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English translation: "ASL - Finally!"
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Finally!  The Republicans have picked California Congressman Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.  I will abbreviate his name as “KM.”  Early last Saturday morning, Republicans voted and Kevin McCarthy won.  The Republicans voted 15 times.  14 times, he didn’t win, because some Republicans, mostly MAGA Republicans, didn’t want Kevin  McCarthy as House Speaker.  , because he isn’t a real Republican.  He is a Republican in Name Only - a RINO.  House Republicans voted many times, and Kevin McCarthy lost.  

How did he finally win?  He made many concessions.  He gave up a lot of authority.  Before, removing a Speaker of the House started with five votes from House members.  Under this new rule, just one person can initiate this.  Representatives can investigate, vote, and remove the Speaker.  Kevin McCarthy agreed to this new rule.  

Kevin McCarthy also made concessions on the debt limit.  Many times, America has raised its debt limit, without limiting spending.  Under the new rule, if the debt limit is raised, the government has to spend less.  

Other rules include a vote on term limits for the House, allowing three days for Congress to read a bill, rather than Congress people not reading bills under the current system.  Under the new rule, they must read the bills.  

I am not happy about Kevil McCarthy becoming Speaker of the House.  He doesn’t work for us.  He works for himself.  I am happy that he will be so weak.  

It is important to note that now, the Democrats will probably win in 2024.  After the 2022 election, Republicans have proven that they have no plan.