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The Great Remote Part I
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“No, I don’t believe you!” You laugh at Stephen, “You’re actually saying that remote gives you godlike powers?”

“Believe it, pal! I woke up with this thing in my hand, and now I know exactly how to use it. All I need to do is press this button, and whatever I want to happen; will.” Your friend smirks, pressing down on the odd remote as he stares into your eyes.

“Oh… Yeah, okay. I believe you…” You trail off scratching your head, not lying- but knowing your opinion was genuinely the exact opposite just mere moments before!!

“I made it so you believe in the remote’s powers, it proves my point through force and logic!” Stephen laughs, “Now tell me one thing you’ve always wanted, but felt out of reach. You’ve been a good friend, so I’m happy to fulfill a wish for you.”

“Wow, that’s so kind and amazing!

Thank you!!” You exclaim, hugging Stephen as he presses the remote again.

Without meaning to, you feel yourself begin to speak. Words you never thought you’d say, a deep secret that you never wanted to reveal…

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have lived as a girl my whole life, and that’s obviously impossible cuz a lot of my life has already happened. But I just feel like so many things would be different for me, and I’ll admit to being curious about what horniness feels like for girls...” You trail off monotonously, only able to cover your mouth once you give over the entire secret.

“That would be really easy for me to do, bro!

So you wanna be born as a chick, and you want to be horny right now; let’s see…” Stephen furrows his brow as he concentrates, only relaxing his face once he presses the remote.

You feel years of your life evaporate- or rather, they’re edited into a pink fog as everything you’d ever experienced is rinsed through a female lense. Every person you ever interacted with; be it boys or girls, not a single one remains the same in your memories.

You feel your inner self reform, shaped by your new friends and how your family treats you. No longer are you seen as a potential father, parents having dealt with you more kindly to raise a tender loving mother.

And then the pangs of arousal set in, sparking memories of constant flirtation and seduction. Once you discovered the way a boy was able satisfy the itch inside you, you never looked back. It’s been years since you can remember not having sex every night, a cavalcade of young men ready to do anything for and to you.

It’s easy to get laid when you act like every boy you meet is a movie star, hanging on to their every word even though the only thing on your mind is what they can do to your womanhood. You get a lot of use from your hand, but your fingers have always been really slim and delicate. There’s nothing like being picked up by a hunk, and then letting him bottom out inside you as you claw at his back for even more.

Why won’t this guy just bend you over already??

Can’t he see how horny you are???

You rip your shirt off and bite your thumb, a bit embarrassed by your lack of a top as the weird guy before you just stares. You’d never been alone so long with a guy without fucking, and it’s starting to make you feel things you never did. You’re helpless to your body’s needs though, left to finger the building heat intensely and messily beg for cock as the man before you watches blankly.

Your perky breasts jiggle as your hips buck, nipples stiff as you try to massage your folds with a lithe hand.

You desperately hold your pants up as Stephen laughs, “Sorry, man! I didn’t mean to make you so horny, I just wanted to make sure you’d be feeling something right now; maybe I overdid it…”

He presses the remote again, and the pink fog rises. Your eyes unglaze as the heart pumping arousal ceases, and you feel the sparkling tingles in your nipples subside. The life Stephen created for you merges back into your old one, allowing reality to set so you only changed into a girl minutes ago.

“Thank you!

That was crazy, you couldn’t ease me into it a little?” You chuckle, pert breasts jiggling as Stephen smirks.

“That was easing you into it, so just hold on…”


Before you can speak, he presses the remote again.

You thought you were ready for the intense feeling of transformation, but the rush quickly overwhelms your senses. Stephen was definitely right about easing you in.

Your pert breasts scream with sensation, every loud fiber of skin stretching as fat pours into your chest. Gravity alone is enough to make you whimper, heavy breasts hanging off your chest as cool air swirls around your growing nipples. A bikini top cups your soft breasts before they can droop even a little, but your boobs are tightly pressed into the stretchy material as they continue to swell.

You shutter with ecstasy as your lower abdomen tones, becoming even more feminine as a matching bikini bottom wraps around your little waist. It covers your dripping pussy as you coo, thighs swiveling inward as your hips spread outward. Your knees knock together as your lips purse to an almost unbearable extreme, and you can only watch Stephen hit the remote button again.

“I thought you looked a little uncomfortable…” He trails off as ponytails pop out from each side of your head, “I made you a little more relaxed, and took away your natural instinct to fight the changes.”

You feel a swelling of gratitude, a warm aura that twists your face into cute appreciation. Even now, the total lack of hesitation is evident, your pretty expression exciting Stephen as you flirtatiously flutter your heavy eyelashes.

“Thank you!!” You giggle, giving in to your body’s movements as it dances and sways happily, “This body feels like, so good to move sexy!”

Your hips gyrate as your muscles flex, stretching your loins as they naturally prepare for a-

“Holy shit, you made me straight!” You say to Stephen in the least seductive way you can, though pushing your chest into his and lustfully breathing into his face is probably not the best way…

“I figured you wanted that, am I wrong?” Stephen asks, genuine concern on his face as yours twists with conflict.

“I… Oh man, you’re so strong and- No!

This is weird!! I didn’t want to be straight, please turn me back!” You demand politely, taking a step back from Stephen as the gears in his head turn.

You know too much thinking from him is never good, but can only pray he doesn’t do anything to take advantage of you right now.

Not that you’d mind too much…


“Don’t worry, I’m no sicko.” Stephen says without further explanation, pressing the remote again as your vision fades.

You feel the small bikini top stretch, morphing into a sheer dress as it merges with your thong. All you can hear is Stephen chuckle as blood rushes past your ears, and you feel a strain on your back along with immense pressure in your chest.

You’re forced to bend over by a sudden explosion behind you, bubble butt expanding roundly and making your dress cling to your thighs as it’s stretched to its max. Your movements are restricted but you stand back up with a ditzy smile, sexy arch in your back leading down to wide bent over hips.

You feel heavy hair spill down your back, settling in the deep cleavage of your ass as you pick your phone up off the desk. Flowery scents dizzy your thoughts, and you can barely remember where you are as your face is condensed into pure femininity.  

“How do you feel?”

Shit I have to call someone!

“Horny… Could you please st-”

You’re interrupted by Stephen pressing the remote again, leaving you unable to speak as your lips curl into a happy smile. You no longer feel attracted to him, but giggle like a schoolgirl when he winks at you. Your body suddenly hops and spins, presenting your bubble butt to the suave hunk as a new excitement bubbles up within you.

“What’s happening??” You demand with involuntary sweetness, moaning between syllables as you rub the jiggling mass behind you into Stephen’s lap.

“I made both of us gay, so we won’t have sex with each other. I’ve never thought about being the opposite sexuality, but this should be fun!

Oh, and I really wanted to see what it would be like to be gay and attractive, so I made your body act like a bitch in heat around me. You should have fun if you give in; and don’t worry, I don’t want anything to do with this gross thingy!” Stephen laughs cattily, flicking your wet pussy lips through the sheer dress and making you bite your bottom lip.

The rest of the day is a shameful buffet of torture, internally disgusted as your body wraps it legs around, grinds into, and even kisses the unwilling Stephen as you both laugh. You’re unable to act repelled, happy laughs sparking false joy in your brain as Stephen lives out some type of strange fantasy.

The day overwhelms your mind so much, you don’t even remember falling asleep that night; just waking up next to Stephen’s hand, remote ripe for the taking…

Part II coming next! 😘