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Opportunities to Serve
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Opportunities to Serve

To learn more about serving on any of our Ministry Teams, please let us know here.

Coffee Ministry

WestWay’s Coffee Ministry is a fun, creative, and welcoming part of Sunday mornings at West Way. Nothing quite says, “Come in and make yourself at home. We like having you here!” quite like a warm cup of joe, tea or hot cocoa.

The Coffee Team prepares a variety of coffee brews, hot teas, and a delicious hot chocolate for the 9am Sunday school hour + the 10:15 service. Our Team delights in serving you, your morning beverage, as well as extending warm, genuine smiles and engaging in life-giving conversation.

The Coffee Ministry advances the Kingdom of Heaven by serving our body as we would aim to serve Jesus himself and by supporting Three Avocados non-profit coffee company as well as Neema Village Missions.

Creative Arts Ministry

Our Creative Arts Ministry is made up of multiple teams:

  • Our Audio Team is responsible for all in person and online audio for our 10:15 services, as well as any special events which require audio support.  Every message, prayer, and song flows through the work of this team. We use sound equipment to broadcast the Gospel message that reaches the ears and hearts of the Body of Christ.  It is our mission to provide clear, intelligible sound that is distraction free to support the growth of the Kingdom of God.
  • Our Praise Team is made up of instrumentalists and singers who prepare songs to lead the Body of Christ in worship each Sunday morning. Not only do we prepare and perform songs, but we hold open the door to the Throne Room of God, and lead the Body of Christ to have an encounter with God through music and the arts. Has God gifted you with musical talent? Join our team today!
  • Our Stage Design Team is a great way to get involved at WestWay if you don't have time for a weekly commitment. This team gets together 4-5 times a year and designs and builds sets and lighting displays for the WestWay stage to help communicate the sermon messages. If you are gifted in the arts, in aesthetics, if you have construction skills, or want to learn something new, please join our team. There are jobs for people of every skill level, and this is a great team to build new relationships and exercise your God given creativity!
  • Our Video Team is a huge part of our 1015. The video team is responsible for everything that is broadcasted on our projectors along with what is being broadcasted to our stream. Video team consists of Camera Operators, Switcher Operators, Slide Operators, Videographers, and Video Editors. Video team contributes to the Kingdom by making our services accessible to those who aren’t able to be with us physically.

Embrace Grace

Embrace Grace is a faith-based support group for single women facing unplanned pregnancy. Do you know someone who could use encouragement, connection and unconditional love during an unplanned pregnancy? Embrace Grace is a 12 week support group on Wednesday nights, and includes dinner, classes and a free baby shower from WestWay.

Email for more information or sign up here.

   Facilities Ministry

The Facilities Ministry Team assists the Facilities Manager with the tremendous task of keeping this wonderful building clean and ready to be used for the many events that take place throughout the  year. Some team members may have their name on a list of people, to be called, to assist with set up before specific events and tear down after these events. They may be asked to help with keeping the grounds around the building maintained and looking appealing to the community.

   Family Ministries

The Family Ministries Team is working to see families grow in unity, purpose, and love so that friends in our community can see who Jesus really is. We disciple the next generations at home, as well as in various student and kids ministry environments. Whether it’s at school, Wednesday night youth activities, Sunday morning kids ministry, Camps, CIY, or any of the other discipleship trips we take, our team would love to add you as a partner. If you’d like to commit to being a monthly or weekly presence for our kids or students, if you’d like to serve as a mentor for a trip once in a while, or if you can serve to help other parents and grandparents make disciples in their own homes there is a place for you on our team.

WestWay Kids is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your children in mind! Every week, all children (babies through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way. We would love to see you and your family visit WestWay Kids this week. Due to COVID restrictions, we are phasing in Children's Ministry beginning on Sunday mornings during the 1015.

WestWay Parents and Grandparents We believe families - parents and grandparents - have the primary role of discipleship with children and grandchildren and we believe the church has a primary role in equipping them to make disciples in the home. We desire to be a resource to those families in this process. We currently have a Grandparenting Team.

Wednesdays at WestWay (W@W)

  • WestWay Student Ministries At WestWay, we have a lot of fun, but we don’t want to settle for simply entertaining students with church games – in fact, we don’t want them to play church at all. We want to equip students to really be the church, the hands and feet of Jesus working in our community to share the hope and love that are growing out of their faith. We make the most of our time together on Wednesday nights at 6, as well as various discipleship trips we take throughout the year, by connecting teens with caring mentors who can help them get to know Jesus.
  • Children’s Ministry We want children to learn about Jesus and grow in their relationship with God all while having fun doing so. W@W children’s program is open to all children ages 4 years old through 5th grade. During this time they will learn biblical truths about themselves and others and they will have a chance to dive deeper into the Word of God through age appropriate small groups. We are looking for people who are willing to invest in the lives of these children spiritually and emotionally and to help disciple them so they can grow in their faith.
  • Food and Kitchen Team– Part of W@W is serving a hot meal to everyone that is in the building. Volunteers help prepare the food, serve the food, and clean-up afterward. We do not use paper plates or plastic forks/spoons, but plastic plates and metal forks/spoons, so one of the big jobs for the kitchen team is hand washing the dishes. We would love for people to be willing to help serve those who are at W@W by serving food and cleaning dishes.

Garden Ministries

There are two Garden Ministries here at WestWay Christian Church. One produces vegetables and one provides a beautiful and peaceful flower garden for people to enjoy.

  • The Vegetable Garden Ministry Team is a group of people that gather together to have fellowship with each other while preparing the soil, planting the seed, watering, weeding, pruning, harvesting, and distributing the crop to the church body and community, as well as cleaning up and winterizing at the end of the year. The team welcomes all who want to participate. Friends and neighbors are encouraged and welcomed. No prior knowledge of gardening is necessary. Our reward comes in seeing people enjoy God's bounty and providing fresh vegetables to some who may not have access/funds for them.
  • The Flower Garden Ministry Team works to provide a beautiful, peaceful environment in the Memorial Garden just outside the main lobby of the building. This includes putting out mulch, weeding, watering, pruning and cleaning up in the Fall.

Greeting Team

Our WestWay Greeting Team is a valuable part of our Sunday services. Our purpose is to make all of our guests feel welcome, loved and comfortable. We want them to experience God's presence the moment they pull into our parking lot and enter the building. There are many opportunities to serve on this team, some of which are, greeting at the front doors, working at the Welcome Center, checking in guests as they arrive, and monitoring the lobby during the 10:15.


When WestWay plans an event that has a meal included, we call on the Kitchen/Food Team. This team will minister to the people at the event by helping with set up for the event, shopping for supplies, preparing and serving food, and cleaning up after an event. Food brings people together. Many great relationships have been started and strengthened around a table filled with good food and conversation. Families will find that this is a great place to serve together.


WestWay's Mission Team meets to plan events and communication that will facilitate a relationship between Westway and the missionaries and mission partners that we support.

We do that by developing personal relationships with them, so that we can bring their prayer needs, financial requests, and their praises before the congregation.

 Prayer Ministry Team

At WestWay Christian Church we believe in the power of prayer! This ministry team meets a few times a year to plan and implement ways for WestWay to be praying together in unity about what God is and will be doing in WestWay, the surrounding community, and the world.

Van Ministry

WestWay Christian Church wants everyone to have an opportunity to attend the gathering of the Body of Christ. For local people who do not have their own transportation, we want to bring the love of God to their doorstep.  We have vans to pick them up and take them home. Volunteers for this ministry will need to pass a background check that includes their past driving record.

To learn more about serving on any of our Ministry Teams, please let us know here.