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Email, Kiefer Odell, aide, Lupe Valdez campaign, Dec. 16, 2017

6:22 p.m.

The Sheriff’s intention was to make clear what a number of studies have confirmed: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. See:


Cleary, the state data has been questionable, we suspect sometimes intentionally so. See:


On December 10, 2015. The DPS director testified as well as Sheriff Valdez.


The chairman of the House Committee said an estimate at the 2:12 time mark. He mentions the 176,000 criminal immigrants booked between 2011-2015.


Sheriff Valdez stated that the DPS director gave data that helped her determine that 1.6 percent of undocumented immigrants are arrested for crimes. In her testimony, she says it’s 1.8 percent. It’s 170,000 arrests out of 11 million which equals 1.76 and then is rounded up to 1.8.


The Sheriff states the 1.8 percent figure at 1:28:39-1:30.

Below paraphrases what she says:

“The director testified that 170,000 crimes were committed by undocumented immigrants over a 4-year period out of 11 million arrests. When you bring it down, it comes out to 1.76 percent and we rounded it up to 1.8 percent. That is less than 2 percent.”

I have provided the link below to the testimony:


Thanks so much,

