Unit 7 Brains!

Monday 4/30

Tuesday 5/1

Wednesday 5/2

Thursday 5/3

Friday 5/4

Unit 7 Overview & Student Planning

Student Calendars

Sign up for dissecting and/or conducting behavioral experiments

Make Model


Learn parts of the brain

-Lead up to Dissections

Comparison brains

Brain museum

Dissection Pretest


No School

PD Day

Monday 4/7

Tuesday  4/8

Wednesday 4/9

Thursday 4/10

Friday 4/11


How we learn:

Rewards and dopamine pathways

Build neurons with clay or slime?    

Overlearning: The science of addiction.

Guest speakers?

Categorization. Game

Drugs v. toxins v. poison

How does the FDA  decide on regulations?

Behavioral Lab Write Up

Monday 4/14

Tuesday  4/15

Wednesday 4/16

Thursday 4/17

Friday 4/18

Animal Models

Experiment: planarian behavior

Caffeine on the brain

Lab write-up

Concussions Interactive

Fidget Toys

Flex Day

Monday 4/21

Tuesday  4/22

Wednesday 4/23

Thursday 4/24

Friday 4/25

Last Class Day

Flex Day


Advisory Olympics

Monday 4/23

Tuesday  4/24

Wednesday 4/25

Thursday 4/26

Friday 4/27

No School



Big Picture: Introducing final unit. Prepare students to follow lesson plans or choose thier own adventure.

Today's goals: Have everyone fill out calendars and get started on planning for unit 7.

Today’s Accomplishments:

Plan for Tomorrow: Make brain models and learn parts of the brain.

Terminology Pretest

HM: parts of the brain

Parts of the brain

Brain pretest

Dissection Prep

Dissection Quiz

Sheep Brain Dissection


Kids brain slides

3d Brain Interactive

HW: Sheep dissection lab report write up

How we learn:

Rewards and dopamine pathways

Build neurons with clay or slime?

Science of Addiction      

How we learn:  


Brain scans white vs. grey matter?

Categorization. Game

Drugs v. toxins v. poison

How does the FDA  decide on regulations?


Animal Models

Experiment planarian behavior

Exit Ticket: Weekly Reflection

Notes Check

Research groups: what changes your mind?

nicotine, marijuana, opioids, trauma, concussions, famine, etc.

Poster Infographics,

Presentations, mini-lectures for addition lessons

Exit Ticket: Weekly Reflection

Notes Check