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2024 What is a Voting Delegate
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SkillsUSA California

State Leadership and Skill Conference

Voting Delegate

Voting Delegate Limit By Chapter

(As of 2024)

State House of Delegate sessions are conducted in a business meeting setting. There are three houses of voting delegates: college/postsecondary, high school, and middle school.  Chapter members who are geographically diverse and hold various leadership roles within their SkillsUSA chapters come together to conduct the business of SkillsUSA California.

Duties and Responsibilities of the National House of Delegates

The duties of the voting delegates are important to the organization's operation. Therefore, the selection process for voting delegates must be seriously considered to ensure that the voting delegates are aware of their duties and will carry them out diligently.

Duties include:

Schedule of Activities Include:

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1809 S. St., Suite 101-274, Sacramento, CA 95811 |