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Gifted Testing Letter 2023
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  Page                 September 14, 2018

Whole-Grade Gifted Testing

May 1, 2023

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In an attempt to meet the needs of all of our students and comply with Ohio’s Gifted Operating Standards, every student in Grade 6  will take the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) and Iowa Assessment on May 8-10th, with make-up dates occurring later in the week.

We ask that you avoid scheduling any appointments that would require your student being absent from school during this testing window unless it is absolutely necessary. If you have any questions regarding this assessment, please do not hesitate to contact me. You will be provided with your child’s results at a later date.


Dr. Laura McBride

Director of Special Services

Springfield Local School District

(330) 542-2929 x 203