Berkeley|Student Information Systems

SIS Job Aid #1027

How to Prevent Further Enrollments

Campus Solutions does not have a “lock” function as did the legacy system, DB2. Therefore, there are a few things to watch out for when trying to mimic your old process in this new system. Please see the “Warnings” section below. 


How to Prevent Further Enrollments

“Lock Down a Class” - Best Practice


“Lock Down a Class” – Option 2


“Lock Down a Class” - Best Practice

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes and search for your class.

"Main Menu", "Curriculum Management", "Schedule of Classes", and "Maintain Schedule of Classes" navigation tabs emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. On the Enrollment Control tab, set the Add Consent drop list to “Department Consent” on Enrollment sections.

"Enrollment Capacity" tab and Add Consent drop list set to “Department Consent” emphasized with red box highlight.  "Save" button emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. It is optional to do the same on Non-Enroll sections.

NOTE: The students attempting to enroll will get a “Department Permission Needed” type error message.

  1. Click the Save button when finished.
  2. If you also do not want students dropping the class during a certain period of time, set the Drop Consent to “Department Consent”.

"Enrollment Capacity" tab and Drop Consent drop list set to “Department Consent” emphasized with red box highlight. "Save" button emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. Click the Save button when finished.


BE CAREFUL – If you have given out any Permission Numbers with “Valid for… Closed Class” checked, and have not yet expired, then those Permission Numbers can still override your Enrollment Capacity if those students try to switch sections.

Also note that when the term is copied to the next year, any classes that you have changed the Add Consent on will also copy over.


“Lock Down a Class” – Option 2

  1. From the Main Menu, navigate to: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes and search for your class.

"Main Menu", "Curriculum Management", "Schedule of Classes", and "Maintain Schedule of Classes" navigation tabs emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. On the Enrollment Cntrl tab, set the Wait List Capacity to zero.

NOTE: The students attempting to enroll will get a “Waitlist is full” type error message.

"Enrollment Cntrl" tab and Wait List Capacity field set to “0” emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. Click Save button when finished.
  2. On the Reserve Cap tab, use the Requirement Group #000055, “Enrollment Permission Only,” to cover the remainder or total number of seats in the class.

NOTE: The Enrollment Reserve Capacity cannot exceed the Class Enrollment Capacity.

"Reserve Cap" tab, "Reserve Capacity", and "Reserve Capacity Requirement Group" sections emphasized with red box highlight. "Save" button emphasized with red box highlight.

  1. Click Save button when finished


BE CAREFUL – If you have given out any Permission Numbers with “Valid for… Closed Class”, that have not yet expired, then those Permission Numbers can still override the Requirement Group #000055 and may also override total enrollment caps.


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