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The Transformote Part I
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“So? What do you think?” Carol asks sheepishly, lips pursed as she poses in her lingerie.

“I can’t!” You chuckle, blood flowing below your belt as Carol giggles and fixes her hair.

“I know this is moving pretty fast, but you’re just so hot, and yo-”

“Say no more.” You cut Carol off, her lips pushed together by your finger as they purse to say the next word.

She puckers and kisses your fingertip, then licks your knuckle before gently placing your hand on her perfect breast. Your automatic reaction is to squeeze, which elicits an aroused giggle from Carol before she brings her face into yours.

The taste of her pomegranate lip gloss dances along your tastebuds, and the scent of powdered rose overwhelms your sense of smell. Just a few steps back before you collapse into her very femininely made up bed, a surreal experience after just having met Carol at the bar earlier tonight.

She’s more than comfortable as you meekly kiss her neck, hands vigorously pawing at your shorts and giving you more confidence as she whips out your member. The beaming and blushing beauty then opens her wet lips slowly, enveloping the head of your cock in her soft mouth as you reach into her panties.

She moans and vibrates on you as your finger penetrates and explores her womanhood, the tightest and warmest pussy you’ve ever had the joy of feeling. Your erection almost hurts as it begs for insertion, and Carol seems to be aware of this.

She lets you out of her mouth and turns around, bent over on all fours as she crawls backward toward you. Before you can process whats happening she squeezes her thighs around your shaft, making you bite your bottom lip and let out a deep grunt.

The urge to grab Carol’s hips melts all your thoughts away, and she lets out a fun squeal as you pull her into your lap. She gives in to your force, letting you play with her like a giant doll and bend her flexible body into different positions as you fuck.

And she doesn’t let you stop, riding you through the night; even after you think you’re fully spent, she milks another few orgasms out of your strained cock before you pass out as sun rays filter through the window shades.

You wake up some time later groggy, memories of the previous night taking a few moments to boot up before replaying in your mind. You then turn over, heart racing as you realize it wasn’t just a dream- that beautiful girl from the club brought you back to her place!

Does she drink coffee?

Your caffeine addiction drags you out of bed, down to the kitchen where you search for any type of coffee you can absorb the caffeine from.  

“Whoa, is that a Tranformote??” You ask louder than you mean to, surprised to see a remote with a screen on a shelf in the pantry.

Wait, Carol’s exact body is loaded up here…

What if you just change her hair color to blonde, will that wake her?

You quietly sneak back into the bedroom, elated to see Carol’s hair and eyebrows turned blonde upon her sleeping head.

You don’t even have to think about the next transformation, smiling as your hand acts on its own to enhance Carol’s bust.

“Oh shit!” You mistakenly curse aloud, waking Carole as her pert and perfectly sphere breasts shrink into her chest.

“What's going- Ahhh!!!” Carol shouts as her hands grab at her smaller breasts, “My boobs- My remote!!”

She jumps out of bed as you frantically try to correct your mistake, her hand reaching for the remote as you pump her arousal to the highest setting- stopping Carol in her tracks instantly.

“No-o-o-o Fr-iiickin wayyyyy!!!” She squeals, hopping and jiggling in place as you laugh and look back through the bust settings.

The euphoria builds in Carol’s voice as she writhes, her body a bubbling cauldron of overwhelming pleasure as her mind attempts to fight through the feeling. She tries to admonish you, the corners of her lips curled in an involuntary lustful smile as she demands her property back.

“Sorry, I just wanted to try out your remote, and figured you wouldn't mind if I tried on you considering how much you’ve already transformed yourself…” You chuckle, cynically explaining your rationale as Carol’s torso spasms and convulses.

Just a few moments after you set her breast size to the max, Carol’s shoulders arch back as fat pours from her chest. A hesitant moan fills the room as Carol’s voice becomes even more breathy, heaving breasts restricting the depth of her voice and bringing it to a humorously high pitch. The newfound erotic sensations of so much sensitive breast tissue jiggling leaves Carol to just lean back and bite her lip, protests drowned in a cascading waterfall of orgasmic pleasure as she desperately grabs at her frothing womanhood and compounds the uncontrollably erotic movements.

“You… you’ll p-pay!”” Carol manages to stammer, sex dripping off every syllable as your pants tent.

“That’s pretty mean, Carol…” You trail off with a chuckle, “And I like a girl with attitude!”

Your arousal goads you on as your critical thinking and sympathy fade, a fetish for large breasts motivating you to look for more extreme settings. It doesn’t take long to find a second breast enhancement tool, buried in the Expert Settings menu.

‘Warning: Hormonal alterations in this menu can have adverse and unexpected results. Continue?’

You don’t hesitate for a moment, excitedly pressing forward and truly testing the limits of the Transformote.

“I’ll make sure to get my revenge on you!!” Carol pants, “I’ll get my rem- Ohhhh… You like watching me dance?”

The angry look in Carol’s eyes turns blank, her mind no longer able to process complicated thoughts that could lead to such a deep emotion like anger.

“How do you feel?” You ask the ditzily smiling blonde, body language now a lot more alluring as she wiggles her hips and smiles blissfully.

“I like, feel like I’m totally forgetting something, but like, I don’t remember anything at all- so like, what could I like, be forgetting??” Carol giggles, her airhead cadence and accent siphoning all the blood in your head down below your waist.

You place the remote down as Carol invitingly gestures for you, but even in your uncritical state you realize: Didn’t you select breast enhancement??

Shouldn’t her boobs be growing now?

Suddenly you feel something tingle in your own chest…