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UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia


1.        Introduction        1

2.        Principles of the OTM-R Policy        4

3.        Recruitment Process        5

4.        Selection Commission        10

5.        Quality Control        11

  1. Introduction

The Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) wants to ensure that the best candidate joins the team and for this purpose it recruits through an open, transparent and merit-based selection process (OTM-R).

UCAM is committed to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission in the framework of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

In line with this commitment and through the alignment of the different policies of the institution with the HRS4R Strategy, on 5 May 2022, UCAM obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission granted to those institutions that work to ensure open, transparent and merit-based recruitment processes for researchers. These key EU documents set out guidelines for European universities and institutions to improve the recruitment and working conditions of researchers, making research careers more attractive and accessible in Europe.

The HR Excellence in Research Award not only supports our proposals to secure international funding and attract talented people to our University; it also raises our international profile and demonstrates our commitment to providing a favourable working environment for researchers.

UCAM also has a Research Ethics Committee, established in 2015, whose main mission is to support the quality of research, preserve its integrity and guarantee the monitoring of good research practices, as well as to deal with queries and arbitrate in conflicts that may arise in this area. Through this Committee, training activities are promoted for the institution's staff in relation to the needs and guidelines relating to the ethical and deontological aspects of biomedical research.

In order to make progress in attracting talent and guarantee the recruitment of suitable professionals for the different positions offered, it is necessary to carry out a specific strategy in the field of the selection of UCAM research personnel based on the OTM-R criteria.

This document sets out UCAM's OTM-R policy, indicating the different phases of the institution's recruitment process from the initial phase of preparation and publication of the offer to the final selection of the candidate.

  1. Principles of the OTM-R Policy

UCAM is working to adapt its selection processes to best practices in order to incorporate high quality teaching staff and researchers and to foster their professional development. In this way, scientific and technological progress will be favoured, and as a consequence, the strengthening of one of our pillars as an Institution, following the OTM-R (Open, Transparent and Merit-based) policy in the recruitment of staff.

Open: Our recruitment is based on the principle of equal opportunities and recruitment is open to all interested candidates who meet the requirements profile. This is done to ensure that any candidate who is interested and meets the requirements set out in the offer can apply without discrimination. This can be seen in the following actions:

Transparency: UCAM emphasises transparency in its selection processes. This can be seen in the following measures:

Meritocracy: UCAM's objective is to attract, select and retain talent so that it goes hand in hand with the University in achieving its objectives and achieving joint growth. Therefore, the entire selection process is based on the candidate's own merit, i.e. on the qualifications and competences required, as well as on performance and other aspects to be valued. This is reflected in measures such as:

  1. Recruitment Process

In order to reinforce equal employment opportunities for all and also to make the research career more attractive, the selection process consists of the following steps:

Creation of the job offer

At the request of the person from the Vice-Rectorate for Research promoting the recruitment and together with the Human Resources Department, the characteristics of the selection call are configured, which must contain, in accordance with an open and transparent public recruitment policy, the following information:

To ensure transparency and good practice in the offer, Principal Investigators (PIs) and research groups will have access to an online form for the positions. PIs must fill in the mandatory fields containing the above-mentioned job specifications and details. Once the job offer has been prepared, Management approval will be required, after which Human Resources will proceed with the publication of the offer.

Publicity of the calls for applications

All selection processes are carried out by publishing the calls for applications on the UCAM Employment Portal and to maximise the coverage of its job offers, the University supports each of the calls for applications published on the employment portal with the dissemination of the offers on specialised employment portals and informative publications on social networks for professionals.

UCAM develops its strategy of attracting research talent in different media, choosing web portals with national and international coverage, as well as those that best suit its target audience to ensure an open and transparent process. The media commonly used by Human Resources are:

Each vacancy announcement specifies the number of positions offered, the characteristics of the position, the department or research group to which the position is attached and the requirements to be met by applicants. Each candidate will receive a notification that he/she has successfully registered. All candidates will receive an email informing them of the different stages of the process.


After a period of time following the publication of the vacancy, a selection of the most suitable candidates will be made.

In order to pre-select the CVs, the Selection Committee will make the first screening of potential candidates. This is done on the basis of the elimination requirements described in the job advertisement.

Once a shortlist of potential profiles has been defined, a first interview is conducted to verify the suitability of each candidate and thus optimise the overall selection process. Once this first selection is completed, it is suggested to select a minimum of 2 and up to 4 shortlisted candidates for the next phase. These candidates will be contacted for a final interview. The remaining shortlisted candidates will be notified of their status.

Final interview

Candidates selected for the final interview will be interviewed by the Selection Committee who will evaluate the interview, the candidate's research career, as well as their future expectations, competencies and skills.

Suitability and commitment to the principles and values of the institution will also be taken into account, thus ensuring a contribution to the maintenance and strengthening of our organisational identity.

Once all candidates have been interviewed, the Selection Committee will decide which candidate is the best placed in all respects.

Incorporation of the selected person

UCAM, through its Human Resources department, will carry out the corresponding procedures to register the researcher.

The principal investigator will be in charge of the reception and integration of new researchers, adequately explaining, among others, the main objectives of the group, the strategic lines, the roadmap of their work, and the members and supervisors of the group, to the incoming researcher.

The employee will receive a username and password to access the employee portal, where he/she will be able to access:

  1. Selection Commission

The UCAM Selection Committee will carry out the process of evaluation and selection of the ideal professional for each position offered, guaranteeing equal opportunities, and on the basis of the criteria and merits indicated in the different job offers published.

The Selection Committee will be made up of a member of the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Management, Human Resources Department and the principal investigator of the research project assigned to each job offer.

During the evaluation of the applications received, the Selection Committee shall comply with the following criteria:

The Selection Committee will have specific instructions for the assessment of the different OTM-R principles applicable during the evaluation of the fund, so that they can adapt their decisions based on the information available.

UCAM is obliged to provide the members of the Selection Committee with appropriate training and to ensure the conditions for the committee members to attend the relevant training. The Selection Committee ensures the assessment of academic and professional qualifications, including non-formal qualifications, especially in the context of international and professional mobility.

  1. Quality Control

To ensure quality in our recruitment processes, the following measures are implemented:

If you have any questions or concerns about UCAM's recruitment and selection policy you can contact the Human Resources Department at the following email address: