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Rev. 8/23

New Castle County Master Gardeners  

Junior Gardener Program FAQs  

Note: a “course” or “program” is a Master Gardener presentation. A “class” is one group or  classroom of students at your school.  

1. I am not in New Castle County. Can I still request a course?

Our charter requires us to limit our programming to New Castle County. You may wish  to contact the Master Gardeners in your state/county to find out if they offer a similar  program.  

2. Are the same courses offered every spring and fall?

We generally are able to offer most of our courses every spring and fall. In addition,  occasionally a program may be temporarily unavailable due to the presenter’s schedule  or other commitments.  

3. How do I sign up for courses?

There is a request form on the website which needs to be filled out and faxed or mailed  to the extension office. You will need a separate request for each course you  

request. The request form can be found on the same webpage as these FAQs.  

4. How much time will it take to schedule a program?

After you submit a request form, allow one to two weeks for a Master Gardener  

instructor to contact you. If more than two weeks pass, contact the NCC  

Extension office at 831-2506.  

5. What do I need to do with the students to prepare for the course?

The presenters may contact you ahead of time for preparation of hand out materials that  need to be ready by the time of the class. It may be helpful to speak with the presenter  about how the Master Gardener course fits with science material that you are covering in  your regular classroom curriculum.  

6. Do I need to be in the classroom during the presentation?

Yes. Teachers, not Master Gardener presenters, are responsible for the children’s  discipline and the presenters may comment on follow up to be done after the  


7. What equipment will you need?

Equipment needs will vary depending on the course. You will need to speak with the  presenter about what she/he needs for each course.  

8. Can we plan on several classes meeting together?

Our experience is that more than one class is very difficult to manage for interactive  courses. You will need to discuss this with the individual presenter as you agree on the  timing for the presentation.

Rev. 8/23

9. The grade level I teach is not shown for the program I would like my children to see. Can I still request it?

The presentations are designed for the class levels shown. If your grade level is not  shown you will need to talk with the Master Gardener presenter about the difference and  if the program can be used with your grade level.  

10. We are a small home school group that would like to request a Junior Gardener program; can we use Extension’s facilities for the program?

Yes. Once your instructor contacts you, you can discuss this possibility, as well as room  availability, with the instructor.  

11. Are the courses free?

Yes, all courses are free except where the brochure indicates a fee. A fee is only charged  to cover materials for a particular program (e.g., “Taming the Wild Ivy”).  

12. Why does “Taming the Wild Ivy” require a payment?

In this program each child plants ivy in a pot, and starts a topiary which he/she can take  home. The fee covers the cost for these supplies.  

13. Do Master Gardeners have any other programs for youth?

Yes, we support outdoor classrooms with technical assistance in planning and execution  and have a small grant program. The Grant Request forms are on our website. You may  also contact the NCC Extension office at 831-2506 for additional information.