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Costume Chaos
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Breaking into the university theater was admittedly a bad idea, but there was something calling for you from inside the locked doors. You’ve always been a bit curious about trying on girls’ clothes, but never taken the next step to actually put them on. Now that you’re actually in the theater though, you discover a new craving to try on a frilly costume.

You grab one off the rack and take a deep breath, wishing the form fitting girdle for the Jessica Rabbit costume fit you. You try to pat your erecting manhood down, but touching it just arouses you more. The dress begs to be put on, and you can’t delay another second. You begin to unbutton your shirt as you walk on stage, when suddenly voices echo through the auditorium. You try to hide, but they see you run backstage.

There’s nowhere to go, so you just throw the gown to the floor and pull out your phone. You try to play it cool, hoping the guys coming backstage aren't who they sounded like…

“Hey dorkus, were you just holding a dress?” A cocky jock teases you, the school’s starting quarterback and most popular guy on campus- Chad Manly.

You laugh sheepishly at the accusation, “Huh? A dress? What type of things are going through your head, Chad?”

His two goon friends pick the shimmering red fabric off the floor, one of them already holding the girdle and the rest of the costume. They all smile knowingly, walking toward you with menacing looks as you try to reason with them.

“This is feeling a bit rapey, guys…” You trail off as one of them takes your pants off, frozen in fear as another unbuttons your shirt.

His goons are giant linemen, and you’ve already learnt your lesson from messing with them. You just accept your fate now, and hope the harm stays emotional and not physical.

“Shut up, weirdo… We’re just helping you fulfill your dream, cuz you seemed a little hesitant before!” Chad laughs hysterically, holding up the girdle as his proof that you weren’t ready to put on the full costume.

You can see the goons’ fists tighten, and know another sound from you would be met with a punch to the face. So you give in, and try to keep quiet as the three hundred pound men wrap a tiny stiff corset around your male waist. They just laugh as you groan in pain, none of them concerned for even a moment as your manhood and bones are crushed by the girdle that they force closed.

You’re forced to stand bow-legged as your pelvis is crushed, your midriff screaming in agony as your abdominal muscles are squeezed together. You feel nausea creep up your throat as your stomach is squeezed hard, and give one last look of desperation before the pain suddenly disappears.

Your mind is suddenly flooded with euphoria, free of any suffering as your body relaxes completely. You don’t know what face you make, but the bullies react with laughter.

“He’s so happy in that thing, we really did him a favor! Or is it her now?” Chad laughs, pulling out his phone and recording a video of you.

“Are you okay? This is getting a little weird…” One of Chad’s thugs trails off, fear in his voice as your hips begin to spread wide.

All you feel is pleasure and a pulling from your cramped stomach as it slims down, things moving around internally as your body reshapes. Soon the girdle doesn’t even stretch to fit your body, your hourglass figure perfectly wrapped in the cinching underwear. You lose a bit of feeling in your ass as it continues to grow behind you, straining against the taut fabric as it gets numb and lifted.

You feel a rush of arousal as your member throbs into the girdle, and suddenly you feel a sort of penetration. It intensifies as the throb of your member fades, and soon you feel a pulsating euphoria deep inside you. Manicured fingers feel around for a source of freedom, hoping to find out what’s happening between your legs as you jiggle and-

Wait, jiggle?

You look down to see the cups connected to the girdle full, your chest now plump and full of swelling tissue. You try to ignore your new breasts and get undressed, your entire body held in place as your boobs and ass bounce freely.

You feel your lack of strength as you pull at the flat zipper, and moan desperately when it doesn’t budge. Chad just laughs as he zooms in on your hips, either knowing what’s going on or completely unaware.

“I think she’s ready for the dress…” Chad chuckles, waiting for his minion to hand you the red dress.  

“Uhhh… This is getting a little weird, bro…

I’m gonna put this thing ba- What the fuck!” The larger lineman shouts, dropping the Jessica Rabbit dress as his arm is inhaled by a frilly blue sleeve.

“Stop playing around!” Chad shouts, ending the recording as he turns around.

You just watch as a Lil’ Bo Peep costume comes off the rack, slowly pulling itself onto the struggling giant man. Your eyes open wide as the Jessica Rabbit costume starts to float, and it leaps toward the second lineman as he runs out of the auditorium. Or maybe it wasn’t aiming for him- next thing you know, your face is covered in silky red.

“Stop this crazy shit!!” The blushing lineman yells, his bent over back being forced into a fully straight posture as the average sized costume stretches to fit his broad and tall body.

“Jack, iff you dress up too, this prank doesn’t really…

It’s not funny, you idiot! Get out of that dress, or I’m gonna put pictures of you on the school chat too!” Chad yells, seemingly unaware of the magical activity occurring.

You feel your skull warp as the red silk swirls around your head, still sheer enough that you can see everything through it. Your nostrils open as your nose reshapes into a button, and you smell strawberry gloss as your lips plump up and pout. Your cheeks form a resting smile as your chin melts, turning your face into undoubted beauty as you watch Chad’s top henchman start to shrink.

“Jack? Am I hallucinating, or are you getting smaller?” Chad asks uneasily, taking a step back as Jack fights the constricting dress.

“Are you some type of idiot?? That nerd just changed into a buxom woman after we put the costume on him, and now one of them's got me!” Jack shouts, his broad body slimming and turning lithe as he starts to stand more femininely.

“Don’t insult me, dude. I can see something strange is going on here…” Chad trails off in thought, and you just smile as he remains unaware of the schoolgirl costume on the floor snaking its way toward him.

By the time he gives he gives attention back to Jack, the former lineman is now barely five feet tall, and the modest Lil’ Bo Peep dress begins to split in two. Smooth hairless arms reveal themselves as the sleeves fade, and Jack giggles in an increasingly feminine tone as the top half of his dress bunches up at his chest. His formerly toned abs now a flat girly tummy, you watch with delight as Jack’s hips are cinched in by his shrinking skirt.

“It feels so tight- Oooooo… Now there’s pressure from inside- My chest!” Jack squeals, voice sweet as Candy as his top suddenly folds in half.

Jiggling breasts are propped up by a tight ribboned bra, which becomes even tighter as the breasts they hold swell a full cup size. You don’t know if it’s the costume or just Jack’s socks, but he can only laugh ditzily as they sexily climb up past his knees.

“This is insane! I don’t know- where my big ol’ flock is, sir! Poor lil’ me, without herd nor partner; whatever shall I do in these trying, lonely times?” Jack suddenly drolls, interrupting himself when a ribbon with a little bell ties around his neck.

“This is bad…” Chad trails off, watching as Jack picks up a blue cane.

“A gentleman such as yourself would make a great substitute for this cane, as you could take away the stresses of herding; my flock would be well taken care of underneath you, and I would no longer have to work as I lay atop!” Jack says rhythmically, a sexual theme overlaying his Lil’ Bo Peep lines.

“I gotta get out of here…” Chad realizes as he watches the bulge in Jack’s skirt fade, the skirt waistband pulling up over his belly button to reveal flat panties below.

Chad stammers as he takes a few steps back, but Jack just giggles and licks his cane sensually as a pretty bow ties itself on top of his head.

“And you’re a woman too now??” Chad exclaims, seeing your pretty visage for the first time as the swirling dress finally leaves your face.

“I know you just adore it, darling…” You gush lustfully, voice dripping with lust as Chad’s jaw drops.

You feel a sultry smile crawl across your lips, and let out a low hum as the floating dress gently wraps itself around your hourglass body. It completely covers your girdle for a few moments, shimmering before a slit opens on the side to reveal a slender waist and long legs- not a girdle in sight.

“The- That thing’s… gone…” Chad trails off, eyes opening wide as your hair lusciously flows down your back and turns bright red.

Suddenly the need to be dramatically slutty overwhelms you, and you make sure your hips sway as you strut past the gawking Chad. He just turns to watch as you grab a pair of black tights and purple gloves, and you laugh as you slide the gloves over your delicate arms. You blush as you get ready to put on the leggings, aroused as you place your dainty little foot into the mesh.

Seeing the bulge grow in Chad’s crotch turns you on, and way more than you expect. You can barely contain your joy as a building euphoria grows from your womanhood, and your mouth waters as you bask in the joy of getting Chad hard. You let the elastic smack the little bit of fat on your thigh, and turn back toward Chad with a new confidence as you adjust your bust.

“I would ask why you don’t do right, but it looks like you can do that and a whole lot more…” You purr, eyes locked on Chad’s boner as he laughs sheepishly.

Neither of you notice how much tighter his pants are though, and he hadn't worn high heels to school…

Chad only reacts when he feels a draft between his legs, and looks down to see a mini skirt that barely covers his manhood!

“And heels??” Chad screams, his entire body twitching as his muscles get smaller.

Suddenly his arms swing backward, and he struggles against an invisible force as a white button down shirt puts itself on his back. His hands remain outstretched as the shirt attempts to button closed, but it’s much too small for Chad’s frame even as he begins to slim down. You see the shirt strain as he cries, and suddenly it just… closes.

Chad screams in pain as the shirt compresses his torso, leaving his chest bulky as his waist becomes barely half its previous width. You hear the tone of his voice rise quickly as he moans, and his thinning legs quiver as they rotate inward. You watch the throbbing bulge you’d encouraged into existence fade away, and Chad’s mini skirt suddenly gets looser as a look of aroused shame takes over his face. He reaches beneath his frilly skirt, completely ignoring the carving of his chest as it’s shaped into heaving breasts.

You just continue to hum your sultry tune as a thick bra appears beneath Chad’s shirt, lifting his breasts and making the small shirt even tighter as his face warps. Eyes grow wide before stretching slightly, and Chad’s cheekbones move outward as his lips puff up. Soon Chad’s a Chinese schoolgirl, hair flowing to her shoulders as a tie slips out from beneath her collar.

“Chanjuan late for class! Hopefully teacher don’t get too angry…” The former quarterback trails off sheepishly, her immense confidence now completely gone as she runs to class fast as her high heels can carry her confused little head.

You try to focus, to remember what brought you here…

You recall wanting to get dressed, and then there was a rack of dresses…

“You okay ma’am? You look a tad flustered…” Lil’ Bo Peep says in an ancient English accent, fogging your thoughts as you feel a new lust rise to the surface.

“I’m fine, dollface. Better than fine, I’m Jessica Rabbit!” You gush proudly, gloved hands inspecting your curves as Lil’ Bo Peep watches with wide eyes.

She pants lightly as you squeeze your plush breasts together, both of you moaning as euphoria floods your mind. Soon Lil’ Bo Peep moans ring in your ears, and you open your eyes to see her straddling the thick plastic cane. Her hard nipples catch your attention as her pert breasts jiggle, and she bites her bottom lip with arousal as you purse both of yours.

You see her bubble butt in the mirror and feel all your willpower collapse, the little bit of your old life that remained now gone as your desire for sexual pleasure turns into a necessity. You reach for the shepherdess, eliciting a surprised yelp as you grab her by the juicy thighs. She struggles momentarily as you hold her, but she quickly gives in as you suck on her dripping nipple.

You hadn’t expected her to lactate so much into your mouth, your taste buds dancing as they absorb the sweet milk. Lil’ Bo Peep shivers as you suck more milk out of her breasts, her legs shaking as she pushes you off of her.

“It feels so weird, I don’t wanna do it!”

“But honey, it tastes so good! Here, have a sip…” You trail off, quickly stripping out of the red dress as you feel a rush of motherly juices pool in your chest.

Your nipples perk up and tingle, every little breeze and jiggle of your breast intensified as Lil’ Bo Peep cups your large breasts in her dainty hands. You moan as she teases you with her tongue, hands feeling up your smooth body as she lays you down.

“Why would you ever have wanted me to stop this??” You cry out euphorically, toes curling as the busty bimbo sucks on your fountainous bosom.

She’s unable to respond though, exhaling through her nostrils and tickling your areolas as she continues to drink your breast milk. It only takes a few minutes before you feel it in your stomach, an emptying sensation as your calories are turned into sweet lactate. You feel Lil’ Bo Peep chuckle as you open a chocolate bar, and she squeezes your tight tummy playfully as you chew on the crunchy snack.

It’s weird to feel your belly fill up as it empties, but your new friend doesn’t stop pleasuring your nipples and drinking whatever she can. You’re exhausted by the time she finally releases you, and you have no argument or protest as she pulls your head into her chest to drink the milk out of her now bloated belly.

What would you like to see happen to the new girls? They definitely won’t fit in at school like this… 😘