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plan for teaching brush-up course (document from 2021).docx
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NNSP neutron summer course, 2021 (online)

Description of intro session: Math and Physics for approx. 35 non-proficient students

Kim Lefmann, Pia J. Ray

Original document for 2019 school by KL, September 8, 2019. Edited by PJR, October 12, 2021.

Day 1    Thursday, October 14, 2021

  1. Introduction and Motivation (0.5 h) (blackboard + slides) (Kim)
  1. Intro to course
  2. Plan for intro days
  3. Scattering picture: 1 and N atoms

  1. Mathematical background (6 h) (short lectures + individual teaching with KhanAcad.) (Kim)
  1. Trigonometry  
  2. Exponential functions
  3. Complex numbers
  4. Integrals

Day 2    Friday, October 15, 2021

  1. Wave Physics (3 h) (lecture + individual) (Kim)
  1. Definition: wave = media + disturbance
  2. Wave descriptors, λ, k, ω, ν, c / Demonstration with a string/spring
  3. Wave field sine/cosine
  4. Superposition, interference
  5. Complex wave description
  6. Experiment, demonstration (string)
  7. Problems (from Mastering Physics and Hecht)

  1. Fourier Transforms (2 h) (mostly lecture) (Kim, it was Johan in 2019)
  1. Integrals of trigonometric functions
  2. Finite system, Periodic function, Fourier Series as a postulate, Finite FT
  3. Infinite system, generalization, infinite FT as a postulate, FT of a lattice and a particle
  4. MATLAB demo online (did not work last time)

  1. Scattering Physics (1 h) (Kim)
  1. Neutrons and X-rays as waves
  2. 1-atom scattering, the complex scattered wave
  3. 2-atom scattering, complex description of interference, motivation to define q = ki – kf
  4. N-atom scattering, diffraction cross section as postulate, Fourier transform
  5. Examples: lattice, particle
  6. Experiment: laser on optical lattice

1. Motivation

Overview: Teaching plan for course

Overview: Teaching plan for math-phys intro

Reminder on neutrons, light, and X-rays, materials, experimental setup

Discussion: What is similar between these types of radiation? (wave nature, wavelength size)

Discussion: How do we measure the radiation? (particle detectors)

Discussion: How do we determine scattering angle? (collimators, slits)

Neutrons and X-rays

Motivation: We will understand the scattering on an atomic level; therefore we need to know about waves and the corresponding math.


Slide: intro

Slide: Teaching plan

Slide: Teaching plan for M-P intro

Presentation: Kim

2. Mathematical background


Exponential functions

Complex numbers



Link document to Khan Academy problems

Math 307 (The Complex Exponential Function) lecture notes

Presentation: Kim

3. Wave physics

Definition: wave = media + disturbance

Wave descriptors

Wave field sine/cosine

Superposition, interference

Complex wave description

Experiment, demonstration (string or spring)

Problems: There are some suggested problems from the two books below, focus on the ones from University Physics first



Spring experiment

Scanned textbooks: Hecht (chapter 2), University Physics/Mastering Physics (chapter 15)

Selected problems from University Physics (note: not the discussion questions, but the exercises starting on page 501): 15.4, 15.8, 15.11, 15.35, 15.39, 15.76

Selected problems from Hecht: 2.1, 2.2, 2.13

Extra: Describe standing waves with complex description

                still needed: solutions to problems in Hecht

Presentation: Kim

4. Fourier transformations

Integrals of trigonometric functions

Finite system, Periodic function

Infinite system



Lecture notes (hand written by Johan Hellsvik)

Scanned textbook chapter: Arfken, Weber, et al, Fourier Series and Integral Transforms (chapter 19+20, plus a document with exercise solutions for those two chapters)

Handout of slides: Reciprocal Lattice

PDF of Fourier Transform problems from e-neutrons/pan-learning wiki, with hints and solutions

Presentation: Kim (was Jacob)

5. Scattering physics

1-atom scattering, the complex scattered wave

2-atom scattering

N-atom scattering




Slides, same as day 1

Neutron notes chap. 2

Exp: Laser, lattice, hair

Presentation: Kim