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Facility Rental Guide - MCC East Bay
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Muslim Community Center – East Bay (MCC East Bay)

5724 W. Las Positas Boulevard, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 623-2927  •

Community Center Facility Rental Guide
ne of the most versatile facilities serving the Muslim community in the San Francisco Bay Area, the 31,000-square-foot Muslim Community Center East Bay has a distinctive structure that allows us to create and accommodate a variety of occasions, including Qur’an Khatams, Nikaah ceremonies, Walima receptions, social functions and banquets, and more.

The masjid and community center is a green facility, professionally managed, residing on a five-acre site in a business park with 145 parking spaces. Our rooms have comfortable furniture and audio-visual supplies to suit your event needs. After reviewing our rental guide below, you may submit your rental request at

Room Type


Rate (Friday - Sunday)

Rate (Monday - Thursday)

Prayer Hall

(10,196 sq. ft)

Tables & Chairs: N/A

Floor Back Chairs: 410

$100.00 (Khatam)
or $350.00 (Nikkah)
for three-hour increment
($25.00/additional hour)

$90.00 (Khatam)
or $300.00 (Nikkah)
for three-hour increment
($20.00/additional hour)

Conference Room

(2,829 sq. ft)

Theater-Style setup
Tables & Chairs: 100

Floor Back Chairs & Cushion Benches: 130

$500.00 for three hours
($35.00/additional hour)

$450.00 for four hours
($25.00/additional hour)

Banquet Hall

(1,130 sq. ft)

Tables & Chairs: 85

$450.00 for three hours*
($35.00/additional hour)

$400.00 for three hours*
($35.00/additional hour)

Picnic Area

(1,020 sq. ft)

Tables & Chairs: 95

$150.00 for three hours*
($35.00/additional hour)

$125.00 for three hours*
($35.00/additional hour)

  *An additional service fee applies (see below)

Service Fee (Based on the number of guests)


0-50 Guests

51-100 Guests

101-200 Guests

200+ Guests

Prayer Hall

No Fee




Conference Room





Banquet Hall





Picnic Area





*No facility charge for the Banquet Hall if host hands out only food boxes to guests. No Seating. A $75.00 service fee applies.

Rental Terms

--> OVER

Services and Amenities Included

Banquet Hall

Prayer Hall

Conference Room

Picnic Area