




Foods from geographical regions (UK) 

In this module students will be introduced to the skills required to taste and evaluate foods. Students will sample foods from around the UK, then create their own dishes.

Students will also be introduced to food practical skills such as preparation and cooking. Students will prepare and cook dishes linked to healthy eating to understand & apply the principles of a healthy & varied diet, as well as food hygiene and preparation and to create a healthy eating plate. Students will be taught how to hold a knife and cut a range of food safely and accurately.

This term student will be participating in Art and DT projects linked to Japanese art and Titanic

Vikings - Scandinavian foods

Students will be given the opportunity to taste Scandinavian food to deepen their understanding of how to evaluate the foods they taste. They will be given the chance to taste green soup, honey glazed vegetables, biscuits, pickled herring and barley porridge.

Aswell as this, all students regardless of their learning needs and barriers will also get the chance to build upon cooking skills through the cooking and creation of Scandi foods that came all the way to Northumberland, such as flatbreads and pancakes with berries.


Healthy foods / World foods

During this module students will deepen their knowledge of food hygiene and safety including conduct in the kitchen. All students regardless of their learning needs and barriers will have the opportunity to prepare and cook a range of foods while deepening their learning and understanding of sensory analysis and evaluation along the way. Food students will expect to prepare and cook are; fruit smoothies, fruit salad, apply crumble, pizza toast, cheese scones, and homemade pizza.

 In between practical cooking lessons students will also be given the opportunity learn about the provenance of foods, the eatwell guide for a balanced and healthy diet as well as carry out some food science investigations looking specifically at the enzymic browning of fruits and vegetables.

In this module students will build on practical skills by further developing knife skills, preparation skills, organisation skills, cleaning and hygiene, measuring, weighing and cooking.


Healthy Lunches

During this term year 7 students will build upon their prior knowledge by revisiting the concept of safety hygiene and health introduced to students in year 6. During the course students will apply their new knowledge to practical cooking activities.  

Whilst on course students will explore several topics including healthy living, food hygiene and safety awareness.

Students will be given the opportunity to deepen their understanding of  safe working practices e.g. use of the cooker and hob.

Students will enhance their understanding of the following topics:

  • Risks and hazards.
  • ingredients.
  • Key terms such as ‘Enzymic Browning.’
  • The Eatwell Guide.
  • World Foods.

The skills that students learn on course can be applied to independent living outside of school.  

Skills development includes:

  • Bridge and Claw techniques.  
  • Understanding how to use equipment.
  • Weighing and measuring.

Students will learn to apply these in a range of practical tasks.

Topics and skills learned on course will prepare students for further study at year 8.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.


Healthy Living

During this term year 8 students will revisit the concept of safety hygiene and health, which was previously introduced to students in year 7.

Students will deepen their understanding of several topics this term through both theory and practical work. This will enable them to create a broader range of dishes enhancing their understanding of safe working practices in the kitchen setting.  

Topics will include:

  • Understanding The Eatwell Guide/ Practical Cooking (making healthy meals).
  • Knife Skills/food preparation.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene/Food Storage.
  • Menu planning.

When carrying out practical cooking they will build up greater independence in using equipment and managing their time more effectively in readiness for year 9.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  


Food Choices

This term students will deepen their understanding of food preparation and nutrition by carrying out a range of theory and practical tasks.

 Students will build upon their previous understanding of hygiene and safety from year 8 and apply this to all practical cooking situations.  

Students will develop their practical cooking skills by creating more complex dishes.

Students will extend their knowledge of the following:

  • The Eatwell Guide/Healthy Living.
  • Practical cooking to develop organisation and  planning skills.
  • Developing evaluation skills.
  • Understanding nutrition e.g. different dietary needs.
  • Advancing understanding of the Danger Zone.
  • Bacteria.
  • Food Choice.
  • How ingredients work.
  • Micronutrients
  • Macronutrients
  • Deficiencies
  • Excesses

Students will continue developing their practical skills and confidence by preparing and cooking a broader range of dishes.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.


This term students will extend their knowledge of the following topics:


  • Food Nutrition and Health.
  • Introduction to Food Safety.
  • Introduction to Food Science.  
  • Practical cooking.
  • Mock testing in readiness for Key Stage 4 written paper.

Students will also deepen their understanding of meal planning for different life stages.

Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about how ingredients work and why. Practical investigations will be carried out to prepare for NEA 1 examination in Year 11.  

Students will engage in a range of theory and practical tasks to enable them to build confidence in time management.

Students will continue to develop a wider range of skills to enable them to create more complex dishes in readiness for year 11.  

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  

This term students will extend their knowledge of the following topics

  • Food Safety ctd.
  • Food Choice.  
  • Food Provenance.
  • Practical cooking.  
  • Mock testing ctd. in readiness for Key Stage 4 written paper.

Students will deepen their understanding of what influences food choice and learn more about where food comes from.

Students will study topics such as ‘Food Provenance’ and ‘Food Security.’

Students will continue to engage in practical tasks to build greater confidence in time management and will enhance their understanding of food presentation.  

Students will also practise answering exam style questions in readiness for Year 11.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  

This term students will carry out mock tests in readiness for Year 11.

NEA 1 Food Investigation and NEA 2 Food Preparation will be the main focus of this term.

For NEA 2 students will have the opportunity to showcase their skills by cooking a range of medium-complex dishes.

For NEA 1 students will have the opportunity to plan and carry out experiments to showcase their knowledge of how ingredients work.

Students will develop skills in report writing, analysing and presenting data.


All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  


This term students will have the opportunity to undertake both practical and theory work.

This term students will undertake the NEA1 Food Investigation exam which is 15% of their GCSE.  

Students will select a question from the given exam paper and plan an investigation around this.

Students will be able to extend their learning from Year 10 and apply data collection and reporting writing techniques. They will produce a portfolio of evidence reflecting their findings.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  

This term students will have the opportunity to undertake further practical and theory work.

This term students will undertaken the NEA 2 Food Preparation exam which is  

35% of their GCSE.

Students will select a question from the given exam paper. Students will be able to put into practice their learning from  Year 10.

Students will create a portfolio of evidence showing research, technical skills demonstrated, planning for their final menu, as well as analysis and evaluation.

Students will then create three dishes in the timescale of three hours.

The total time given for this exam is 20 hours.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  

This term students will have the opportunity to undertake their final written exam which is 50% of their GCSE.

Students will have access to a wide range of resources to support them with revision in classes e.g.  revision cards, Seneca Learning, textbooks and study guides.

In order to develop more confidence students will practice answering a wide range of exam style questions based on a wide range of topics.

All students, regardless of their barriers to learning will access the same curriculum as their peers  through differentiated learning tasks and methods.  


This term will be introduced to several units. They will have the opportunity to engage in both practical and theory work.

Students will be firstly  introduced to Unit 3 Food Safety and Health in Hospitality.  Within this unit they will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge of food safety when dealing with food in the hospitality industry.

Students will also develop knowledge of important legislation and regulations to assure safe working practices in the hospitality industry.  

Students will also be introduced to Unit 1 to enable them to  understand more about the structure of the Hospitality Industry.  This includes products/services/support, trends and issues that impact on the Hospitality Industry.  This unit will be studied over three terms to enable sufficient topic confidence to be established in time for their written exam.

Students will also be introduced to Unit 6 Planning, Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Food. (Internal assessment). During this unit they will build up valuable skills to enable them to carry out food preparation and cooking. They will also  learn to present and serve food.

This term students will continue working on their internal assessments. Tasks will consist of  both practical and theory.

 (Unit 3) Food Safety and Health in Hospitality (Internal Assessment).

Unit 6 Planning, Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Food. (Internal Assessment).

Students will gain knowledge of how to prepare nutritious meals.

Students will also gain hands-on experience of how to prepare food in a safe and hygienic manner.

Students will extend their knowledge of how to cook and finish food in a safe and hygienic manner.

Unit 2: Working in the Hospitality Industry.

(Internal Assessment).  

Students will develop understanding of effective working skills in the hospitality industry. Students will be given the opportunity to use working skills in a hospitality situation during which they will build confidence in how to deal with colleagues and customers.  

This term students will focus on revising for their Unit 1. They will carry out a series of written tasks to deepen their understanding of Unit 1 students will continue revising key texts and concepts to build confidence in tackling the written exam. .

They will carry out a wide range of revision tasks in readiness of their mandatory external exam.  This will consist of a written paper.