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Monday Apr 1st: Last Week of the 5th Grading Period
Tuesday 2nd
Wednesday 3rd
Thursday 4th
Friday 5th: Last Day of the 5th Grading Period
Monday Apr 1st: Last Week of the 5th Grading Period
- Part 1) Review  (click to comment)
- Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
- Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
- Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
- Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
- Review key points from last week & Announcements
- Click here to view your ratings summary graphs from last week
- If you did not complete the weekly reflections form for last week, please click here to do so: 5.5r Reflections Form
- Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup

- The demo gif below is from the larger desktop version, but the game is played the same way:
- Use the image below as your link symbol and link it to the game you played
- Here’s my example warmup
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol
- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will…  (click to comment)
- Today we have these objectives  (all s19 objectives to date)
- Double your math skills with 2048
- Capture previews of this week’s important events
- Create several different Graffiti designs
- Please bookmark the following 3 files for this week: 5.6p, 5.6w, 5.6n
- Page 1: Week 12 Events
- Open your 5.6n Notebook for week 12 in Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
- Use the links in the notes section at the bottom of page 1 to find and Snip the information for each box
- Try adding a gif of your own like my example
- Here’s my completed example page 1 (our Good Friday holiday is on Apr 19th)
- Page 2: Graffiti Creator
- Open Graffiti Creator  http://www.graffiticreator.net/
- Explore the site to see how it works and create 3 different style phrases to add to your page (using the word ‘Holiday’ or your name for example). This site can be a little glitchy, so be patient and if one option doesn’t work well, try another or change styles.
- Here’s my example with the what you’ll need on your page
- The logo from the top of the page at Graffiti Creator  http://www.graffiticreator.net/
- The dates of the next  2 days that you have off from school using this calendar. Search Google for those dates to find their corresponding Calendar Icons (as you see in my example, though I’ve hidden the actual dates)
- 3 or more examples of  Graffiti creations using the word ‘Holiday’ (or your name) snipped to your page
- Try Google Maps April Fools Games Here:
- Open an new tab and click where you see the arrow: (or click here)

- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments!  (click to comment)
- Here are the links you’ll need for today
- s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
- Tasks Checklist for today
- Play 2048 to grow your brain :)
- Capture previews of this week’s important events
- Create at least 3 different Graffiti designs and find your next 2 days off
- Part 4) Through?  (click to comment)
- Checkout these modern moveable apartments which are designed to plug into and out of frames located in different cities, so your home can move with you when you change locations
Tuesday 2nd
- Part 1) Review  (click-2-comment)
- Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
- Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
- Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
- Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
- Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
- Review yesterday’s tasks list to see what you should have accomplished & Announcements
- Play 2048 to grow your brain :)
- Capture previews of this week’s important events
- Create at least 3 different Graffiti designs and find your next 2 days off
- Use the link and image below for your warmup link symbol
- Here’s a closeup view of part of my example (with added noise to deter copying). Try to vary the shades of colors as your see in the example below to make the images look more realistic!
- Here’s my example warmup

- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):Â http://goo.gl/TU5uol
- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)
- Today we have these learning goals (all s19 objectives to date)
- Practice your color-fill skills by adding subtle color variations to images
- Explore a new web design site called Canva
- Create a variety of cool AI-generated art effects with the Deep Dream Generator
- Page 3: Explore Canva Designs
- Here are the steps to create your account:
- Enter your first and last name
- Choose ‘Student’ from the dropdown menu
- Click the ‘Get Started’ button
- Click ‘Sign up with Google’
- After you finishing creating your account, click ‘Create a design’, like you see below, and watch the video help to see how to browse and capture example designs
- Here’s what goes on your page
- Your account logo linked to Canva: https://www.canva.com
- Snip 4 or more interesting designs to your page (watch the video help above!)
- Here’s my example

- Page 4: Deep Dream Generator (...one of my favorite apps ever!)

- After you create your account, click the Generate button as you see below:
- Here’s an explanation of the 3 different Deep Dream Tools

- Here’s an example merge using 2 different images by someone else on the site

- ...and here’s an example of all 3 tools which I made last semester using the cat and bluebonnets photos

- Search Google Images for an image to experiment with, like this turkey for example, and save it to your desktop. Then watch the video clip to see how to use AI to merge it with another image or artwork style!
- Deep Dream Generator: https://deepdreamgenerator.com
- Search Google for an image to experiment with
- Create 4 example Dreams and Snip your collection to your page (you can start several new dreams processing at once… you don’t have to wait for processing of your first image to finish)Â
- The dreams could take a while to process, so check back later to Snip them to your page.
- If you’re having problems creating your account or your designs, Snip 4 examples made by someone else using this Google Search!
- Click on Profile and Snip your account page with your 4 examples (or 4 example made by others) to your notebook like this example:

- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)
- Here are the links you’ll need for today
- s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
- Tasks Checklist for today
- Color-fill a wildflower imageÂ
- Capture at least 3 ideas from a new web design site called Canva
- Create 4 AI-generated art effects with the Google Deep Dream Generator
- Part 4) Through?  (click-2-comment)
- Checkout this cool GIF created in support of Paris after a terrorist attack which brought a lot of people together in support of the city… something good resulting from a tragic event
Wednesday 3rd
- Part 1) Review  (click-2-comment)
- Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
- Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
- Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
- Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
- Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
- Review yesterday’s tasks list to see what you should have accomplished & Announcements
- Color-fill a wildflower image
- Capture at least 3 ideas from a new web design site called Canva
- Create 4 AI-generated art effects with the Google Deep Dream Generator
- Use the link symbol below linked to the Brain Metrix homepage
- Here’s my example:

- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):Â http://goo.gl/TU5uol
- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)
- Today we have these learning goals (all s19 objectives to date)
- Learn 2 new brain training games from Brain Metrix
- Complete the Canva Beginners Tutorial, to learn how to use the application
- Continue exploring the Deep Dream Generator
- Page 5: Canva Beginners Tutorial
- Important Note: we will only use the free options or watermarked pay versions (which are also free) of this program in this class… there are never any charges for anything!!!
- Logon (using Sign in with Google) to your account at Canva: https://www.canva.com/
- If you haven’t created an account yet, click here for the directions again
- Click ‘Start Tutorial’

- Follow the built-in directions to complete the tutorial
- Here’s how to do the first step of the challenge
- Here’s how to use the Canva Search Window and Tabs for the other parts of the tutorial:
- Here are the 3 things you need on your page
- A title: Canva using Graffiti Creator: http://www.graffiticreator.net/
- Snips of steps 2 and 4 of the tutorial (so I can see what hat and fruit you chose)
- Your completed tutorial congratulations screen
- Here’s my example (challenge: can you write your Graffiti title across your congratulations screen with a transparent background?)

- Page 6: Revisit Deep Dream Generator
- Check to see if any of your dreams have fully developed at Deep Dreams Generator: https://deepdreamgenerator.com
- Capture 4 new examples for your page using any combination of Dreams that you create or someone else has created that you like
- Here’s my example with new dreams using the front entrance of BMS

- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)
- Here are the links you’ll need for today
- s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
- Tasks Checklist for today
- Capture scores from 2 new brain training games from Brain MetrixÂ
- Complete the Canva Beginners Tutorial
- Create or capture 4 new examples with the Deep Dream Generator
- Part 4) Through?  (click-2-comment)
- Checkout this magnetic gif… it attracts your attention!
Thursday 4th
- Part 1) Review  (click-2-comment)
- Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
- Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
- Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
- Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
- Daily Warmup Activity: Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
- Review yesterday’s tasks list to see what you should have accomplished & Announcements
- Capture scores from 2 new brain training games from Brain Metrix
- Complete the Canva Beginners Tutorial
- Create or capture 4 new examples with the Deep Dream Generator
- Google Classroom:Â https://classroom.google.com/h
- Choose your own warmup activity! If you can’t think of anything to do, choose any practice typing game from this list: Typing Practice Games List
- Add a thumbnail image (snip) from your choice, link it to your choice and a snip of the results to your warmup as you see in my example below
- Here’s my example for today using the 2018 Halloween Doodle Game:Â
- Challenge:Â add something fun to your warmup for today, like this example with a drifting clouds gif background and mini-ghoul gifs:
- Here’s my example for the week

- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!):Â http://goo.gl/TU5uol
- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)
- Today we have these learning goals (all s19 objectives to date)
- Choose your own warmup
- Create new word clouds of thankfulness with the WordArt word cloud application
- Create a fun end of the grading period page showing our progress through this semester & year
- Page 7: WordArt Word CloudsÂ
- Word cloud ideas (you need to create at least 2 word clouds)
- People who are most important to you
- Things that are important to you
- Pets that are most important to you
- Favorite Fall/Winter sports or activities
- Favorite words or quotes on thankfulness (from a book, poem, song, website, quote, etc.)
- Here’s my example page (you only need 2 word clouds). Add the Wordart logo (you can use mine from below) and link it to the site so you can find it again from your notebook!
- Page 8: Fun 'The End' Page
- Create your own fun end of the grading period page showing our progress through this semester and this year
- Include at least 1 gif on your page
- Here’s my example:
- Here’s a grid view of this week’s example notebook:
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)
- Here are the links you’ll need for today
- s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!)
- Tasks Checklist for today
- Choose your own warmup Â
- Create 2 custom word clouds with WordArt
- Create a fun end of the grading period page showing our progress through this semester & year
- Part 4) Through?  (click-2-comment)
- Checkout these sites with fun outdoor activities for our area as we head into much better outdoor weather :)

Friday 5th: Last Day of the 5th Grading Period
- Part 1) Review  (click-2-comment)
- Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
- Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
- Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view s19 example folder here)
- Important Note: Do not attempt to install or run VPNs on school computers! These cause problems with our network functions and are a violation of the District's Responsible Use Policy.
- Friday Warmup Activity:Â
- Review yesterday’s tasks list to see what you should have accomplished & Announcements
- Choose your own warmup Â
- Create 2 custom word clouds with WordArt
- Create a fun end of the grading period page showing our progress through this semester & year
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol
- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)
- Please complete and turn-in the following assignments which are due today:
- If you’ve completed and turned-in everything, explore any of these!
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)
- Here are the links you’ll need for today
- s19 Notebook Bookmarks for this week (jump directly to instructions!). If you’re behind, start with the green highlighted pages, which are the easiest to complete:
- Tasks Checklist for today
- Complete your 5.6r Reflections Form
- Complete your 5.6w Warmups and 5.6n Notebook assignments and click  TURN IN  for both of them in Google Classroom!
- Part 4) Through?  (click-2-comment)
- Checkout our rainy weather forecast for this weekend and a list of Google’s April Fools’ Day hoaxes
