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Black Rose Players Handbook
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Hawkins High School Theatre Arts Department

Black Rose Players Production Handbook


The purpose of this handbook is twofold: 1) to introduce new theatre students to the department’s customs and traditions, and 2) to serve as a ready reference text for returning students to review their duties each year. As your official guide for all activities concerning productions, it contains information of prime importance to those who hope to work effectively in the department. Complete familiarity with its contents is the first requisite for those students who are genuinely interested in learning the art of theatre. Anyone can join the Black Rose Players but in order to participate in any theater production done by the Black Rose Players you must be part of the Black Rose Players.

The last pages of this handbook contain an acknowledgment that has a place for the student’s signature and that of his/her parent(s). It is MANDATORY that every student and parent involved in any production sign and return his or her signed sheet.

     Black Rose Players 21-22 Officers

President                         Malaesha Prince

Vice President                        Madison Williams

Secretary                         Baylee Phillips

Historian                                Malaea Theno

Table of Contents

Letter to Students


Attendance and Punctuality


Theatre Communication Channels


Rehearsal Schedule


Required Materials

Auditions & Casting.                                                  



Selection of Company


Stage Manager Responsibilities


Demerit System


Plus Merits


The Company Meeting


Auditorium Use


Performance Information


Survival Suggestions



Dear Students,

In order to achieve success in our endeavors at Hawkins High School, it is of primary importance that we make a firm commitment to quality in every production. Excellence is habit. Intense pride should be manifested in our department and should burn brightly in our performances as well as in the theatre classroom. Bear in mind that you as an individual can, and will, control your own destiny in this department. You are but one link in the chain of success, and if you fail to do your part then the chain cannot be strong. You will be pushed to do your best; we expect you to work consistently, try hard, obey the rules and cooperate fully with your director and fellow performers. This will be made easier if you remember the following:

A Short Course in Human Relations

The six most important words: I admit that I was wrong. The five most important words: You did a great job.

The four most important words: What do you think? The three most important words: Could you please . . . ? The two most important words: Thank you.

The most important word: we. The least important word: I.

It is a good philosophy. You are encouraged to embrace it.

On a personal note, I want to thank you in advance for the hard work you give to this department and to us. I love you dearly and consider myself lucky to be your teacher & director. Let’s have a great year!


Mrs. Miller

HHS Theatre Director


  1. It is a custom of this theatre that you NEVER miss a rehearsal, a performance, or a meeting. You should accept this rule without hesitation. Unexcused absences from a dress rehearsal or performance will result in demerits, and will likely prevent you from being cast in other productions at Hawkins High School. Three (3) unexcused absences s may be considered cause for dismissal from the company. You will also receive a demerit for being tardy to a rehearsal or production.

  1. If you have a valid reason for missing a call, you should notify the director at least two days in advance so that the rehearsal schedule can be changed without problems. If you should have an emergency absence the day of the rehearsal, you should first contact me at. As an insurance

measure, you should then call the show’s Stage Manager. An emergency is defined as a serious illness, a death in the family, or a serious injury. You should not be in a production if you have a job that interferes with the rehearsal schedule.

If you are actively involved in numerous after-school activities, you should notify the director IN ADVANCE concerning the days and times you will miss or be tardy to rehearsal. Be sure to write all rehearsal time conflicts on your audition application form. Misrepresenting yourself and your obligations is grounds for immediate expulsion from the company. Be on time every time. In this department, there is no rule  more sacred than this one. If you are even one minute late to rehearsal, you are still late, and you will receive a demerit. The later rehearsal begins, the later we will work. Keep in mind that if you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late. If you are late, you are in trouble.

  1. During the rehearsal period for a show, your first obligation is to your grades and then to the show. If you do not pass all classes, you cannot perform. This is a state law! Grades will be checked before casting and during the rehearsal period. Failing any progress report will result in demerits.


  1. Website.
  1. To access Black Rose Players click more at the top right corner

  1. Band App. Besides watching for messages on the website, you are responsible for signing up to the band app and reading all announcements. Sign up for Band App Here.

  1. Email. All students should check their emails DAILY for information from me or other teachers. I will not use this as a primary method but it is a habit you should have.


  1. Pen/pencil
  2. Highlighter
  3. Script
  4. Notebook to take notes in
  5. Costumes, makeup and hair accessories when needed.
  6. Each member of the cast and crew is required to bring 1 case of water per show. This can be brought at any time but the sooner the better.


  1. Unless otherwise noted, night rehearsals will be from 5:00

p.m. until 8:00 p.m., Monday and Tuesday and 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. on Thursday.

  1. Rehearsal is over when the director dismisses you, not when your parents arrive to pick you up! Every effort will be made to release you on time. If you need to leave rehearsal early, please advise the director as soon as you know.

  1. Please make sure you have a ride at the end of rehearsal. I have other obligations as well.

  1. A production will undoubtedly necessitate some weekend rehearsals. Saturday rehearsals usually begin at 10:00 a.m. and      end by 2:00 p.m., with a break for lunch.

  1. During the last week of production, before opening night, we will likely stay late due to technical and dress rehearsals. On Saturdays, a dress rehearsal may last until 5:00 p.m. or even later. Be prepared to stay the length of these important rehearsals. No one will be allowed to leave until after notes are given. Missing a dress rehearsal IS NOT ACCEPTABLE and may be cause for dismissal from the company. This also jeopardizes future casting.

  1. are usually given out in two- or four-week blocks

so you will know the exact dates and times you will be needed. Remember to keep up with your rehearsal schedule.

  1. A production officially begins with the Company Meeting and ends with Strike, a day or two after the final performance. Strike is the general clean-up of the

theatre space and restoration to its original form, including returning all props and costumes, removing and breaking down the scenery, and taking down all the lighting equipment. We will try to handle the Strike during class but this may not always be possible. Attendance at both the Company Meeting and Strike is mandatory!


  1. Auditions and Casting
  1. Auditions are open to all students enrolled at Hawkins High School however priority will be given to those enrolled in a theatre  course that meets during regular school hours.
  2. Auditions may be prepared monologues, cold readings, improvisations, or any combination of these. There will usually be a day or two of invitation-only call backs. Final casting will be posted on the door to the theater classroom.
  3. Auditions may be viewed by others but every attempt will be made to make you comfortable during the audition process.

  1. Selection of the Company
  1. The Black Rose Player Company is open to any high school student but members of the cast or crew of a show will be required to be a part of the Black Rose Players.
  2. Members of Black Rose Player Company will need to pay company dues of $20 for the year. This will go to pay for a company shirt, show shirt, meals, costumes, makeup and other supplies we may need.

  1. Selection of the production cast and crew is based on the number of people needed for the crews, the abilities of the students selected and the variety of experience they have had in production. The more you are willing to do the better your chance of being involved will be. During One Act Play only 20 students may be used as cast and crew and only 4 alternates.
  2. Selection of the cast is based on the particular acting demands made by the play being produced, the ability an actor reveals in auditions, the need of the individual in terms of growth, and his or her past record on stage. This is a subjective area; please realize that your director does what he or she truly believes is best for the play.
  3. I will answer inquiries about casting. I want everyone to have the ability to grow as an actor or tech member.
  4. A student shows acceptance of the assignment by initialing next to his or her name. Once you initial beside your name, we expect you to honor your commitment by being a productive member of the team.

Quitting because you didn't get cast or didn’t get a large role is unprofessional, unacceptable, and -- quite simply -- wrong. This will also impact your casting in future shows.

  1. Regardless of the job, everyone is of equal importance.
  2. All company assignments are tentative. Any member of the company (CAST or CREW) may be reassigned or dismissed at any time by the director if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the production.
  1. Responsibilities

The performance organization is made up of production staff that is arranged in a hierarchy. Each position has certain requirements and certain people to whom they must answer. The hierarchy in our organization includes the following positions: Director, Stage Manager, Crews and Actors. Please understand that when something goes wrong, nine times out of ten it is because someone failed to follow the proper chain of command. Know your job. Do it well.

Stage Manager (reports to the Director) The Director may fill this position prior to auditions.

The Stage Manager's primary goal is to be on top of the production at all times. Of all the students connected to the show, the Stage Manager has the most complete picture of what is going on as she or he is present at all meetings and rehearsals. The Stage Manager should seek to serve the Director and the production at all times. She or he NEVER betrays the confidence of the Director by telling others what has been said, etc. This position requires that the person develop a poised, calm demeanor that is professional and supportive of the artistic process. If the stage manager ask you to do something you need to assume the instruction is coming from me.

Black Rose Players will run on a system of positive points and negative (demerits). The point system will determine senior scholarships, officers and other rewards.

  1. Demerits

The consequence of certain unacceptable behavior is a demerit. Most importantly, to many demerits show lack of artistic discipline may result in not being involved in future productions.


Use of cell phone (ringing, texting, etc.)

during rehearsal/performance         5

Tardy to a call        2 per 15 min.

Absent from a call without excuse        5

Leaving out a costume        2 per item

Eating (including candy)or drinking

inside the auditorium         5

Not coming to rehearsals with materials

(script, highlighter, pen/pencil, notes)        2

Leaving the auditorium dirty        2

Horse play        5

Respectful and quiet while directs are given        2

PDA        5

Vaping         10

Failing a course at progress report        5

Failing a course at report card        10

ISS        10

Drama with other members        5

Not taking rehearsal serious        5

Missing an actual performance        30

Being late to an actual performance        15

10 demerit – punishment and punishment for every 5 after

        Once you reach 10 demerits and for every 5 after you will have the following punishments

        One week of rehearsal you will not be able to use your phone at all during rehearsal, you must attend all rehearsals and you must remain in the auditorium seated quietly during the rehearsal. You will also be required to be at rehearsal 10 minutes early this week.

30 probation

        If you receive 30 demerits you will be put on a 3 month probation where you will not be able to audition for roles, if you are currently in a production you will be assigned an understudy who will take 25% of your rehearsal time. You must remain in the auditorium during all of rehearsal and will not have access to your phone at any time during rehearsal or class.


50 removal from Black Rose Company

Other demerits may be assigned by the director when deemed appropriate.

  1. Plus merits

Plus merits are points given to students for participation in Black Rose Players.

Cast are crew during a production        100         

Cast are crew during OAP production        200                

Each advancement during OAP         100        

Awards received OAP        25

Each Year involved in Theater        100

Other plus merits will be awarded based on need

  1. The Company Meeting

        Black Rose Players meetings will be held monthly,   if possible. Times to be determined

  1. Auditorium

  1. Rehearsals

  1. Be punctual to every rehearsal. Tardiness or absences will not be tolerated. If you are late, you will receive a demerit. Three (3) unexcused absences or five (5) unexcused tardies means dismissal-from the cast.*  If you are to be absent or tardy, let the director know two days in advance.

*An unexcused absence or tardy is one that is not on your conflict sheet. A visitor to rehearsal will only be allowed via permission from the director. Any visitor without permission will be politely asked to leave. Parents, however, are always welcome to come watch our rehearsal process.

  1. There will be no vaping anywhere by anyone.
  2. There will be no PDA anywhere by anyone.
  3. Do not disrupt a rehearsal.
  4. At rehearsals, you should either be on stage, watching intently from the house or in the lobby.
  5. At all times in rehearsal, actors are to remain as quiet as possible backstage.
  6. Cell phones will be placed in the cauldron in the lobby during rehearsal. If you are not needed on stage for a prolonged period of time you may stay in the lobby and use your phone. Breaks will be given when you can access your phone.
  7. If you are in the lobby during rehearsal make sure you are still paying attention when you are needed.
  8. Understudies/Alternates play an extremely important role in the theatre. If you are cast as such, please make certain you can take over a role with confidence should the need arise.
  9. Food, drinks, candy and gum are NOT allowed on the stage, in the house, in the booth, or in the

backstage dressing room areas! THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR STUDENTS. Exceptions are a closed water (screw top lid)

  2. Clean up what you mess up
  3. Treat everything in the auditorium with respect
  4. The stage manager is an extension of the director. If he/she requests that you do something, you must respond in the same way you would to your director. This is non-negotiable; it can be cause for dismissal from the company.
  5. Have a ride at the time rehearsal is over. My time is important as well, I cannot stay 30 min to an hour after rehearsal waiting on parents. I have obligations as well. After 20 minutes after rehearsal has ended you will receive 1 demerit for any minute past 20 minutes. Occasionally we do run over, if this happens anyone that must leave at the original time if prior notice has not been given may do so. I do not want you in trouble with your ride. If you need to stay over for questions or extra help that is fine.
  1. Performances

  1. Actors should never leave the theatre during a performance.
  2. Photography and video recording are not allowed during performance! Please make sure your parents and friends are aware of this. A photo-shoot will be scheduled before opening night and photos will be available through our website.
  3. All cast and crew members must remain on duty at their station during the entire length of a performance. You          may take a restroom break in the back-stage restroom, assuming your duties allow it.

is if an entrance or exit requires passage through the space.)

  1. Unless on stage, actors should be out of the sightline of all audience members and should remain absolutely quiet.
  2. Unless invited by the director, the only people allowed backstage during a show are cast and crew members: no parents, siblings or friends. This is for safety reasons.

Attendance to Productions

Attending live performances is part of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for all theatre classes.  Every student enrolled in a theatre class is required to attend one performance.

Theatre students will receive discounted tickets and will be expected to participate in class discussion regarding the production. Students who choose not to attend will be required to read the play and write a detailed play analysis.

Off campus performances will also be announced and will count toward watching a performance.


  1. Make friends right away. HHS Theatre students are the friendliest around.

  1. Say NO once in a while.

  1. Don’t take on more than you can handle, but take on as much as you can possibly handle.

  1. Though it may sound impossible, try to get some sleep.

  1. Bring your homework to rehearsal. Those students that can motivate themselves to study in any environment tend to be more successful. Use your time wisely.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for a ride! But also be willing to cough up some gas money.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, from both students and teachers.

What do I do if I have a question or concern that is not addressed in this Handbook?

ASK THE QUESTION! Do not assume that your instructors/directors can read minds. If there is something that you do not understand, ask about it. The only stupid question is the one that remains a question.

Hawkins High Theatre Department’s

Handbook    Acknowledgement Form


I have read the Black Rose Players Production Handbook, and I agree to abide by its rules and regulations. I understand that failing to follow these guidelines may be cause for dismissal from a production company and may affect future casting.


(student's signature)        (date)


I have read the Black Rose Players Production Handbook, and I agree that my son/daughter will abide by its rules and regulations. I understand that failing to follow these guidelines may be cause for his/her dismissal from a production company and may affect his/her future casting.

(parent's signature)        (date)