The Magical Beasts 2 Expansion consists of an additional 15 Beasts to the game. Gameplay follows similarly to the original Magical Beasts expansion. Rules for this expansion use the same rules from the original expansion (see Expansion 2: Magical Beasts). Below are  the 15 Magical Beasts added in this expansion:


The Bowtruckle has a sphere of influence which is 3 spaces wide. The Bowtruckle does not move each turn, and it remains in your Keeper Zone for the duration of play.

Select one of your hoops for the Bowtruckle to climb and hide in. The Bowtruckle is invisibly placed on this hoop. Any opposing characters who enter the Bowtruckle’s sphere of influence (i.e. are adjacent to that hoop) are attacked by the Bowtruckle and must roll for agility against the Bowtruckle (who adds 1 for strength). Characters who fail must return to their hoops. Characters who succeed are immune from the Bowtruckle until the end of their next turn.

If an opposing character attempts to shoot on the hoop which the Bowtruckle is hiding in (but is not in the Bowtruckle’s sphere of influence), the Bowtruckle jumps down in front of the hoops and adds 2 for defending against the shot (even if another character is in that space). After being used in either of these methods, you may choose to keep the Bowtruckle on the same hoop or hide it in another hoop.

If an opposing character attempts to shoot on a hoop that the Bowtruckle is not hiding in, you may choose to move the Bowtruckle to a different hoop, however it does not help to defend against the current shot.

The Bowtruckle remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The herd of centaurs consists of three centaurs who move independently. Each turn the centaurs move a collective 3 spaces total (this can be used entirely by one centaur or split up between multiple centaurs).

If there is a straight line of not more than 5 spaces between any two centaurs, any ball that moves through this line (including balls being thrown and carried) can be sniped by a centaur with a bow and arrow. The team controlling the centaurs decides which centaur is sniping - if successful, the ball will go to the opposite centaur.

If the ball is in mid-air the team controlling the centaurs rolls 1d4. If they roll a 1, the snipe is unsuccessful and the pass continues as normal. If they roll a 2, 3 or 4, the pass is sniped and lands at the opposite centaur’s feet. If the ball is being carried the team controlling the centaurs rolls 1d4. If they roll a 1, 2 or 3, the snipe is unsuccessful and the character may continue to move with the ball as normal. If they roll a 4, the ball is sniped and lands at the opposite centaur’s feet.

A character may pick up the ball if they are adjacent to the space this centaur is in. Each centaur only has 1 arrow per turn that can be used to attempt to snipe a ball.

The centaurs remain in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Chizpurfle has a sphere of influence that is 5 spaces wide.

The Chizpurfle moves invisibly, with the team controlling the Chizpurfle moving it so only they and the officials can see. Characters on the team controlling the Chizpurfle cannot end their movement on the centre space of the Chizpurfle’s sphere of influence, while the opposing team can.

Any character inside the Chizpurfle’s sphere of influence cannot use things and cannot have an elixir applied to them while in the sphere of influence. A character already under the effects of an elixir who moves into the sphere of influence will not have the effects of the elixir until they leave the sphere of influence (this does not extend the duration of the elixir). This includes all elixirs.

In addition, any opposing characters receive -1 accuracy while in the sphere of influence.

The Chizpurfle remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Erumpent has a sphere of influence that is 5 spaces wide.

Any character that enters the sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Erumpent, who rolls 1d10 and adds 2 for strength. Any character that fails must return to their hoops – in addition, the Erumpent rolls 1d4; if the Erumpent rolls a 4, their attack is explosive and the character cannot move on the following turn (if the Erumpent does not roll a 4, nothing happens). A character that succeeds is immune from the Erumpent until the end of their next turn.

The Erumpent can only attack one character on its own turn - this does not include opportunity attacks (any character stepping into the Erumpent’s sphere of influence).

The Erumpent remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.

Fire Crab

The Fire Crab has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

After moving the Fire Crab, once per turn the Fire Crab shoots lava out of its anus - select one space adjacent to the Fire Crab (not occupied by a character, ball, or beast) to be covered in lava. This space of lava remains on the field for the remainder of the game.

Any character that enters the Fire Crab’s sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Fire Crab, who rolls 1d10 and subtracts 1. Any character who fails must return to their hoops. Any character who succeeds is immune from the Fire Crab until the end of their next turn.

The Fire Crab remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


At the end of round 3, two Gnomes are placed on the field. However each turn, two additional gnomes are placed onto the field - they must be placed on an open space adjacent to an existing gnome. Gnomes move 3 spaces each turn, however on your turn you may only move 2 of the Gnomes. Gnomes cannot stand on balls and balls cannot land on a space with a gnome. Balls can be passed or shot over a gnome.

Gnomes act as an obstacle that must be moved around by characters on both teams. Gnomes can only be removed from the field by being tossed off the field. Characters can only toss a Gnome that they are adjacent to - characters roll for strength against the Gnome who rolls 1d8. A Gnome can only be tossed if there are 3 or more Gnomes currently on the field. A character holding a ball is able to throw a gnome. You cannot critically fail against a gnome.

You may only toss one Gnome off the field per turn - if your attempted toss is unsuccessful, you may attempt to toss the same Gnome again with a different character. Both teams may toss Gnomes off the field if desired.

Gnomes remain in play until the Snitch is caught or they are tossed off the field, and may be used every turn.

Hairy MacBoon

At the end of round 3 , select one of your characters to become a Hairy MacBoon – the Seeker cannot become a Hairy MacBoon. A Hairy MacBoon can no longer interact with any ball – including the Snitch - but it can attack any opposing characters and enter the Keeper Zones.

Movement for the Hairy MacBoon does not use the default 3 spaces for Magical Beasts, but one of your 3d6 for regular movement (treat the Hairy MacBoon as one of your characters). The Hairy MacBoon receives +2 speed, +2 strength, and -2 agility (these are flat stats applied regardless of the stats of the character that became a Hairy MacBoon). The Hairy MacBoon can be beat but can also attack all other characters – including the Keeper in their Keeper Zone – regardless of whether they are holding a ball or not. Characters attacked by the Hairy MacBoon must roll for agility against the Hairy MacBoon who attacks with strength. Any characters who fail must return to their hoops.

The Hairy MacBoon cannot stand on any ball, cannot use any elixirs or things, but it can trigger whiz-bangs. The Hairy MacBoon is vulnerable to the effects of all other Magical Beasts.

The Hairy MacBoon remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Leprechaun can move 3 spaces per turn and acts as a one-way rainbow slide to the pot of gold. The pot of gold is placed randomly on the field at the beginning of the controlling team’s turn. Passes can be made through your own team’s leprechaun.

To use the rainbow slide, a character must use one space of movement to step onto the leprechaun’s space, and a second space of movement to step onto the pot of gold. A character cannot end their movement on either of these spaces. A ball held by a character moves with the character travelling through the slide. The slide is one-way only - characters cannot move from the pot of gold to the leprechaun. If an opposing character is standing adjacent to the leprechaun or pot of gold, they may perform an opportunity tackle or beat (if applicable). The rainbow slide can be used by both teams. Seekers are not permitted on the rainbow slide.

The Leprechaun remains in play until the Snitch is caught.

Mackled Malaclaw

The Mackled Malaclaw has a sphere of influence three spaces wide.

Any character that is touched by the Mackled Malaclaw’s sphere of influence becomes unlucky for the following two rounds (even if the sphere of influence moves away from that character). While unlucky, that character must always roll 2d10 for any action (whether attacking or defending) and take the lower roll. In addition, any critical successes for that character automatically become critical failures for those two rounds.

A character must be permitted to complete their two unlucky turns before they can be made unlucky again (if a character is touching the sphere of influence when their 2 turns are up, they are immune for that turn without becoming unlucky).

The Mackled Malaclaw remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Sphinx has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

Any character on either team that enters the sphere of influence could increase one of their stats by 1 if they correctly answer a riddle. If they can answer the riddle correctly, they will receive +1 to that stat.

The team controlling the Sphinx may choose what stat they would like to gain when answering the Sphinx’s riddles, while the opposing team will receive a randomly determined stat. Each character may only use the Sphinx twice in a single game - the team controlling the Sphinx may not choose the same stat both times a character uses the Sphinx.

Players without their camera on will be required to constantly ping on the field while the question is being asked until they either answer or time runs out. Players with their cameras on will be required to have their hands visible and not typing. Solo teams will have 25 seconds to answer, while doubles teams with 2 players will have 20 seconds.

The Sphinx remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.

Swooping Evil

When the Swooping Evil enters the field, select one character on your team to take possession of the Swooping Evil (not including the Seeker). For the remainder of the game, the Swooping Evil alternates between being able to snatch balls and being able to attack opposing characters. The character in possession of the Swooping Evil can enter the Keeper Zones.

On odd numbered turns, the Swooping Evil can be used to snatch balls from the ground and opposing characters (including the Keeper). The character in possession of the Swooping Evil must have not more than 2 spaces in between them (does not need to be a straight line) and a ball that they can hold (i.e a Chaser in possession of the Swooping Evil cannot snatch Bludgers). If the ball is on the ground, it is automatically snatched and held by that character. If the ball is held by an opposing character, roll 1d4. If you roll a 1, the snatch is unsuccessful, but any other number results in the ball being successfully snatched. The Swooping Evil may only attempt to snatch a ball from a specific character once per turn, and cannot be used if the character in possession of the Swooping Evil is already holding a ball.

On even numbered turns, the Swooping Evil can be used to attack opposing characters. The opposing character must have not more than 2 spaces in between them and the character in possession of the Swooping Evil (does not need to be a straight line) for it to be able to attack. When attacking, the defending character rolls for agility against the Swooping Evil who rolls 1d10. Characters who fail fall off their broom and return to hoops. Characters who succeed are immune from the Swooping Evil until the end of their next turn.

The Swooping Evil remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Thunderbird has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

Once the Thunderbird is on the field, each round it summons a bolt of lightning to randomly strike a space on the field (at the beginning of the controlling team’s turn). Any characters on or adjacent to that space are struck by lightning and fall off their broom. The thunderbird is then moved to that space (and may move 3 spaces from there) (if this puts the Thunderbird’s sphere of influence in either Keeper Zone, it must be moved until it is not).

Any character that enters the sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Thunderbird, who rolls 1d10 and adds 2 for accuracy as it summons lightning to hit the character. Any character that fails must return to their hoops. Any character that succeeds is immune from the Thunderbird until the end of their next turn.

The Thunderbird can only attack one opposing character on its own turn - this does not include opportunity attacks (any character stepping into the Thunderbird’s sphere of influence).

The Thunderbird remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Troll has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

Each turn, the Troll throws a rock onto the field - you may pick the direction from the Troll you wish to throw the rock, and roll 1d6 to determine the distance. The space the rock lands in becomes covered in a rocky tile and cannot be moved through by any character or beast and balls cannot be thrown through the space. In the event that the rock would land on a character, beast or ball, it breaks on impact. If the rock would be thrown off the field, it lands on the last space before the edge of the field. If the rock lands on an existing rocky tile, both rocks break and are removed from the field. Rocky tiles placed by the troll cannot trap a character, beast, or ball. Rocks cannot be thrown into the Keeper Zone.

Rocky tiles remain on the field for the remainder of the game. The Troll may break a rocky tile by standing adjacent to it (removing it from the field), but can only remove one rocky tile per turn and cannot remove the rocky tile it just created on the same turn. Beasts’ spheres of influence may not cover any rocky tiles.

Any character that enters the Troll’s sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Troll, who rolls 1d10. Any character who fails must return to their hoops. Any character who succeeds is immune from the Troll until the end of their next turn.

The Troll remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.


The Unicorn has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

The Unicorn can be used to help transport your own characters. The Unicorn can carry your characters within its sphere of influence up to 3 extra spaces before, during or after their character movement (as if the Unicorn is carrying them up to 3 spaces on its back using its own movement). The Unicorn cannot be used by the same character twice in a row and can only be used by the same character twice in a single game.

You can also choose to murder your own Unicorn and use its blood to boost one character’s stats, however this must be done prior to the end of round 8. If you choose to murder the Unicorn, it is removed from the field, and one character on your team drinks the Unicorn blood and receives +2 to every stat. However, this character will lead a cursed, half life: after 5 rounds with the boosted stats, that character will be permanently removed from the field for the remainder of the game. The Seeker cannot drink the Unicorn blood. A team that chooses to sacrifice their Unicorn may no longer use any Monster Books of Monsters for the rest of the game, and a Clanker cannot be used against them.

The Unicorn remains in play until either the Snitch is caught (or if it is murdered) and can be used every turn.


The Yeti has a sphere of influence that is 3 spaces wide.

With the exception of the space which the Yeti physically occupies, each of the spaces in its sphere of influence are covered in ice and can be slid across.

The Yeti attacks any characters when it moves adjacent to them. Any character on either team that attempts to use the yeti’s ice and enters the sphere of influence must roll for agility against the Yeti, who rolls 1d8. Because the character is sliding across the ice, they defend with 2d10, taking the higher roll. Any character that fails must return to their hoops. If they are stationary, any character that succeeds is immune from the Yeti until the end of their next turn unless they move through the sphere of influence. If they are sliding, any character that succeeds is immune from the Yeti until they complete their current ice slide - attempting another ice slide will result in another attack from the Yeti.

The Yeti remains in play until the Snitch is caught and can be used every turn.

Elixirs & Things Compatibility

Following the addition of the Elixirs & Things expansion, only the following elixirs and things are permitted in conjunction with this expansion:

In the context of this expansion, Clankers and the Monster Book of Monsters will have adapted functionality: