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VS Meeting Agenda 2021.docx
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Music Library Association

Cataloging and Metadata Committee

Vocabularies Subcommittee (VS)

Business Meeting

Thursday, March 18, 2021, 3:00-4:25 pm Eastern

Via Zoom (link active 10 minutes prior to start time): 

MLA Code of Conduct: 

  1. Welcome
  2. Housekeeping
  3. Introductions (subcommittee)
  4. Chair’s report (Belford)
  1. ALA Liaison reports
  1. Annual 2020 (virtual)
  2. Midwinter 2021 (virtual)
  1. Core SSFV/SAC part 1/other (PDF draft MW 2021 report / web draft MW 2021 report; will be updated when final available)
  2. Core SAC part 2: March 19, 2021 (agenda/login info)
  1. New members in 2020-2021
  2. Departures and call for new members
  1. LC Liaison’s report (Vigorito)
  2. Types of Composition List Task Group
  1. Coordinator’s report (Henry)
  2. New business
  1. Types document: Slavic plurals
  1. Thematic Indexes List (MLATI) Task Group
  1. Coordinator’s report (Shockey)
  2. New business
  1. LCMPT/LCGFT Maintenance Task Group
  1. Task Group Coordinator’s report (Adams)
  2. SACO Music Funnel Coordinator’s report (B. Iseminger)
  3. New business
  1. Task Group on Deriving Faceted Terms from LCSH/Music Toolkit
  1. Coordinator’s report (Jenkins)
  2. New business
  1. OCLC Music Toolkit & video format (Belford)
  1. LCMPT/LCGFT Best Practices Task Group
  1. Coordinator’s report (Huismann)
  2. New business
  1. New business (remainder)
  1. Faceted terms mapping & LCMPT proposals (prompt: Toolkit ensemble mappings) (Jenkins et. al.)
  2. Other new business (all)
  1. Adjournment

Note from the Chair: Task Group coordinators’ reports are linked from the agenda. Guests are invited and encouraged to read the reports in advance and bring any questions or discussion points to the meeting.