used intermittently, but can be requested at any time.  Students will be given a chromebook from the school if needed.  Cell phones during class time are not allowed.  Every D&P classroom has cell phone pockets for students to place their phones at the beginning of class.  Failure to do so will result in a referral.

Seeking Help…

As a student in Design & Production we want, and expect, students to seek help when needed.  This may be help with content in D&P classes or Manual classes.  We offer the ability for all students to attend Manual tutoring and we will work with students who need help in their tech classes.  Being self-aware, and asking for help are key components to a successful student.   Students should expect to study, and review often, the content covered in their Design & Production classes.  These are “major” level courses and the same emphasis should be placed on the content as with Manual classes.