Company News and Miscellany: August 2020

Growing Things

Slow and steady we’re figuring out the business of growing our family coffee dream.

Photo by Erika at Finca Los Caulotes, January 2017

Welcome to our first newsletter! In this space we hope to share updates on our farm and navigations in the coffee market, with some rando cute + real suff sprinkled in. Join us and share/ forward to your friends!

Order Up!

We continue our roasting partnership with Vincent at Maps Coffee. He’s been such a good friend and mentor and keeps that flavor profile on fleek! We roast our beans every couple weeks to ensure its FRESH.

A reminder that we deliver in KCMetro just venmo @donafinacafe and comment with your address, $15 a bag. You can also visit our store at

Dope Partnership


Head over to Blip Coffee Roasters in September. They will be featuring Dona Fina Cafe in a special collaborative roast.

Stay tuned for details on an opening event at their new space in the West Bottoms and official unveiling of a mural by Chico Sierra who also created the artwork for the package to the left!

Coffee Prices

The global coffee market is always volatile and as is true the world-over in every market, the producers absorb most of the risk and penalties. Farmers everywhere (especially small farms) could use support now more than ever. COVID-19 has impacted the coffee trade as the price of coffee saw months of decline.

Bottom line? If you care about food equity, being willing to pay a little more per pound of coffee is the ethical choice.

Here are a couple of articles that shed more light on this issue in the coffee trade.

How Much Should You Pay for Coffee Beans?

The Problem with Fair Trade Coffee


Dona Fina Cafe

From Guatemala to KC

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