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617.  PETTY CASH - Pg.


1.        Purpose

Petty cash funds may be used for designated purposes but shall be subject to adequate controls and safeguards.

2.        Authority

The Board authorizes the establishment of petty cash funds under the control of designated employees in District buildings.

3.        Delegation of         Responsibility

        Pol. 811

        617 AR

Each responsible employee shall ensure that petty cash funds are spent only for designated purposes.

The person responsible for each petty cash fund shall prepare a total of the disbursement slips monthly and submit such documentation to the Accounts Payable Secretary with a voucher requesting replenishment.

4.        Guidelines

No single purchase for petty cash shall exceed $200.

Each request for funds shall be made in writing and signed by the requestor, with any confirming receipts attached.

Receipts are required for all expenditures.

The petty cash box shall be secured by the responsible employee.

All petty cash funds shall be closed out for audit at the end of the school year.

Funds are not to be used to circumvent the regular purchasing procedure.

Petty cash funds may not be used to accommodate the cashing of personal checks.

Petty cash funds have been created for:

  1. Central Administration.

  1. Principals.

  1. Instructional Media Coordinator.

  1. Publications.

  1. Buildings & Grounds Department.

Board Policy


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