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ZP-952 Cole Hall Chemistry
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This Z-paper 952 by Herb Zinser  

Z-paper-952 --->
Chemistry conflict expression Cole Hall

This blog post uses Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE words, languages, proper nouns, equations, and concepts to understand the CRYPTIC writings of newspaper reporters, editors and publishers,  and book authors.  


The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc.   The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science  that may be found in any  bookstore  or a bookstore near a university.


We are reminded of ......

Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General‎

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ... .... Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...


Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.


Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities of the geography surface of EARTH.




Let's look at some proper nouns and other words that provide CLUES to Nature's message processing system ... with possible messages for  people that are interested in CRYPTIC situations.  






 The ferrous oxide IRON atomic TIME calendar ... LINK to the IRON hemoglobin protein protect engineering calendar ..



 Thus we see the IRON atomic number 26 and its 26 English alpabet lettters and the METAL  social engineering  message for Fe --> February and   METAL  thought extensions --> Metabolism formats known as humanoids with ther HEME group fe(ii) ion of hematology and






































Superconducting Super Collider - Wikipedia, the free ...


The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, ...

Proposal and development - ‎Cancellation - ‎Comparison to the Large Hadron ... 


Above pipe → data  pipeline

Griffin (The Invisible Man molecules) - Wikipedia › wiki › Griffin_(The_Invisible_Man)

Griffin, also known as the Invisible Man, is a fictional character who first appeared as the titular protagonist of H. G. Wells' 1897 science fiction novel The Invisible Man. ... Panicking,

Griffin goes (with Goethe)  
village of Iping 

and rents a room in the Lion's Head Inn, where he begins searching for a formula to reverse the invisibility.

Wax shoe polish ….see
leather shoe signal below





The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...atomic social science collider at

WACO  with Janet Reno and her Reno, Nevada bio-physics probability distributions  ..............





Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎


During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center and 76 men, women, and children, ..... The 1993 clash in Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian complex is an .... Reno countered that the FBI was tired of waiting; that the standoff was ...



Super-symmetry  and Sartre existentialism


















Thus we se how langauge, words, and  math and sciience  concepts help us understand the CRYPTIC writings of newspaper reporters.



read between the lines - Collins English Dictionary | Always ... › English Dictionary

to perceive or deduce a meaning

that is hidden or implied rather than being ...





Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the

invisible or intangible

by means of visible