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The Sanguine Covenant - Religion
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The Sanguine Covenant

Accent: Agony

Primary Eye: Grimoire

Qualifier: “Follower of  Diavalla”

“Come, Children. Drink of the wine of Diavalla’s vein, brought to our court by The Red Mother. Here, your spirit will be tempered to endure things unimaginable. But such is the suffering of the mortal races; Bound and confined within small cages of bone and a weakly beating heart.

Lo, heed the words of the Blood Mother, you are destined for more, and with her boon, you shall become more. Drink, my friend, and become an Heir to her majesty."

- Blood Ritualist
Nathadriel, Sycophant of the Red Mother

Tenets of The Devoted

Note: If you purchased one or more abilities in this Religion, and you knowingly break one of the tenets of the Religion, you will have all powers granted by this religion revoked until the end of the event (or longer), and may be subject to a redemption or atonement quest to regain these powers, subject to the discretion of the Plot Team.


The Sanguine Covenant hold glory to a being known as Diavalla. She takes many names- Mother of Blood, The Red Mother, Mother of Suffering, the Decapitated Goddess to name a few.

The teachings of Diavalla praise martyrdom, sacrifice, and suffering, and believe that a mortal’s suffering serves as a reminder that they earned the right to continue living. Those who choose to ignore the agonies of adversity are undeserving of the life that the Crimson Mother has provided for them. Intense and overbearing, the Crimson Mother shepherds all mortal breeds.

In the Past, the Sanguine Covenant was led by a Blood Council of Vampires who had taken root within the heart of the organization, but have since been cleansed of their treachery by the Sisters of Suffering, Blackguard of the Diavallan faith who have devoted their life to the destruction of any and all creatures that would subjugate the Mortal Breeds.

The Sanguine Covenant’s blade at the throats of Leovitrian Angels has earned them a point of contention with other organized faiths. To the Sisters of Suffering, any who closes a yoke, be it physical or otherwise upon the throats of her Children are undeserving of her mercy- be they skulking Vampire, scheming Demon... Or a vainglorious angel.

Since the destruction of the Blood Council, the Sisters of Suffering have taken hold of the Temple of Diavalla in Valgast. War-torn and riddled with strife, the battered temple of Diavalla stands as a testament to the Sanguine Covenant’s tenacity, to see themselves through the long struggle of war, strife, and misery.  

During the winter, the covenant holds a rite of passage for any who wish to join the ranks of the Sanguine Covenenant’s Bloodguard, those trained by the Sisters of Suffering for the theater of war in the name of the Covenant’s Faith. This rite usually involves the consumption of demonic or angelic blood, harvested from a fresh sacrifice to the Red Mother.


All adherents of this religion gain the Qualifier: Follower of The Sanguine Covenant. This means that the character will become targets of effects with that qualifier for as long as they maintain devotion to this religion. These effects will be both positive and negative, so be sure to be aware of the Calls being made around you.

For Example: Toric, devoted to The Sanguine Covenant, is fighting on the line during an incursion of undead. Behind them is a cleric of his order, Killian. Killian prays to their shared god and receives a boon in the form of “By My Voice, Heal 5 to Follower of The Sanguine Covenant by Radiance”. Toric heard this call, and is devoted to the religion, and so is healed. Meanwhile, Toric’s line companion, Juris, is not a member of the church, but heard the call. They, however, not being a devotee, are not affected by the call.

Elsewhere, the undead invasion is not without its necromancer, Yorric. Yorric likewise calls out to their deity, and casts that maleficent gaze upon his foes: “By My Voice, Wounding 4 to Follower of The Sanguine Covenant By Malice”. As before, Toric, (and his cleric friend) are affected by this call, but his linemate Juris is not.

Basic Religion Powers

The Blood Price [Devotion] - 3 CP

Whenever this character uses a Power with the Radiance Accent, they may substitute that Accent for the Agony Accent. This is an at-will ability.

Fill thy Cup [Devotion] - 2 CP

While this character is the Primary Ritualist of a Blood Magic Ritual, the total Life Point Cost is reduced by 1 for each Follower of Diavalla participating in the ritual. Alternatively, another character may receive a Deathblow as an additional cost of performing a Blood Magic Ritual, they may use their Total Life Points for the Life Point Cost. This will not interrupt the Ritual. Finally, a special Dark Territory Card is introduced into each Final Hand - this is not optional.

Advanced Religion Powers

The character must have purchased all the Basic Powers of this religion to buy these powers.

Blood is Power [Devotion][Adept] - 3 CP

Prerequisite: One Adept Spell or Advanced Power

“The Chosen of Diavalla are well known for delving into the Rite of Blood, and their experience is such that they may call upon these profane magics at a moment's notice. Trading their own life essence for power, they are able to extend their magical ability beyond most practitioners' ability, but at a gruesome price.”

Name: Blood is Power [Devotion][Adept]

Incantation: “I give my blood, this gift in plight, I beckon our Mother's grace and might. Now wrap your wings around your flock, strength not ours, your power unlocked… to realize power in suffering.”

Call: “Grant [X] Blood Points”

Target: Self                        Duration: Long Rest

Delivery: None                        Refresh: Spell, Long Rest

Accent: None                        Effect: Grant Blood Points

The True Believer in Diavalla knows that the power of Blood and Flesh is the cornerstone to all magic. By Sacrificing their blood to Diavalla, they may refresh their spell slots. The caster gains two Blood Points, and an additional Blood Point for each Life Point Sacrificed during the casting of this spell. All Blood Points are lost when the caster completes a Long Rest.

When casting spells, the caster may Sacrifice one Blood Point to cast a Novice Spell, two for a Adept Spell, and three for a Greater Spell instead of the normal Spell-slots. The caster must have at least one slot of the appropriate tier and Sphere to cast spells this way. Master spells cannot be cast this way.

Alternatively, Blood Points may be spent while a participant of a Blood Magic Ritual to fulfill the requirement(s) of Life Point Costs.

The casting of this spell is particularly taxing upon the caster, and can only be cast once per Long Rest.

The first time this spell is cast each long rest it will not consume a spell slot.

Revel in Pain [Devotion] - 3 CP

Prerequisite: One Advanced Power or Adept Spell

For the faithful of the Sanguine Covenant, even the sharpest blades expertly slid between the ribs can be little more than a nuisance. The blood of the Red Mother blesses those who give their blood willingly, and protects her Covenant against those who would silence her faithful.

Name: Revel in Pain [Devotion]

Incantation: None

Call: “Counter, Revel in Pain”

Target: Self                                 Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: None                        Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Agony                        Effect: Counter, Heal

When struck by a Piercing Effect, the character may expend a Spike to Counter the Piercing effect and instead be Heal 1 by Agony. This effect may only be used once per Long Rest. A character must call “Counter, Revel in Pain” when using this effect.