Recount: Immersion Rotation

WALT: structure a recount using detailed and descriptive language.
When people read this recount they should feel interested and excited. This week we have been finding out all our new topic for the term and you are going to write a recount about the immersion rotation we did on Monday. Complete the planning section below before you start writing your recount.

Room 6

In room 6  we go on youtube and look and search up songs that make us mad angry or sad or surprised  

Room 7

In room 7  we did small rotations and writing on papers with emotions on it

Room 8

In room eight we walk side and get in a line shortest to tallest then we went in squares and the person in the front has to do a emotion walk and we have tell the teacher which emotion the person is doing if we get it right we get to go in front of the line and do one emotion walk and the people in the back of us have to guess which emotion

Room 9

In room 9 we had to say words but in different emotions and make a video of us saying it

Room 10

In room 10 we describe which colour make us feel like and we take a photo and search up a emotion

Start your writing here

→ in room 6  we go on youtube and search up songs that makes us feel like and insert it in one of the boxes in each slide

In room 7  we did small rotations and writing on papers with emotions on it

In room eight we walk side and get in a line shortest to tallest then we went in squares and the person in the front has to do a emotion walk and we have tell the teacher which emotion the person is doing if we get it right we get to go in front of the line and do one emotion walk and the people in the back of us have to guess which emotion

In room 9 we had to say words but in different emotions and make a video of us saying it

In room 10 we describe which colour make us feel like and we take a photo and search up a emotion