Nouns & Verbs & Adverbs


- Train                                                      

- Train track

- Grass

- Trees

- Mud

- Fields

- Wood

- Flood

- Sky

- Clouds

General Statement - One day a country next to the sea gets another flood and the place keeps getting flooded by torrential rain.

Cause - One day in Tuvalu there was a sudden rain in the village because there had been torrential rain then also there was the sea next to the island and then they could see the water rising in the sea. Then the water started to create a flood because the water levels were rising then their normal expectations of where it had to be at. It got higher and         higher to the point where it could touch the bottom up to their feet and it was moving quickly.

Damage/Cost - The damage that was caused was the people's safety because it probably got higher and higher to the point that they probably couldn’t even see anything except water. It costs them a lot to take the water back because it was quite a bit of water because floods are really high and it was probably high too. And also it costed them a lot of money to repair the roads because the rain was heavy and then the roads were not even solid so it could cost them a lot to repair the highways.

Rescue/Search - The rescue team that tried to help them got delayed because of how rainy it was in the country. It was torrential rain and they couldn’t rescue them because they couldn't see them because of the flood and higher every single minute. Then after they could see some people they came back and saved them from the flood then after a while they went back and started to make sure that the flood was completely gone.

Summary - The Island has started getting floods throughout the country but there is no escape. As rescue teams try helping them there is no way out for my people. As they scream for their lives as they are in danger they have nothing to help them survive.