Visual Arts

We encourage all students, in every grade level, to enroll in visual arts classes. As a student in the visual arts, you…

Introductory Level

Advanced Level

College Level

(No Prerequisite Required)

0.5 credit quarter course

(Prerequisite Introductory Level Course Required)

0.5 credit quarter course or

1.0 credit two quarter class

Visual Art Foundations plus one of the Portfolio Prep courses (Prerequisites for AP Art and Design)

1.0 credit two quarter course

* Visual Art Foundations

Ceramics Studio

3D Computer Imagery and Animation

Sculpture Studio

Design Fundamentals

Digital Media Art

Art for Therapy and Wellness

Visual Arts and Crafts

* Portfolio Prep - Drawing and Painting

* Portfolio Prep - 2D Design and Photography

Advanced Ceramics

Advanced Computer Imagery and Animation

Advanced Placement Art and Design (3 courses in 1, may be taken 3 times)

AP Drawing

AP 2D Design

AP 3D Design

AP Art History

CAPP 101—Elements of Studio Art***
CAPP 105—Understanding the Arts***

* Prerequisite courses for AP Art and Design      

Many postsecondary institutions are requiring portfolios for Art and Design majors (i.e. Graphic Design, Game Design, Multi-media Design, etc.) be submitted upon application, usually near the beginning of a student’s senior year. Visual Art Foundations, plus additional art courses, should be completed before their senior year, to prepare a quality portfolio and meet the varied portfolio requirements.

All Art and Design majors are required to take Art History courses.  AP Art History (and a 3 or better on the AP exam) fulfills one art history course requirement (3 credits) at most universities. AP Art and Design (3 courses: 2D Design, Drawing, 3D Design) fulfills one studio art elective (3 credits) at most universities. (AP Portfolio must earn a score of 3 or better for credit at most universities).

All college majors require students to take Humanities Credits. AP Art and Design, CAPP 101—Elements of Studio Art, and CAPP 105—Understanding the Arts all qualify as 3 humanities credits at most universities. CAPP is a UW Oshkosh initiative and collaboration with participating high schools to provide academically capable students an opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. It is a concurrent enrollment program by certified high school teachers who hold adjunct lecturer status with UW Oshkosh. You receive both high school and college credit for your work, thereby decreasing your time to earn a college degree.