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Japanese brome

(Bromus japonicus)


Japanese brome or Japanese chess


Japanese brome is a winter annual species, similar to cheat, that can grow to be 14-30” tall. Leaf blades and sheaths are soft and hairy. Inflorescence is diffuse with drooping branches. Awns become twisted and widely spread at maturity. Seeds germinate in the fall, overwinter as a seedling, grow rapidly in the spring, and reach maturity by June.  


Leaf blades and sheaths are covered in soft hairs. Drooping branches with twisted awns.  


Depleted rangelands and pastures, meadow and sagebrush communities, and dry soils in disturbed areas.


Applying herbicides in the spring may be most effective. In smaller patches, it can be hand-pulled and removed prior to seed production. For more information contact our SCWP office.