Muslim Community Center – East Bay (MCC East Bay)
5724 W. Las Positas Boulevard, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 623-2927 •
Community Center Facility Rental Guide
One of the most versatile facilities serving the Muslim community in the San Francisco Bay Area, the 31,000-square-foot Muslim Community Center East Bay has a distinctive structure that allows us to create and accommodate a variety of occasions, including Qur’an Khatams, Nikaah ceremonies, Walima receptions, social functions and banquets, and more.
The masjid and community center is a green facility, professionally managed, residing on a five-acre site in a business park with 145 parking spaces. Our rooms have comfortable furniture and audio-visual supplies to suit your event needs. After reviewing our rental guide below, you may submit your rental request at
Room Type | Seating | Rate (Friday - Sunday) | Rate (Monday - Thursday) |
Prayer Hall (10,196 sq. ft) | Tables & Chairs: N/A Floor Back Chairs: 410 | $100.00 (Khatam) or $350.00 (Nikkah) for three-hour increment ($25.00/additional hour) | $90.00 (Khatam) or $300.00 (Nikkah) for three-hour increment ($20.00/additional hour) |
Conference Room (2,829 sq. ft) | Theater-Style setup Tables & Chairs: 100 Floor Back Chairs & Cushion Benches: 130 | $500.00 for three hours ($35.00/additional hour) | $450.00 for four hours ($25.00/additional hour) |
Banquet Hall (1,130 sq. ft) | Tables & Chairs: 85 | $450.00 for three hours* ($35.00/additional hour)
| $400.00 for three hours* ($35.00/additional hour)
Picnic Area (1,020 sq. ft) | Tables & Chairs: 95 | $150.00 for three hours* ($35.00/additional hour)
| $125.00 for three hours* ($35.00/additional hour)
*An additional service fee applies (see below)
*No facility charge for the Banquet Hall if host hands out only food boxes to guests. No Seating. A $75.00 service fee applies.
Rental Terms
- All public and private rental events are listed on our Facility Activities Calendar. Please check the availability of your date at Positively, no organization fundraising or paid-ticket rental is permitted.
- From late August to late May, MCC hosts Sunday School and Friday night halaqas that use the entire community center. The facility is available for rental on Sundays after 2:30 p.m. and unavailable on Fridays.
- Your reservation is only confirmed once you pay a nonrefundable 20% deposit. After submitting your application, you will receive an online payment link. The remaining balance is due before your reservation starts.
- Daily rental hours are from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., subject to availability. MCC retains full authority to final approve and deny facility reservation requests. Reservations for each space beyond three hours are billed per hour.
- The adhan (call to prayer) and congregational prayers from the Prayer Hall are heard throughout the building. Please factor prayer breaks into your program. Year-round prayer timings are at
- Please be mindful that the community center serves as a shared community space for hundreds of families in the area. Please take ownership of your guests' sanctity, cleanliness, and conduct. MCC will invoice the reserving party for repair and/or replacement costs for any willful damage and/or destruction of property by your guests.
- Businesses or professionals engaged in any activity for financial gain or profit are not eligible to rent space. There is no MCC member discount.
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Services and Amenities Included
- Tables and chairs, or floor-back chairs, are included in all room reservations.
- One hour of event setup and one hour of event clean-up
- Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the community center.
- For Banquet Hall and Picnic Area reservations, the service fee ensures that the facility is returned in the same condition you received it so that you may be assured of the return of your deposit after your event ends.
- For the Banquet Hall and Prayer Area reservations, the use of the public audio speaker system is included. The audio-speaker system is restricted from 20 minutes before to 20 minutes after each congregational prayer's start (iqama). For prayer Iqamah times, please visit
- We have 20 classrooms available (i.e., break-out sessions). Contact MCC office to inquire about these spaces.
- A Banquet Hall reservation includes:
- round tables with maroon tablecloths that seat up to nine chairs comfortably
- a buffet line with six food holders (four with warmers to keep your food pans hot and two for cold dishes)
- compostable paper products and eating utensils, along with compost bins
- tea service for your guests and a space for you to set out desserts
- filtered, chilled water in jugs at each table, and a refrigerator available if you wish to bring drinks
- a hot box to keep any extra trays of food warm until your food service begins
- You may use any restaurant or caterer for food service at a private event at MCC. The food must arrive in full—or half-size foil steam table pans. We do not allow food dispensed from cookware in any part of the facility, including in the parking lot, as this presents a hygiene concern and a slip hazard. For a list of East Bay restaurants and caterers, please contact the MCC Office.
- Positively, there are no musical instruments. Nasheed (Islamic vocal music) and Naat (poetry recitation) are okay. Please use non-damaging blue painter’s tape or command strips to hang decorations.
- Other amenities available:
- Stage, podium, and backdrop - $35.00
- Privacy barrier between genders - $10.00
- Additional buffet line - $25.00 or $5.00 per extra burner
- Babysitter from our congregation – $20.00/hr per babysitter for every eight children (room provided)
- To rent seat covers & interior decorations, contact our preferred vendor, Prime Party Rental, at (916) 333-1005.
- If renting the Prayer Hall or Conference Room, the MCC provides the option to hand out food boxes in the Banquet Hall post-event for guests to take with them. This option has no facility fee, only an additional $75.00 service charge.
- The Prayer Hall is a shared public space that is always accessible for worship. It is available only for Nikaah or Khatam-ul-Qur’an ceremonies. If you desire uninterrupted privacy, please consider the Conference Room.
- We provide two TVs for the sisters' area to view the Nikaah/Khatam dua. For $45, we can record the event in HD.
- For a Qur’an Khatam, your reservation includes five complete sets of individual 30-juz Qur’ans. The siparas/ajza are arranged on a table in the Prayer Hall near the bookshelves in the men’s and women’s areas.
- If you need help finding an Imam for Khatam dua or officiating your Nikaah, please contact the MCC office for an Imam's list. For Imams affiliated with Zaytuna College, visit Honorarium payments are arranged exclusively between the Imam and the reserving party.
- Your reservation includes:
- seating of your guests on comfortable floor chairs and built-in room plush benches;
- private audio system (one lapel & two handheld microphones) and two 70” wall-mounted Smart TVs, and;
- warm accent wall lights and backdrop stage lighting to a color tint of your choosing.
- Other amenities available:
- tables and chairs (instead of floor seating) set out in a layout of your choosing for $35.00;
- a built-in vertical privacy barrier partition between genders split at the stage for $10.00 and;
- your event will be recorded and/or live-streamed in HD via a ceiling-mounted zoom camera for $50.00
- The picnic area includes nine built-in round tables with picnic canopies and four long tables as a buffet line.