Thursday 18 August 2022

Dear Friends,

On Thursday 18 August 2022, we had the OPENING event of the 17th fiscal year of Pujangga Laras, at Kitsie and Bapak Wakidi’s arts center, Griya Seni Ekalaya, in Klodran, Colomadu, Karanganyar. It started at 8:00pm and went to about 1:30am.

The Punakawan Solo Channel link for the event was:

Tonight we were commemorating and celebrating a number of milestones:

  1. celebrating the opening of the 17th fiscal year of Pujangga Laras. We started in August 2001, so this is also our 23rd calender birthday, but we have conducted 12 x 16 years of klenengan, so are starting our new fiscal year #17.
  2. observing the lunar month of SURA, which is the Javanese New Year
  3. commemorating the 100th day after the passing of pesindhèn Ibu Suyatmi of Boyolali, a member of Pujangga Laras since 2004
  4. commemorating the recent death this month of Bapak Widodo (Ki Hali Jarwosularso’s younger brother), a gerong singer with Pujangga Laras since about 2005
  5. celebrating the 5th year that Pak Wakidi and Kitsie have lived in Klodran—we moved in August 2017

It was an amazing evening. Ibu Tugini, famed pesindhèn from Riris Raras Irama, RRI Solo, Mangkunegaran, and Condhong Raos, came to pay her respects to the memory of Ibu Yatmi. She has not been able to sing for about a decade or so, and rarely leaves the house. Also, Bapak Suparno came with Bu Yatmi’s dhalang son Arif, to pay his respects. Pak Parno is the famed gérong singer of Condhong Raos from Boyolali (anyone who has listened to Kusuma and Fajar cassettes and fell in love with the dominant gérong, bawa, and kethoprakan singer knows who I mean!) Also, Mas Wakidi’s older brother (the late Pak Wakidjo’s younger brother) Pak Wakiyo came and stayed the whole klenengan. Pak Wakiyo broke his hip seriously many years ago, has not been able to sit on the floor since and is in a lot of pain when walking, but he sat in a chair and listened to everything. Ki Purbo Asmoro gave a heartfelt speech, explaining all of the observances for the evening.

We spent Rp 20,320,000 = $1451 ($1 = Rp 14,000).

Gd. Taliwangsa kt 4 arang mg kt 8, pl lima

kendhang gendhing: Wakidi

penunthung: Bambang Sosodoro “Wawan”

rebab: Suraji

gender: Karno

gambang: Pahang

bonang: Heri

bonang penerus: Kamto

gender penerus: Minarto

Gd. Lungkèh kt 4 arang mg Randamaya kalj Ldr Siyem, sl nem

kendhang gendhing:

rebab: Suraji

gender: Bambang Sosodoro “Wawan”

gambang: Pahang

bonang: Heri

bonang penerus: Kamto

gender penerus: Minarto

[Speech by Ki Purbo Asmoro explaining all the events we were observing. At this yearly speech, we always list the venues and the musicians who have left us. See list down below if you’re interested. Then the eldest in the community, Bu Tugini and Pak Wakiyo, cut the nasi tumpeng.]

Ketawang Barikan, pl lima (for the month of Sura and while they were cutting the tumpengan)

[The musicians then did a long set of langgam in memory of Ibu Suyatmi, who was right in there at the time that Ki Nartosabdho was writing these langgam.]

Pathet Jugag—

(no bawa) Langgam Candhi Baru, pl nem

(Yayuk Sri Rahayu)

Bawa Asmaradana Lironsih (Giarto)—

Langgam Impènku, pl nem

(Yayuk “Sriwedari” for irama dadi and Hartono “Sarjuri” for irama rangkep)

Bawa Sinom (Hartono “RRI”)—

Langgam Sadarma, pl nem

(Wartini for irama dadi and Hartono “RRI” for irama rangkep)

Bawa Mijil (Budi Sutopo)—

Langgam Melathi Rinoncé, pl nem

(Harjutri for irama dadi and Budi Sutopo for irama rangkep)

[those two are SO romantic…..Budi and Harjutri are married and this is a very romantic text about promising oneself to another.]

kendhang/ciblon: Wakidi

rebab: Bayu

gender: Danang “Bagus”

gambang: Pahang

bonang: Kamto

bonang penerus:

gender penerus:

suling: Panjang

siter: Henri

Bawa Asmaradana (Budi Sutopo)—

Langgam Pawelingku, pl barang

(Ratni for irama dadi and Giarto for irama rangkep)

same personnel but with Bp Wawan on ciblon

Gd. Laler Mengeng kt 2 arang mg Ldr Tlutur ktmpn Ktw Sinom Logondhang dados Ayak–ayak Rangkep mawi palaran Pangkur Paripurna, Dhandhanggula Macapat (Giarto) dados Srepeg Mataraman, Pathet Jugag, sl sanga

kendhang gendhing: Wakidi

ciblon: for Tlutur = Wawan, for Ayak to the end = Wakidi

rebab: Bayu

gender: Karno

gambang: Pahang

bonang: Heri

bonang penerus: Kamto

gender penerus: Minarto

suling: Henri

siter: Panjang

Pathet Jugag, sl manyura

Bawa (Hartono RRI) Sekar Ageng Rukmata lampahan 10 pedhotan 4-6, sl manyura

Gd Kembang Gayam kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Sri Rinengga ktmpn Ktw Tarupala dados Ayak-ayak Kaloran, sl manyura

kendhang: Wakidi

rebab: Bayu

gender: Karno

gambang: Pahang

bonang: Heri

bonang penerus: Kamto

gender penerus: Minarto

rebab: Suraji, Bayu

gender: Karno “Kraton,” Bambang Sosodoro “Wawan,” Danang “Bagus,”

kendhang: Wakidi, Wawan

penunthung: Wawan

pesindhen: Tugini, Suparni, Yayuk Sri Rahayu, Ratni, Wartini, Yayuk “Sriwedari,” Pujiani, Warti, Harjutri

gerong: Budi Sutopo, Hartono RRI, Hartono “Sajuri,” Parno “Condhong Raos,” Giarto

slenthem: Suripto

gong/kempul: Hali Jarwosularso and Muryanto “Oglug”

kenong: Paimin

kethuk/kempyang: Darsono “édan,” Wawan

gambang: Pahang

gender penerus: Minarto

suling:  Henri, Panjang

siter: Henri, Panjang

bonang: Heri

bonang penerus: Kamto

peking: Legiyo

balungan:  Untung, Daliyun, Taruna, Hadi Soecipto, Purwanto


streaming team:

Punakawan Solo

The next Pujangga Laras klenèngan will be on September 21st, at the home of Ki Purbo Asmoro as a midadarèni for his youngest son’s wedding September 22nd. Bapak Suraji will set the gendhing.

*For those interested, here is the list of Pujangga Laras venues and list of Pujangga Laras musicians who have passed away since we started in 2021:

21 host venues in 21 years:

  1. Laweyan (rental space of Pak Wakidi/Kitsie’s)
  2. home of Prof Dr Rahayu Supanggah
  3. home of Ki Purbo Asmoro
  4. home of Prof Dr Slamet Suparno
  5. ISI-Solo
  6. SMKI
  7. RRI Semarang
  8. home of Bp Saguh Hadiraharjo
  9. home of Bp Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
  10. home of Bp Wakidjo Warsapangrawit
  11. home of Nyi Cendhanilaras, Baluwarti
  12. home of Bp Midiyanto, Eromoko
  13. home of Bp Soewito Wito Radyo
  14. home of Ki Jungkung Darmoyo
  15. home of Slamet Suparno
  16. home of Bp Pahang, Windan
  17. home of Ibu Puji Rahayu/Bapak Jarwo, Semarang
  18. home of Bp Giarto, Jajar
  19. home of Bp Bambang Siswanto
  20. home of Ki Manteb Soedharsono
  21. Griya Seni Klodran

60 members of Pujangga Laras who have passed away in our 21 years

  1. Bp. Sastratoegiyo, a gérong and bawa master at RRI and Riris Raras Irama
  2. Bp. Warto, a gérong singer with RRI, Mangkunegaran
  3. Bp. Panut, a freelance gérong singer with the Pucangsawit/Jagalan groups
  4. Bp. Bei Tarnopangrawit, a suling player at RRI, Mangkunegaran, Kraton, Riris Raras Irama
  5. Bp. Mulyono, a rebab-gendèr-bonang player at Mangkunegaran/Kraton
  6. Bp. Sardiman, a gendèr, RRI, Riris Raras (and father-in-law to Pak Eddy, our driver in Klodran, FYI if you ride with us)
  7. Bp. Wiyono, a bonang player at SriWedari and kenong player at Mangkunegaran
  8. Bp. Cakra Wasitodiningrat (Yogya and CalArts)
  9. Bp. Jumiko, a gérong singer with Sekar Mas
  10. Ibu Prendjak, a pesindhèn with RRI, Mangkunegaran, Riris Raras Irama
  11. Ibu Sri Yanti, a pesindhèn with various wayang troupes
  12. Ibu Dharti, a pesindhèn with ASKI
  13. Ibu Munirah, a freelance pesindhèn also with SriWedari and Bale Kambang, married to Mujiono
  14. Ibu Tukinem, a pesindhèn with RRI, Mangkunegaran, Riris Raras Irama
  15. Ibu Tarini, a pesindhèn with RRI, Mangkunegaran and married to dhalang Ki Kasno
  16. Bp. Wahyopangrawit, rebab and gendèr with RRI, Kraton, and Riris Raras Irama, also ABDI
  17. Bp. Dalimin Purwapangrawit, rebab and gendèr with RRI, Mangkunegaran
  18. Bp. Cipt Ngasinah, gendèr player at RRI and Riris Raras Irama
  19. Bp. Sutat, Mangkunegaran and Sriwedari
  20. Bp Sajuri, a gérong singer from Gombang, Condhong Raos, Ngriptoraras, Mayangkara
  21. Bp Tulus, a gendèr and gambang player with Sriwedari and Mangkunegaran
  22. Bp Sagimin, a bonang player at RRI
  23. Bp. Sawiji, a balungan player with Mayangkara
  24. Bp Joko Sabar, a freelance “everything” musician from Makam Haji
  25. Bp Mujiono, kendhang and rebab player, freelance and Sriwedari
  26. Bp. Tentrem, master gamelan artisan
  27. Bp Sarsidi RRI Solo, Mangkunegaran
  28. Bp. Sri Joko Raharjo “cilik”, gérong singer, ISI and Mayangkara
  29. Ibu Tukinem pesindhèn with RRI, Mangkunegaran, Riris Raras Irama
  30. Bp Subandi, bonang, Mayangkara
  31. Bp Saminto, gendèr, Condhong Raos and Mayangkara
  32. Bp Wakidjo Warsapangrawit, no words to express…
  33. Ibu Sunarti, a pesindhèn with RRI, Mangkunegaran, Riris Raras Irama
  34. Bp Mulyadi/Lojiwetan, master gamelan artisan, made the gamelan instruments 85% of Pujangga Laras recordings are on (Carol Walker’s gamelan, Pak Wakidi/Kitsie’s gamelan, most of Ki Purbo Asmoro’s gamelan instruments)
  35. Bp Kuat,  kendhang player with RRI and Mangkunegaran
  36.          Ibu Sudarmi
  37.          Ki Sutino Hardokocarito
  38.          Ibu Panut (Bapak Saguh’s wife)
  39.          Bp Saguh Hadiraharjo
  40.          Ibu Dewi Marhaeningsih
  41.          Bp Djumadi Brotopuspito, rebab teacher, Konser
  42.          Bp Sumardi Madyapangrawit, bonang RRI and Mangkunegaran
  43.          Bp Karno Subroto (RRI, Klodran)
  44.          Bp Suyadi Tejapangrawit (Mangkunegaran, RRI Solo, ISI Solo)
  45.           Bp Sukarman, 8 Maret 2020 (Sriwedari and freelance)
  46.         Bp Hartono “Tanjung Priok/Sunter”, an empu-level rebab player,
  47.         Mbak Sammy Brett, Southbank Center, England, July 2020
  48.          Bp Seto, Makam Haji, Okt 2020, from the family: Suratno, Seto, Win,
  49.          Prof Dr Rahayu Supanggah, Nop 2020
  50.          Bp RB Soewarno, Des 2020 (elder teacher at Konser/SMKI)
  51.          Nyi Ngatirah, Des 2020 (famed pesindhen from Condhong Raos)
  52.          Ibu Kris-Pringgo, Maret 2021 (beloved gendèr player of fame….)
  53.          Bp Parno, gerong singer from Sukoharjo
  54.           Bp Darsono “vocal,” June 2021, renowned vocal instructor at ISI-Solo
  55.            Prof Dr Sri Hastanto, June 2021, former rector of ASKI/STSI, writer
  56.        Nyi Sukaeni, June 2021, pesindhen and wife of Sukarman
  57.        Ki Manteb Soedharsono, 2 July 2021, covid
  58.          Bp Pardjono, Karang Salam, Mudal, Boyolali, died at age 70 of a heartattack after coming back from rice fields—Bu Yatmi’s husband and Ki Arif Sardjono’s father, 19 February 2022  
  59.             Ibu Suyatmi, 18 May 2022 in the night almost 19 May 2022
  60. Mas Widodo, gerong, 3 August 2022