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Entering Health Requirements
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Entering Health Requirements for School

Students who attend schools in California MUST be up to date on health requirements for school.

Synergy, SFUSD’s Student Information System, is designed to hold needed health information for each enrolled student. Below are instructions on how to enter immunizations, the School Health Form, and TB clearance.


  1. Navigate to Synergy SIS > Health > Health.
  2. Find the appropriate student health record by entering a student identifier (name, student ID, DOB, etc.) in a yellow field.
  3. Select the Immunizations tab.
  4. In the Dosage Data grid, enter the date the student received the vaccination.
  5. Click Save.

Setting Exemptions For All Immunizations

In California, only Medical Exemptions are acceptable. A medical exemption may be based on a physician’s determination that the student should not be vaccinated, usually based on a health condition, particular health status, or health history, such as having had chicken pox. To use the exemption for all immunizations, the medical exemption must apply to all immunizations.

  1. Navigate to Synergy SIS > Health > Health.
  2. Find the appropriate student health record by entering a student identifier (name, student ID, DOB, etc.) in a yellow field.
  3. Select the Immunizations tab.
  4. Expand the Set Exemption And Compliance area.
  5. Select the reason the student is Exempt.
  6. Enter a Comment about the exemption. (optional)
  7. Select the Confirm Set option.
  8. Click Save.

Setting All Immunizations As Compliant

Do not do this as other immunizations may be needed later.

Setting Individual Immunizations Or A Series As Compliant

  1. Navigate to Synergy SIS > Health > Health.

  1. Find the appropriate student health record by entering a student identifier (name, student ID, DOB, etc.) in a yellow field.
  2. Select the Immunizations tab.
  3. Select the appropriate immunization on the Immunizations grid.
  4. Click Show Detail.
  5. Click Override Compliance to mark the student as compliant on a single shot.


  1. Click the Compliant option to mark the whole series of immunizations as compliant.
  2. Enter a Comment on the reason for compliance. (optional)
  3. Click Save.

Note: You can either mark a series as compliant or exempt, but not both.


The Tuberculosis tab records the results of a student’s tuberculosis skin test. It also records any chest x-rays or medications that may be required due to a positive test result.

  1. Navigate to Synergy SIS > Health > Health Screen.

  1. Add the appropriate information about the tuberculosis skin test:
  1. Type – the type of test administered
  2. Date Given – the date the test was administered
  3. Date Read – the date the results were read
  4. MM Induration – the measurement of the induration in millimeters
  5. Impression – the result of the test
  6. Waiver – select if the student has been granted a waiver from being tested, i.e. a TB Risk Assessment
  7. Waiver Date – the date the waiver was granted.
  1. The following fields only display if the Impression is positive.
  1. X-ray Film Date – the date the x-ray was taken
  2. X-ray Impression – the result of the x-ray
  3. Medication Prescribed – indicates if medication was prescribed
  4. Medication – the medication prescribed to treat the tuberculosis
  5. Medication Start Date – the date the student started the medication
  6. Medication End Date – the date the student finished their medication
  7. Free of communicable Tuberculosis – indicate if the student is free of
  8. communicable tuberculosis
  1. Click Save.

Entering Physical Exam Evidence Received

There is not a specific place to indicate that the physical exam requirement is completed. In Synergy, use the General Health tab.

  1. Navigate to Synergy SIS > Health > Health Screen.

  1. Select the General Health tab.
  2. Click Add on the Health grid. A new row displays in the Health grid.
  3. Add the appropriate information about the health screening.
  1. Screen Date – the date the physical exam was done
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Show Detail to add additional information about the exam.


The Health module has various reports available. Individual reports print out information about a

single student per page, but you can print them for multiple students at one time. List reports

generate a list of all the students and their information as specified by the description of the list

report. Summary reports generate summaries for multiple students, without including student names..

  1. Navigating to Synergy SIS > Health > Reports.
  2. Click on the name of the report.
  3. Select the options to generate the report (listed in the following sections.)
  4. Click Print. The report prints as a PDF file to the screen, which you can send to the printer.

HLT204 – California Immunization Record

The California Immunization Record report lists all of a student’s vaccination information in the

format specified by the state of California, aka “The Blue Card.”

You can filter this report using the following settings on the Options tab:

Last Name, First Name, or Grade. For example, if grade 12 is selected the report prints

an individual report for each student in grade 12.


based on the selected permission levels.

Options include:

HLT403 – Student Immunization Compliance List

The Student Immunization Compliance List report lists all of the students at the school in focus

and shows the number of doses (in parenthesis) of each vaccination the student has received.

Students that are not compliant show an N in the column for the vaccine. If the student has an

exemption recorded, an E displays in the column.

You must check at least one of the vaccination boxes in order for this report to print. You can

filter this report using the following settings on the Options tab:

  1. As Of Date - select the date to display all vaccinations received on or before that date. Recommend entering the present day.
  2. Grade - filters the report by a grade or grade range
  3. Vaccinations – select which vaccinations display on the report. Recommend only selecting the required vaccines.
  4. Show Non-Compliant Students - displays an N in the box for vaccinations that have

not completed. Do not check this box if you want to verify the doses for all students.

  1. Show Student Exemptions - displays in an E in the box for students with an exemption
  2. Show Dosage Count - displays the number of dosages completed by each student for

each vaccination (the number in parentheses)

  1. Show Birth Date – displays the student’s birth date
  2. Show Gender – lists the student’s gender
  3. Apply Rules For Year - select the vaccination requirements to apply.
  4. Include for Mail Merge - mailing information for a Mail Merge letter
  5. Next School – includes only students assigned a specific school next year
  6. Next Grade Level – includes only students assigned a specific grade level next year

HLT408 – Tuberculosis Section List Report

The Tuberculosis Section List report prints a page for each class listing all of the students in the

class, with spaces to record their screening results. If the student received a tuberculosis

screening, their results display on the report.

You can filter this report using the following settings on the Options tab:

        [SIS Admin Tool Kit-HLT505: Emergency Cards]        as of [06/22]                Page  of